Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Lu Yunxiang

Huawei is the largest communication equipment and smartphone manufacturers in mainland China.Affected by the US -China trade war in 2019, its business has been comprehensively sanctioned by the United States. In terms of semiconductors, it has lost important chip suppliers such as Huida, Chaowei and Intel, so that its mobile phone products face serious chip shortages.

However, just when Huawei was about to come to an end, at the end of August 2023, Huawei's "low -key" launched a new 5G mobile phone Mate 60 Pro for no warning, allowing the international community to see that the mainland seemed to successfully break through the US chip blockade.After the launch of this mobile phone, it caused a sensation in the mainland market and pushed it to overseas markets by pursuit.

What is the motivation and intention of the mobile phone after the chip is restricted to the import of imports?We can learn from the following two aspects:

1. The mainland of the mainland: the main purpose of launching the Mate 60 Pro. In addition to boosting consumers' confidence and loyalty, it also shows Huawei's strong innovation capabilities at the same time.In addition, it also shows that the government will not lose its competitiveness in the international economic market because of chip ban.The spirit of preaching this kind of unyielding, self -reliance, and not fear of power is the expression that the Chinese nation and Chinese children should have.

II. International Grand Promotion: Huawei, which shows the mainland to the mainland to become leaders in the fields of 5G technology, smartphones and other fields.Even if the chip ban is targeted, the spirit of survival in the gaps is still showing to open the portals of the overseas market and attract the attention of other countries, so as to attract more customers and partners to re -inject funds into the mainland.At the same time, send a message to competitors such as the United States: We will not be easily defeated, and we will not give up the status and influence of the global communication industry.

On the other hand, can this mobile phone actively launched by Huawei really achieved the work of the mainland's internal and foreign propaganda work?

1. Chip technology: Kirin 9000S7 nano -chip, developed by SMIC, but the efficiency and density of the chip may only be slightly better than the process level of TSMC 10nm.Although the DUV exposure machine used, although it can create 7 nanometer chips, it needs to be exposed multiple times.In this way, the production yield will not reach the level of commercialization.If the mobile phone chip is required to achieve mass production scale, it can reduce the exposure process by reducing the exposure process, but it will also lead to poor production yield.

2. Operating system: Harmony OS 4.0 operating system, which is a system developed by Huawei.However, the current Huawei's developer's ecology is not perfect. The Harmony system needs to be compatible with the Android system, and compatible with Android, it is bound to encounter AOSP (open source code supported by Google).However, the mobile phone system needs time to develop, so Huawei follows the continuous improvement of its own developer's ecology and gradually improves this situation.

Three, market sales: It is reported that Mate 60 Pro has obtained good sales and evaluations in the mainland and overseas markets.As soon as Apple's iPhone15 opens pre -orders, some channels will be available for all within 1 minute.Since Apple still maintains a lofty position on the mainland, let alone whether Huawei can challenge the competitive overseas markets.

In summary, Huawei's strategy can be said to be a one -step risk, that is, with his own lack of technical power to challenge the strong industrial barriers in the United States.Although to a certain extent, it can improve its image and confidence, but there is also great risk.In short, whether the mainland can truly break through the United States' blockade still needs time and market testing.

The author writes freelance