Humans do not have the right to have and inhabit the earth, but must emit more thinking and actions from Obonheimer's film to control and prohibit nuclear weapons, especially those who want to use nuclear weapons to invade other countries to other countries.The war madman of territory and slavery to protect human beings and other creatures.

Directed by Christopher Nolan, starring Kiring Murphy and Emily Bronte, etc., Obonheimer, has been released worldwide, and China has also been released on August 30.The film reproduces the development of the first atomic bomb in the world, and at the same time, it also proposes a real soul torture that people can't avoid dodging: After human beings open the Pandora's box through their own magic hands, the magic head of the nuclear weapon can be reduced?In other words, will nuclear weapons destroy humans?

Coincidentally, a recent study of Chinese researchers showed that more than 800,000 years ago, human beings had almost destroyed because of a huge disaster for nature.At that time, there were only 1280 people left (see below for details).These situations show that nature and nuclear weapons may destroy humans. However, instead of destroying nuclear weapons, it is better to say that humans destroy themselves, because nuclear weapons are artificial and use them.

Numerous people have long been exploring whether nuclear weapons brought about whether the destruction or survival, but the protagonist Obonhamimer once again brought and answered artificially by the protagonist Auberomi Merris.Although Obonheimer did not answer this question directly, he used a word in the scholarship he liked, one of his favorite literary works, but also answered indirectly but he also answered.In the process of passion with his girlfriend, his girlfriend asked Obonheimer to recite the answer: "Now I have become a god of death, the world destroyer."

Destroying the world also means that atomic bombs may destroy humans, including all creatures on the planet.This idea is not fantasy, and it can be explained from the level of science and facts.Although it is not easy for nuclear weapons to destroy the earth, humans and creatures on the earth are relatively easy to be more easy and may be realized.

According to calculations, if the equivalent of the atomic bomb throwing to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 100 nuclear bombs can destroy the lives of 2 billion people.The addition of nuclear bombs can not only destroy all human beings, but also allows the entire earth to have no life for a long time.

Of course, it is not easy to destroy or break the earth.During World War II, the Soviet Union created a hydrogen bomb equivalent to 100 million TNT spike explosives, called the Tsar bomb.Nowadays, people generally believe that the equivalent of the Tsar bomb has reached 57 million tons of TNT, which is equivalent to more than 1500 times the explosive volume of atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Of course, the Tsar bomb is not practical. Even so, 10 million Tsar bombs need to be needed, and it must be detonated to the ground to ensure that it is completely destroyed.

Nuclear weapons are impossible to destroy the earth, but it is possible to destroy humanity.According to the United Nations estimates, so far, more than 2,000 nuclear trials have been conducted around the world, and the number of existing nuclear weapons in the world has been conducted about 220,000, so it can destroy 55 humans and creatures on the earth.

But this is just the theoretical value. In reality, human beings will try their best to control nuclear weapons. This is also the wish of Obonheimer and other scientists, allowing the United Nations to face up to control nuclear weapons, and call on countries to use nuclear energy peacefully.Obonheimer is also unwilling to develop a hydrogen bomb. The hydrogen bomb plan in the United States is led by Hungarian Jewish scientist Edward Taylor.Obonheimer and Taylor are therefore known as the father of American atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, respectively.

There are some treaties in the world who control nuclear weapons, such as non -diffusion nuclear weapons treaties and prohibition of nuclear weapons treaties, the most important of which is to prohibit nuclear weapons treaties.On October 27, 2016, when the First Committee of the UN General Assembly (disarmament and the International Security Council) voted, the result was 126 votes in favor, 38 votes against each other, and 16 abstains.The 38 countries that oppose the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia and other countries are mainly supporting nuclear countries.At the time, NATO was only the Dutch abstain from the 28 member states, and the other 27 countries opposed it; Japan, which had been attacked by nuclear weapons in history, also opposed it; Australia and Canada, non -nuclear countries, were also opposed.The 16 countries that abstained their rights include China, India, Pakistan and other countries.

Until October 26, 2020, Honduras joined the ban on nuclear weapons and became the 50th countries and regions that joined the treaty.After 90 days of joining, it will take effect on January 22, 2021.

UN Secretary -General Gutres issued a statement on the day of prohibition of nuclear weapon treaties that the treaty was "an important step towards a nuclear weapon world."However, there are many countries against the treaty, which shows that it is impossible to comprehensively ban and destroy nuclear weapons worldwide, which also means that the country with nuclear countries has retained the right to use nuclear weapons.Putin, Medvedev, etc. have repeatedly threatened to use nuclear weapons. Putin even claimed that if there was no Russia, what would they do.

Human beings live on the earth and are not heavenly righteous

This shows that the risk of nuclear war is very great, and because of the nuclear war, humans and creatures on the planet are in danger of destruction.

Not only nuclear weapons, biochemical weapons may also destroy humans.Don't think that humans live on this planet. In fact, a lot of accidents and randoms have been experienced. Other natural disasters may also destroy humans.In the history of human and creatures, there have been many crises, and some races are indeed extinct, such as the Neanderthal.

On August 31 this year, a study of Chinese researchers in the United States said that 930,000 years ago, the climate of human ancestors had changed drastically due to the early and renewal period of the world.98.7%of group members have caused human beings to be almost extinct.In the following 813,000 years ago, the average number of human individuals in human beings was only 1280, which was almost destroyed.As early as 2008, a study in the United States also showed that about 70,000 years ago, there may be too many droughts on the earth, which led to a sharp decline in the number of primitive people. There were only more than 2,000 people on the earth, which were on the verge of extinction.

Earlier fossil records show that at least 20 obvious biostatic incidents have occurred on the earth, including five large -scale cluster extinction incidents, namely the end of the Okota, the end of the mud basin, and the end of the end of the stacks.The end of the tri -stack and the end of the Baiji period is extinguished by large -scale.

If there are natural disasters or human disasters in the future, such as drought, volcanic, floods, asteroid impacts, nuclear weapons and biochemical weapons, they may destroy humans and other creatures.

Therefore, humans do not have the right to have and inhabit the earth, but must emit more thinking and actions from Obonheimer's films to control and prohibit nuclear weapons from being controlled, especially those who want to use nuclear weapons to occupy other countries.The madman of the slavery of the people of another country to protect humans and other creatures.Obviously, human beings protect themselves and the earth and have a long way to go.

The author is Beijing scholar