I also admire Mr. Li's attempts to oppose the establishment of personal worship around him.He banned his portraits and sculptures in public places during his lifetime.He does not want the airport or other important infrastructure named after his name.When we commemorate him, we should keep this in mind.

As a generation of diplomats and legal lecturers in the founding generation, I was fortunate to work under Mr. Li Guangyao and worked with him for decades.

In the 100th anniversary of the birthday of the founding of the founding of Singapore last week, I couldn't help thinking of the past years.For example, when the Lee Kuan Yew visited New York in 1968 and 1975, and the visit to Washington in 1985 and 1988, I was fortunate to receive them.

On October 9, 1985, Mr. Li's speech at the joint meeting of the US Congress was a particularly unforgettable experience.Foreign leaders were invited to give speeches in the two hospitals.For me, who was the Ambassador to the United States at the time, seeing Mr. Li delivered a speech, his inner achievement was born.More importantly, this is a wonderful speech, and its significance can still resonate.

In his speech, Mr. Li strongly called on the United States to oppose protectionism, emphasizing the strategic significance of free trade and an open economy.

He asked: "There are two prospects in the 21st century. The first is dimly: due to domestic problems, the United States loses the willingness to maintain free trade. The US Congress has more than 300 bills to protect the US market. Protectionism and protectionism and protectionism and protectionism.The revenge will shrink the trade to reduce employment opportunities. Was the United States willing to let the peaceful and constructive development that she has promoted in the past 40 years pays the east flow? "

Mr. Li pointed out that if the advocate of free trade, the United States walks along this road, the consequences that may have: "As an excellent economic, political, and military power, it means that the United States must formulate and maintain orderly changes in orderly changes.The rules of progress.

"Americans are leading in technological change and product innovation marathon competitions. American companies are developing the road to the future world in terms of micro chips and computerization. In order to peace and security, the United States must maintain international codes.Reward the behavior of peace cooperation and punish the behavior of destroying peace. Repeating the Great Depression in the 1930s that led to the Second World War will be devastating to everyone. "

The founding of the founding of Singapore

The fate of a country depends to a large extent on its predecessor.If they are corrupted or incompetent, the country will be struggling on the road of founding the country.

Fortunately, Li Guangyao, Wu Qingrui, Rajernan, Lin Jinshan, Barc, Ottoman Wok and others in Singapore are all capable, honest and brave.They started a good start for the country's construction journey, and established the core values of racial equality, religious harmony, only use, integrity, self -reliance, and diligence and frugality.

Regarding the founding of the country, I want to point out an important point, that is, this is not a unicorn.Mr. Li is the head of his peers.Therefore, we must not forget the contributions of other leaders, especially Dr. Wu Qingrui and Mr. Rajilinan.It is Dr. Wu who insists that we must have a budget surplus every year, and it is, he has established a government investment company (GIC) to manage our reserve.

Li Guangyao's strengths and achievements

What quality I appreciate Mr. Li most?I appreciate his wisdom.I appreciate him as a great speaker.He can fascinate the audience and convince them to follow him.

I appreciate his diligence.He has been working.I appreciate his spirit of excellence.When preparing to give a speech to the U.S. Congress, he must have written more than 10 drafts to be satisfied.

I admire his courage.Let me give me an example: In 1988, the American Newspaper Editor Association invited him to give a speech at the annual meeting held in Washington.Although he knew that the audience was hostile to him, Mr. Li accepted an invitation.He explained the situation in Singapore in a calm, rational and convincing way.Although Americans do not agree with him, they respect him.

I admire his self -reliance and frugal values.Although Singapore was poor in the 1960s, the founder of the founding of the founding of the country refused to accept foreign aid.Their statement is that the world has no obligation to take care of us and must work hard for survival.

Mr. Li opposes the money of luxury and waste taxpayers.He insisted that Singapore leaders should not take private planes, but should take commercial airlines.Today, the situation is still the same.

I also admire him for the interests of Singapore and establish a good relationship with foreign leaders.He tried to understand the United States seriously.He went to the United States many times and made many friends.President Reagan, President Bush, and two former Secretary of State Kissinger and Schultz both admired him very much.

In 1978, Deng Xiaoping met with Mr. Li while visiting Singapore.Mr. Li admired Deng Xiaoping very much, established a firm relationship with him, and was determined to help China embark on the road of reform and opening up.Mr. Li often visits China and knows most Chinese leaders.

In addition to the United States and China, he also has a good relationship with the leaders of Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, France, and Germany.He has developed a very close friendship with former Indonesian President Suhado.I remember Mr. Li visited him before his death.

Before the word "green" was popular, Mr. Li was a "green" politician. If the investment proposal would pollute the environment, he would refuse, which I appreciated very much.It is precisely because of his vision that we have a clean, green, and beautiful Singapore.

In the end, I also admired Mr. Li's attempts to oppose the establishment of personal worship around him.He banned his portraits and sculptures in public places during his lifetime.He does not want the airport or other important infrastructure named after his name.When we commemorate him, we should keep this in mind.

The people of Singapore know that without Lee Kuan Yew, I am afraid that there is no Singapore today.That's why when he died in 2015, there were so many Singaporeans deeply sad.I think Mr. Li would be surprised because he never pursued his fame.He is always determined to do the right thing, even if it is not popular.The success of Singapore is Lee Kuan Yew's monument.

Li Guangyao's error

Having said that, we must resist the temptation of the reputation and heritage of Mr. Li and shape him into a flawless and impeccable person.He is also a person, like others, he also has shortcomings.

On the 80th birthday of Rajaelon South, Mr. Li praised his courage in adversity and his attitude in victory.Mr. Li acknowledged that he did not have a lot of virtues in Rajilin in the victory.Although Mr. Li is nominally Buddhists, he is not a believer of Goddess of Mercy, but a believer of "God of No Mercy."

We can't say that Mr. Li has never made any mistakes.He is not foolproof.In my opinion, the following is some of his most important mistakes:

1. merged with Malaya, which is destined to fail from the beginning. In the referendum in 1962, the design of the problem made citizens oppose mergers unable to express their opinions;

2. Students who stipulate that the students entering the University of Singapore must obtain the "Certificate of Suitability" as an admission condition (this provision has been canceled in 1978);

Three, implement a quota system for girls at medical school (canceled in 2003);

Fourth, let the children of college graduates give priority to elementary school (1This policy ended in 985);

5. link the salary of the minister to the high -income person in the private sector.

Mr. Li is a great man.Without him as the founding Prime Minister of Singapore, we may not have Singapore today.But he is not perfect, and some of his decisions are also questionable.If we establish personal worship around his inheritance after his death, it will damage his image.However, while he was a century -old birthday, I remembered him with deep respect and extremely grateful feelings.

The author is the Singaporean Ambassador

Original carrier September 16 Straits Times

Golden Shun Translation