At this stage, Sino -US competition is fierce, and Indonesia will hold a presidential election. Zoko does not seem to want to have a foreign branch on the issue of the BRICS countries, so it temporarily changes its strategy.But Zoko still has his dream of power. He feels that Indonesia is a big country and is unwilling to be a follower and wants to be a leader.

Indonesian President Zoko, at the BRICS summit held in the South African capital Johannesburg in August, emphasized that compliance with international law is the basis of cooperation between countries, and said that the world today has trade discrimination and hindering the development of "downstream industries".He criticized this unfair economic and trade system that exacerbated poverty and hunger in developing countries.

Zoko has called for the development of countries to unite, safeguard common rights and interests, and make global trade and economic development more fair.He said that the BRICS countries can be a pioneer in realizing this vision.He also said in his speech that as the head of state of Indonesia, he not only spoke on behalf of the Indonesian people, but also represents a speech in the global southern developing countries with 85%of the world's population.

Although Zoko did not have a named name, the eyes of the eyes knew that his speech was aimed at the developed countries of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7).He also described the BRICS country as a representative of the south of the world, and affirmed the positive role of the BRICS countries.Some people think that Indonesia intends to join the BRICS countries immediately.

Before Zoko attended the summit, Indonesia's Deputy Minister of Trade Sanbajaga revealed on August 10 that Indonesia was a member of many international organizations, including the Asian Security, the Asia -Pacific Economic Forum, and the 20th National (G20) Group, and also the group, and also the group.Consider joining the BRICS countries so that they can enter the Latin America and Africa markets.

Sanbajag also said that the BRICS countries have Brazil and South Africa. These two countries are the entry point for Indonesia to enter Latin America and Africa.Essence

However, in an interview with reporters, Zoko said that Indonesia was invited by the BRICS Summit to attend the meeting.Indonesia is not a member of the BRICS countries and has not yet applied for a meeting. Now she is thinking about whether it should be a formal member.

South African President Lama Tosa, who hosted the BRICS Summit, said that more than 40 countries intend to join the BRICS organizations, including Indonesia, and more than 20 countries have formally applied for applications.During the summit, the BRICS countries announced their acceptance of six new members, namely Argentina, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arabian chiefs and Ethiopia.

Although the BRICS organization has 11 member states, the total economic volume also surpasses G7, but its influence is very limited.The increase in members of the BRICS countries may worry some Western countries, especially the United States, because the BRICS countries claim that they use their currency trade without US dollars as trade currencies.This is of course very unfavorable to the United States.

Many scholars regard the BRICS countries as opponents of G7, led by the United States.Except for Brazil and South Africa, China, Russia and India are all big powers, and they are interested in expanding their influence.If it can be united, it may be a threat to Western countries.

Among the five countries, China, as an economic power, is particularly positive for the activities of the BRICS countries.However, the BRICS countries are currently unable to resist the G7 court.Some scholars believe that although the BRICS countries are beneficial to China, they cannot have consistent actions, because these countries have different national interests, and their relations with the United States vary from the country.

Avoid the side stations in China and the United States in competition

Why did not join the BRICS country in Indonesia?Do Zoko temporarily abandon the thoughts of the conference, or have the opportunity to mature, and it takes time?

There are at least two viewers' views.First, at this stage, the Indonesian conference did not get economic benefits; because Indonesia is applying for joining the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD), known as the "rich club".If it succeeds, this will help Indonesia's trade; second, competition between China and the United States at this stage will be fierce. In the eyes of some people in Jakarta, the BRICS organization is a "club" controlled by China and has a tendency to anti -Western countries.If Indonesia joins at this time, it will make people feel that Indonesia has selected the side station, that is, standing on the Chinese side, which will not be conducive to the image of Indonesia.

In fact, before attending the BRICS Summit, Zoko, the Minister of Marine Affairs and Investment, Lumat, had discussed the relevant energy cooperation and other projects in the United States.In late August, the Indonesian Defense Minister Plabovo also went to the United States to sign a fighter and discuss the situation of the South China Sea with the United States.On August 24th, on the day of the closing of the BRICS Summit, the US Department of Defense issued a statement separately, claiming that the two Ministers of the United States and India believe that China in the "vast sea of waters" in the South China Sea contradicting the United Nations Marine Law;Candid in Russia to invade Ukraine.However, Plaboava publicly stated that the two countries did not issue any joint statements; Prabervo also said that Indonesia and China and Russia are good friends, indicating that Indonesia has to maintain neutrality in Sino -US competition.

However, the concepts of the BRICS and Indonesia have many things in common.BRICS countries should establish a more fair global economic order, and do not rely on the US dollar as a trade currency.

Indonesia has conflicts with the European Union not long ago because Indonesia is prohibited from exporting nickel ore exports, and only semi -finished products are allowed.The former is low in price, and the latter is quite expensive.This is absolutely beneficial to Indonesia because not only can increase income, but also develop industrial technology.But the European Union believes that Indonesia violates the world trade agreement.This caused Indonesia's high dissatisfaction and appealed, and Zoko vowed to strive to go to the end.

At this stage, competition between China and the United States will be fierce, and Indonesia will hold a presidential election. Zoko does not seem to want to have a foreign branch on the issue of the BRICS country, so it temporarily changes its strategy.But Zoko still has his dream of power. He feels that Indonesia is a big country and is unwilling to be a follower and wants to be a leader.Zoko was originally regarded as only knowing that he had engaged in the domestic economy and did not understand diplomacy, but during the second term of the president, he fought his diplomacy.In addition to traveling diplomacy, he tried to solve the problem of Myanmar, and he also medals a peacemaker between Ukraine and Russia. When he was the chairman of the G20 summit last year, he provided a platform for the Sino -US summit.

Although there is not much breakthrough in the above diplomatic actions, Zoko's efforts have made Indonesia occupy a place on the international stage.

The author is a senior visiting researcher at the Singapore Yosuf Issa East South Asia Research Institute

Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajelenan International Research Institute part -time professor