Although there have been tremendous changes in the world today, the two major sectors of geopolitics and geopolitical economy are fission, and the survival and development of small countries also face new challenges.EssenceOnly in Singapore can continue to survive and develop only if it continues to succeed.The government and the people must reach new consensus and update social contracts.

From the self -government to the merger, Singapore has experienced political turmoil again and again.Subsequently, there was a danger of sudden independence and survival full of uncertainty.However, Singapore not only survives, but also develops into developed economies, world financial centers and transportation hubs, and it is also eye -catching and respected on the world stage.

What kind of small country is this path of survival and development?When commemorating the founding of the founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao's century, I believe it is the most worthy of the Chinese people.Here are small lengths, big topics, and generally can be reflected together in two parts of internal affairs and diplomacy.

How to govern a new country and formulate various founders in the founding of the country can be described as extremely difficult, and it is even more difficult task to take into account the internal affairs and diplomacy at the same time.However, the political team led by Lee Kuan Yew has overcome difficulties and fully shows their governing ability.At the time, there was such an efficient team of governing the country, which was indeed good luck in the country.

The biggest feature of this team is pragmatic.After the independence of many front colonies, they have embarked on the road of nationalism, racism, and populism.At the beginning, Singapore took a pragmatic path, although the struggle ofism (ideological) at that time was still fierce.

In terms of internal affairs, the top priority faced by the founder of the founding of the country was to consolidate the hearts of the people and boost morale.The new horse suddenly separated and the prospect was blank. Therefore, it was important to encourage morale and firm confidence. In fact, it was actually relying on the persuasiveness and political charm of the leader.For the generation of we was still in the middle school, the most impressive call was to build a strong and brave society.The image is a society of a lion leading a lion (not a group of sheep).This is a very inspirational slogan.

Secondly, the national policy of determining diversified races, languages, culture and religion, and the system of Ren Renpi.Multipleism promotes harmonious racial relations, and the racial politics of Malaysia is clearing the line.Race equality policy has become the most important political foundation, although the population of Singapore is mostly Chinese.Therefore, there are actions that have severely cracking down on various sandwichingism and gradually stabilize the hearts of the people.At the same time, various grass -roots organizations such as the Citizen Consultation Committee and the Management Committee of the Liaison Office have also played a role in promoting harmony in the local area.The only talent system has determined the objective selection standard, so that everyone has a chance to make a chance.

Third, it is the founding of the army to allow the people to have confidence in national security.The implementation of national service is the most critical decision.The ceremony of hosted the enlistment of the people in the farewell to the people in each constituency has gradually eliminated people's rejection of service.

Fourth, the public housing policy of residents has their houses, so that people have hope for settlement here.

Five is a popular education, so that all children have the opportunity to go to school.

The sixth is the development of the economy, the development of the Jurong Industrial Zone, and gradually breaking away from the high degree of dependence on the tradition of the transfer trade. The introduction of multinational enterprises that require a large number of workers, make employment opportunities for the people, and increase the confidence of Chinese people's future.

The general result is that in the first 10 years after independence, wise and pragmatic policies and outstanding political achievements stabilized the hearts of the people.In 1968, the social team withdrew from Congress, and provided the government with a golden period of political stability.Singapore has gradually embarked on the road of prosperity and development, and has also become a model of a successful emerging country, which is noticeable internationally.

But for Singapore, the newborn country, the most challenging is an external living environment.It was very sinister at the beginning.The Kuala Lumpur government's view is that Singapore will quickly look back. Indonesia's operations against Malaysia have not yet ended, and Britain decided to evacuate the overseas garrison from the east of the Suez Canal.At that time, the diplomatic ability of political leaders was relied on.

The biggest challenge is how to break through the geographical limitations, and only by doing this can we open a path.This requires a comprehensive thinking and superb strategy.In the international community with weak meat and strong food, small countries must protect themselves and autonomy, and they must not be reduced to vassals. They must deal with the relationship with big powers.The so -called small country's affairs power is also the biggest test of leaders' diplomatic ability and wisdom.

You must be able to protect yourself first.In terms of self -protection, there are two levels. One is to establish self -defense capabilities, and the other is to promote a relatively balanced external environment.The self -defense ability is mainly based on its own defense, sea, land and air.This is why there must be national service, and in terms of defense capabilities (including the training of the purchase of advanced weapons and soldiers) to make a great investment, so that they have sufficient deterrence for potential invaders, so that they know that we are the most powerful.The counterattack power, so I dare not act lightly.

Promoting Yajia'an is the specific performance of diplomatic capabilities

However, it is not enough to strengthen martial arts alone. It is also important that it can create an external environment with balanced power and ensure regional security and stability.This requires diplomatic capabilities.One of the most specific performances of Li Guangyao's diplomatic capabilities is the establishment of Yajian.This promoting mechanism for national cooperation, mutual benefit and win -win situation in the district allows member states to integrate armpits into furry without having to rely on any major power.During the Cold War, this mechanism was conducive to five non -communist founding countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand) to warm up, performing independent diplomatic routes, and resisting the south of the Communist forces (from the Central South Peninsula).In the era when the US -Soviet ideological struggle was fierce, Ayanan naturally stood in the United States, but was not subject to the United States.The United States made a lot of mistakes in the Vietnam War, but objectively blocked the expansion ambitions of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party.

Time to move, China and the Soviet Union are evil, China and the United States have love, and the pragmatic diplomacy of Singapore and Yajia'an has also made significant adjustments. Especially Deng Xiaoping terminated the support of the Malaysian Communist Party and the implementation of reform and opening up., Turn on good economic and trade relations.But Asian'an has always maintained a balance and friendship between China and the United States.At the same time, the Three Kingdoms (Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos) and Myanmar, which were suffered from ideological struggle and war, have joined the Asian Simpan.This is equivalent to adopting the pragmatic diplomacy of Ya'an, self -reliance, and not being a chess piece of any country, putting "doctrine" aside, focusing on economic development and improving people's livelihood.

When we come back to the first way, we can say that the founder of the founding of the country headed by Lee Kuan Yao laid the basic internal affairs and foreign national policy that Singapore still followed today.Everything is to ensure that Singapore's small country can survive and develop as the starting point, and everything is based on the best guarantee and enhance the interests of Singapore. All people are based on pragmatic considerations. Some people say that this is realism.

For Singapore, the first priority of politics is to ensure that Singapore's sustainable survival and development, not others.Because if you can't survive and develop, you can't talk about others.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the way of survival and development we followed is successful, and it has also laid a very strong foundation for future sustainable survival and development.

Looking at the future, although there have been tremendous changes in today's world, the two major sectors of geopolitics and geopolitical economy are fission, and the survival and development of small countries also face new challenges, but the basic national policy that should be followed is unchanged.These national policies covering internal affairs and diplomacy have shaped the successful Singapore.Only in Singapore can continue to survive and develop only if it continues to succeed.Conversely, if internally internally, like many other countries, it will eventually become a failure country, and everything will be put into east.

Therefore, the biggest challenge for the future is how to ensure that Singapore continues to succeed.What should we do?do what?The government and the people must reach new consensus and update social contracts.This is an important goal of "Singapore's Forward Singapore" movement.After the process of this negotiation is completedWe should see a clear way.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress