Source: Southern Daily

Recently, the school's unified meal introduction of prefabricated dishes has caused heated discussions in many places.Many parents are worried that if the school's unified meal contains prefabricated dishes, it may have a negative impact on the health of students.

Campus food safety issues have always attracted much attention.Whether prefabricated dishes are suitable for entering the campus, especially for students to eat for a long time, this involves issues such as food safety, nutritional balance, and standard promotion, and industrial development.

Can't keep food safety and nutrition?

To discuss whether prefabricated dishes are suitable for entering the campus, we must first clarify the concept of prefabricated dishes.

According to the standards released by the Chinese Culinary Association, the prefabricated dishes are based on one or more agricultural products as the main raw materials and use standardized flowing operations.) Or pre -cooked (such as fried, frying, baking, cooking, steaming, etc.), and make pre -packaged finished or semi -finished dishes.

Prefabricated dishes are generally divided into four categories: foods, such as eight treasure porridge, canned fish, etc.; That is, hot food, such as frozen frozen dumplings, self -heating hot pot, etc.;Foods, such as cleaning and cutting clean vegetables.In other words, in terms of prefabricated vegetables, in fact, it is necessary to classify, which type of prefabricated dishes have entered the campus.

The focus of this discussion is "prefabricated vegetables entering campus"."The school set up a dining room to allow students to eat safe and fresh meals. If the prefabricated vegetables are allowed to enter the campus, how can the children's nutrition be guaranteed?" A parent said in an interview with a reporter that "resolutely does not accept prefabricated vegetables to enter the campus on campus"" ".

Some parents also said that they can understand that the school can easily introduce some prefabricated dishes for the convenience of side dishes, but the most important thing is to ensure food safety, and there must be standards in nutritional matching.

Before entering the campus, in fact, the prefabricated dishes have quietly entered the major merchants and restaurants.In recent years, prefabricated dishes have been favored by many office workers, chain catering and small and medium -sized restaurants because of their rich types, convenient and fast, and artificial costs.

Data statistics, in 2022 alone, the output value of prefabricated dishes in Guangdong Province reached 54.5 billion yuan, a growth rate of 31.3%, accounting for 13%of the country; more than 6,000 upstream and downstream related enterprises, accounting for 8.5%of the country.

With the rapid development of the prefabricated vegetable industry, its standardized and standardized construction is on the agenda day by day, which has been paid more and more attention.

This year's Central Document No. 1 of the Central Central Committee on the key work and requirements of the key work of comprehensively promoting rural rejuvenation in 2023, improve the level of standardization and standardization of net vegetables and central kitchen industries, and cultivate the development of prefabricated vegetable industry.Many provinces have also introduced policy guidance documents to guide and regulate the development of prefabricated industries.

Among them, Guangdong's promulgation to accelerate the high -quality development of the prefabricated vegetable industry in Guangdong, directly hit the pain point of the prefabricated vegetable industry for the prefabricated vegetable industry, propose to build a system for quality and safety supervision of prefabricated dishes, and gradually formulate and improve the prefabricated dishes from the field.Head to the dining table series standards.

"Prefabricated vegetables entering campus" need to be strengthened

Does prefabrication mean unhealthy?"For parents, they want their children to eat healthy, delicious and safe foods, and this can be done with high -quality prefabricated dishes." Industry insiders believe.

However, even if it can ensure the quality and safety of prefabricated dishes, it is not necessarily willing to eat every day for consumers, especially for children for a long time in school.Essence

"How many places in the primary and secondary school canteens have introduced prefabricated dishes, which requires an open and transparent response." Xiong Bingqi, Dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, said that parents expressed their concerns about "prefabricated vegetables entering the campus".It reflects that some school cafeterias are not transparent."Eliminate the concerns of prefabricated vegetables entering the campus. First of all, the cafeteria is open and transparent, so that students can eat well and eat safe and nutritious."

"On the one hand, the prefabricated vegetable industry itself lacks a clear and unified industry standard, allowing prefabricated dishes to enter the campus, which will allow children who are growing in the body to face uncertainty risks; on the other handThere are controversy, and the law clearly stipulates that it is necessary to give special and prioritized protection to minors, that is, the food that must be given to children must have the highest safety standards and nutritional standards. Therefore, at present, prefabricated vegetables are still controversial."Xiong Bingqi said.

He suggested that to allow children to eat well and nutrition, they must strengthen the safety risk and nutritional health test of food materials in school. For prefabricated dishes to enter the campus, they must strictly control them."The school cafeteria must disclose the source of ingredients, storage, transportation, processing, and meal, and supervise the entire process of cafeteria operations to ensure the freshness, safety and nutrition of the ingredients.

"Children are special groups and are in the stage of long body, so it is recommended that schools still guarantee fresh ingredients and try not to choose prefabricated dishes." Ye Shuqiang, president of the Guangdong Food Safety Promotion AssociationThe scope is very wide, and parents do not have to smell the prefabricated dishes and change color. The key is to ensure the public and transparency of the meal process and reduce parents' concerns. "

"For the problem of prefabricated vegetables entering the campus, management should be strengthened." Fan Zhihong, a professor at the School of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering, China Agricultural University, has publicly stated that in the process of entering the school cafeteria in the schoolStandards, urge enterprises to increase capital investment and expert guidance in nutritional value and safety management, and require relevant departments to supervise more closely and provide various data.

On August 22 this year, 5 departments including the General Administration of Market Supervision, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the National Health and Health Commission, and the State Administration of Management jointly released the special governance action plan for the food safety issues of centralized dining units.By the end of this year, the special governance actions of food safety issues in centralized dining units were launched.The plan requires to strengthen the classification statistics and dynamic management of schools, hospitals, nursing homes, organs and other concentrated dining units.