Source: Hong Kong 01

01 Review Editor Room

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There are many types of 有 construction. New Territories Village Houses are more than three floors and then stamped with illegal construction objects. The luxury homes may be built on the bottom layer, or even the building structure.In any case, it does not comply with building regulations or relevant regulations, or without the approval and consent of the construction affairs.In short, there are laws in Hong Kong. Both the Lands Administration and Buildings Department can law enforcement and prosecution.

The law enforcement operation of the department failed to effectively curb the growth of the building.Moreover, the Building Department sometimes issued a clear demolition order from 9 to 18 months after the construction of the Jianjian, and failed to achieve "instant" law enforcement.

By this century of dark rain, it was revealed that the Hongshan Peninsula was built and illegally demolished the retaining wall.The Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that the government will enforce the law.responsibility".

However, the same important thing is that the independent houses of the Jianjian and occupying official land are not one and a half. There are many suspected illegal and violations of the Hongshan Peninsula.Li Jiachao emphasized as many as 44,000 private buildings, "must handle the actual processing ability" and "need to handle different buildings from the perspective of risk."The Director of the Development Bureau Ning Hanhao admitted that the past law enforcement efforts were mainly mainly in the Xiong City Building. The independent house was not the focus of the Buildings Department in the past, but next, it will give priority to paying attention to the independent house, especially near the slope and the sea -oriented house.

When talking about industrial restaurants earlier, the director emphasized that "violation is a violation."The same way of looking at the Jianjian is actually more, or less, whether it is in urban building or independent housing. Violations and violations are illegal and illegal.As long as the government confirms that the problem must be hit, the number of residential buildings is huge, but what to do is to speed up and improve.Xie Weizhen, a member of the Legislative Council (architecture, survey, urban planning and park realm), proposed that the government can provide the power of inspections with property management companies or other government personnel to enter the house.

Since taking office this year, many issues have been severely hit, such as the two -yuan preferential ons, canceling organ donations, and involving national security issues.In fact, the government should be more vigorous and even promises to work KPI from the society.This is not only for the safety and fairness of the building, but also helps the government to establish credibility.