Source: China Youth Daily

A group of like -minded Taoist post -90s and post -00s were led by professional tourist bloggers to travel.There are wearing bloggers to share the wearing strategies according to the scenery of the destination. Some professional photographers follow the whole process. The most important thing is that they no longer have to get up early in the "group tour"!

"Since the beginning of this year, the tourism industry has recovered, but the service model of traditional tourism has been unable to meet the expectations and needs of young people." Liu Yeqi, who is engaged in tourism planning, told the China Youth Daily · China reporters, compared to the rulesTraveling with the group, young people hope to gain a relaxed atmosphere, social opportunities, and comfortable experience from the travel, so young people choose to pierce the "peers travel group".

The relaxed atmosphere becomes the "Society" savior

"No matter where it is, it is important to play with." After Luo Ping finished the journey, he spontaneously joined the "tap water" propaganda of the tour group of his peers.There are not too many travel models that communicate between communication, and I value the atmosphere during the trip. All the young people's peers travel group allows each member to participate in it.Being able to communicate more freely, communicate more freely, and play very easily and happily throughout the process. I think the travel group of peers will definitely become more and more popular. "

"There is a common topic, you don't have to worry about everyone who can't play together." Xie Jiayi, who "social terror", tried to participate in the travel group of his peers alone. She was worried that she could not integrate into the collective, but she joined the group.One day, she quickly became familiar with the topic of the younger sisters in the same group because of the topic of communicating, taking pictures, and repairing pictures. In the ice -breaking event organized by the team leader, everyone chatted, sang, dancing, and quickly became good friends.Xie Jiayi said: "The reason why the" social fear "is often because the environment around us has caused us a lot of intangible pressure. A group of young people are together.Fear. "

The outbound and lively Luo Ping consciously acts as the active atmosphere in the team during the trip. She recalled that a "social terror" boy in the same group became much outward after the journey.The WeChat group said that the newly known friends were surprised to hear him as a "social terror".Luo Ping feels that this boy will have such a change because "in such a relaxed and happy atmosphere, you can easily find a way to get along with people comfortably or here.There is no survival soil. "

"During the trip, the same frequency of the young world can also help everyone understand and tolerate each other." Luo Ping said, because everyone is a young man, many ideas on the journey can be boldly put forward without worrying about it.Many, this adds many additional surprises and gains to the journey."Once we went to the car for a long time, some people suggested that we put some music, and the other friends responded quickly after hearing it. After that, everyone sang and danced in the car., The long car has become interesting. "Luo Ping added," But if you are in an ordinary tourist group, you have to worry about whether others can bear it, such as the older people, maybeI feel too noisy. "

Xiejia said that many friends around her will participate in the way of leisure and relaxation of their peers. "As long as there is time, everyone will report the group."

The group is like a blind box, there are many opportunities

In addition to a relaxed and happy atmosphere, Luo Ping and Xie Jiayi agreed that participating in the travel group of peers also provided them with more social possibilities, and they all made many good friends during the journey.The introverted Xiejia believes that participating in the travel group of peers helped himself break through the existing social circle. "I am a compare person, and there are almost no other channels for making friends, but in the travel group of my peers.You can meet many of your peers who are completely different from me. Being friends with them are also a way to break through yourself. "

"Our tour group WeChat group is very active now. Everyone often chats in the group and share each other's lives.This kind of friends need such friends in life. They do not participate in my specific life, but understand my past and current situation. When I am happy, I have one more person to share. When I have a negative emotion, I doFor a person who can talk about, these friends can also help me get rid of it and analyze the problem from a completely different perspective. "

A tour groups composed of similar people have also become a new channel for many young people.The travel team will plan some dating activities in special days such as "520" or Tanabata to help everyone find the ideal partner.Xie Jiayi witnessed the whole process of several couples in the tour group. "During the travel process, it is easy for you to see a person’s personality, temper, and way of dealing with problems, so the travel group of peers isA very ideal dating platform. I went to the peers traveling group in Inner Mongolia. After the journey, I successfully held two pairs in the group. "

Liu Yeqi told the China Youth News · China reporter, "Because there are many young people from all walks of life in the travel groups of peers, some people will obtain more information by participating in the group and accumulate network resources." High cost performance, more fit for young people's services

In Liu Yeqi's view, it is why it can provide high cost -effective services and comfortable experience, which is also the reason why the tour groups of peers are quickly coming out.

Xie Jiayi told the China Youth News · China reporter: "When I was a kid, I went to the tour group with my parents, but the experience was not good.There is no harvest. In addition, in these years, the news group often reports to the tour group for mandatory consumption and service. The psychology of being slaughtered has caused me to not participate in the tour group for a long time. "

"" Parent, the tour group of the same age will provide cost -effectiveness by providing professional services. "Liu Yeqi said.

"The friends who led the team are professional travel bloggers or photography bloggers". In addition, the planning company also requires the leading team to lead the team to be active and cheerful. When asked about the standard of screening leaders, Liu Yeqi said:"In addition to being professional enough, the leaders must also have high emotional intelligence, talk, open, have an outgoing personality, are good at communicating, and are good at solving problems and dealing with contradictions."

Xie Jia said, "I have participated a few times of peers travel groups, the leaders are very professional. They will take us to play with a new, unique perspective, and at the same time, they can also take care of everyone's psychologyLet everyone get along well and comfortably. "

Luo Ping mentioned a keyword "worry -free" when he talked about participating in the feelings of his peers."Before departure, we will pull a WeChat group, and the leader will tell us what preparations need to be made in the group; when you play together, you don't even have to worry about what kind of posture angle.In vain, if they have time, they will even help us repair the map; some high -priced groups are also equipped with wearing teachers. It is really a very worry -free 'bag -style "bag -style" play. I don’t need to worry about the whole process.Okay. "

In addition, the leaders will also increase the experience of tourists through a full sense of ritual.Xie Jiayi said: "Leaders will remember everyone's preferences in advance, prepare some small surprises and small gifts in advance, so that I feel that I can get attention. This is a particularly good service experience."

When asked whether there were customers other than young people from the travel group of their peers participating in, Liu Yeqi said: "Some post -70s and 80s are more likely to play. If they participate in it. In fact, as long as you love to play and are willing to join, middle -aged people can also participate in it well, age is just a general category. "

Liu Yeqi told the China Youth News · China reporters that age cannot become the standard for defined people. In the travel groups they receive, they can not play togetherthere are many.The emergence of peers travel groups more represents the tourism market began to subdivide, and began to attach importance to some soft expectations and personalized needs of people during travel. This is a good development trend.

"Perhaps the travel group of the same age will be outdated in the future, but this trend will not change." Liu Yeqi said.

The opportunity and challenge coexistence of travel groups of peers

The travel group of peers is the product of the development of tourism socialization, which reflects that the needs of the tourism market are more diverse and personalized.Tourism is no longer just for sightseeing, but becoming a social and lifestyle.Xu Hong, the dean of the School of Tourism and Service of Nankai University, reminded that although this new type of tourist group meets the individual needs of young people, it cannot be ignored that due to the disadvantage of regulatory regulations, there is a certain risk for participants.

Luo Ping encountered the harassment of a tour group partner. Although he liked the lively atmosphere of young people together, he could not help worrying about the hidden safety hazards between strangers.In the face of this concern, there seems to be a good solution at present.Although I have tried their best to emphasize "do not disturb friends with princess diseases, have many things, and not pure minds," Liu Yeqi said helplessly, "In the final analysis, the tourist industry is still the service industry.Rarely refuse to refuse. What can be done is to protect the team members as much as possible in the middle of the trip. If a group member is found to be harassed, we will immediately travel separately. "

In addition to the unstable factors among members of the tour group, whether the travel group of peers has the qualifications of the group.The tourism law stipulates that the establishment of travel agencies, attracting, organizing, and receiving tourists to provide tourism services should have certain conditions, obtain permission from the competent tourism department, and apply for industrial and commercial registration in accordance with the law.Travel agencies shall pay the quality margin of tourism services in accordance with regulations to use emergency assistance for tourists' rights damage compensation compensation and paid tourists when they are in danger.Entering the team's business, you should obtain a tour guide's certificate, have corresponding academic qualifications, language skills and tourism experience, and shall establish a labor contract with travel agencies that appoint them to obtain the outbound tourism business license that delegate their leadership business.Travel agencies organize and arrange tourism activities shall establish contracts with tourists.Travel agencies shall prompt that tourists participating in team tourism should insure personal accidental injury insurance in accordance with regulations.

Therefore, Xu Hong reminded tourists that before participating in the group, they must review the qualifications of the tour group. If there is no agreement before traveling, during the trip, personal rights are not protected by law. Once an accident occurs, the subject liability cannot be determined.

Xu Hong pointed out that the rise of peers travel groups has brought inspiration to traditional travel agencies. Traditional travel agencies should realize that their grasping and research on market demand needs to be improved and strengthened.Demand must increase its efforts in terms of product innovation.

"The market is formed spontaneously." Xu Hong said.She believes that when the tour group of the same age becomes a new trend, the government department should timely study and judge the risks in a timely manner to effectively guide and standardize it.Introduce guiding policies to regulate their operations according to law; at the same time remind tourists, let them realize the risks that may occur during travel, and protect themselves with legal channels.

With the arrival of the National Day and the Mid -Autumn Festival, many regular travel agencies have smelled the potential popularity of the market for travel groups in the same age, and have begun to launch new travel groups.If you want to obtain long -term development, your peers must abide by relevant laws, avoid the risks that may occur during travel, and standardize operations.