Source: Southern Daily

Author: Lu Yi

It was only half a month before the sauce lattone started to sweep the entire network. Recently, Maotai was sent to hot search again, but the wind direction turned 180 degrees.

Under the topic of "Moutai Hurry to Play yourself into a cooking wine", many consumers talk about it. This time, Moutai joined forces to launch a wine -hearted chocolate nearly 20 yuan, which is more than 10 times more expensive than ordinary chocolate. "It is a bit of a bit of consumption. "There are also people who start the "ox" business. On some unofficial release channels, the price of wine chocolate ranges from 70%to 150%.

From the Moutai ice cream launched last year to Moutai coffee and Moutai chocolate launched this month, Moutai has repeatedly "out of the circle" recently.At the moment when emphasizing expansion of domestic demand, its marketing ideas and ways are desirable.Taking Moutai and Ruixing as an example, brands that were unrelated and even had a certain competitive relationship, can break the traditional thinking of thinking, bring fresh experience to consumers, and achieve a cross -border effect of 1+1> 2.Thanks to this, the first day of sauce with iron items exceeded 5.42 million cups, and sales exceeded 100 million yuan.

Although it is lucky to become a cross -border explosion, it is not irregular.In short, the win -win cooperation must be based on the strength of the strong and strong, the director of each exhibition, and the empowerment of each other. Among them, the content marketing must be lacking in the road, platform support, and consumers.At the same time, the cross -border joint name is not a one -and -for example. It is still a great test of how to do later operation and brand maintenance. To a large extent, it determines whether it is high or high or high.

Although the development of "+Moutai" peripheral product development has come to an end, the response caused by social platforms is still continuing, and negative impacts are also appearing. The potential "rollover" risk cannot be ignored.Aspect:

The first is to scramble for "traffic", which leads to chaos.For example, a travel platform on sale of "sauce -fragrant bedroom", and then photos of spicy eyes such as "huts" and "Maoseton" appeared in a row, which is easy to guide public opinion.The second is to copy it to form aesthetic fatigue.The more joint names, the more likely it is, the more consumers "do not buy" behavior.The wine heart chocolate is "second light" as soon as it goes online, but it is less popular than ever, and it is becoming more and more difficult to impress consumers.Third, it is possible to overdraw the brand, and in the long run, unfeeling profit and disadvantage.As the industry's views believe that Moutai with luxury attributes frequently enters the public field, or "excessive force" overdraw its brand power.Two -month -old joint name makes it difficult for consumers to accept it for a while, but it may also dilute the brand value.

Cross -border marketing, the wind scraped from around 2018, is still continuing, but whether it can allow consumers to buy a question mark for a long time.From the perspective of consumers, consumer demand is now changing at any time, and it is difficult to focus on one or some fixed products for a long time.Only brands that continue to innovate and rejuvenate can win the trust of consumers.