September 16th is Mr. Li Guangyao's century. I participated in the conference of the new book conference in the thought interpretation and exploration of Mr. Li Guangyao, Mr. Cai Yulin held by the Tong'an Hall.During the discussion session, the participating scholars mentioned many times that Mr. Li was a man, not God.On the one hand, it should not be deified, so that it is a sacred object that a specific party or any individual can draw political resources from it; but on the other hand, it should not be criticized for criticism.Mr. Li did have some reflection in his life, and some have also been amended by himself and later the policy of Singapore's leadership.However, we should not be judged from the specific situations of the world and Singapore at that time.

Mr. Li's significance to Singapore is limited to Singapore's development of Singapore under the leadership of his leadership, as well as the leapfrog development from weak to strong in national power; more from poor to rich; moreThe important thing is that even after his death, in addition to the People's Action Party, the overall personality of Singapore is also deeply influenced by him.In terms of metaphysics, this is manifested in Singapore's political and economic system, cultural education, provident fund and housing policy, national defense and military strategy, racial and religious governance, etc., all of which have the brand of Mr. Li's thoughts.Compared with other leaders after him, Mr. Li is very "Charismatic Authority". When he needs to make a decision in the country, he can always make a decision and bring the country from swamps again and again.He has not only had extraordinary political insights, but also has a strong political energy and passion and ambition; coupled with his extremely powerful, rational, pragmatic, blunt and fierce governing style, it is enough to cause politics to affect all aspects of Singapore.

Super leaders like him are both the rapidly changing era of Singapore from the 1940s to the 1970s, but also in the start -up period of the country. Singaporeans have a natural projection of leaders.With the development of the country's development, the people are more abundant, the choice of material and spiritual choices is becoming more and more diverse.

As long as the gentle and compassionate and emotional governance style of Mr. Li and Li Xianlong is compared with the sense of governance of Premier Li and Li Xianlong, you can find the vicissitudes of vicissitudes between the two and the times between the times.After Li Guangyao withdrew from the politics, he still said quickly, so that Prime Minister Li sometimes had to extinguish the fire afterwards. This can also be seen that the political direction change.This situation is also the norm of history. The founders often have a strong personality, while descendants often have martial arts.As an individual, Li Guangyao can maintain his personality unchanged for a lifetime, but as a country, Singapore has already strode forward.

Li Guangyao may always be proud of as a nanny in a projectile land that is nicknamed the "nanny country", but the Singaporean people have long grown spiritually.More suitable governance methods may be brothers -like care, not parent -style strict words.Even though the parents are really worried about their children's interests, the self -conscious awakening when the child grows up is the ultimate motivation for all changes.Of course, the new generation of Chinese people will not have a strong personal love and hate for Li Guangyao like the founding of the founding and the establishment of the country, and many of the specific policies he formulated have been revised in a timely manner by several generations of leadership.Even so, Mr. Li's political and spiritual heritage is still worthy of our reflection of our benefit.

The development path that is suitable for China and the West is suitable for national conditions

I personally think that the greatest part of Mr. Li has chosen a development path that is interested in Singapore and is suitable for national conditions.

Singapore, as a colony, after the British withdrawn, its political, legal, and economic frameworks and the civilian system have been completely reserved. This has a lot to do with Mr. Li and Western culture.He has received English education from an early age. Until college, he accepts Western values.The background of law training has a significant impact on his respect for law and eliminating human governance.Compared with Eastern culture, Western thought has a major difference, that is, the modernization of democratic liberalism.

Mr. Li, Wu Qingrui, Du Jincai, and other founders, have also been influenced by "democratic socialism", so the interests of low -level people have always maintained a sober cognition and resonance.This political choice that is also derived from left -wing thoughts is principled with radical communism. It is the reason for Singapore to solve the foundation of living in peace with long -term planning at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

We compare the local and Hong Kong handling of housing problems under the governance of the United Kingdom, and we can find the major differences in economic development ideas of the two places.Although in the international trend, democratic socialism subsequently followed, but in the process of moving towards modernization, it is not allowed to fall behind economic development. This idea has played a very important role in Singapore.Because of his duties, Singapore has formed a practical style of considering the realistic environment, and in the international chaos, it emphasizes order, stability and gradual improvementist style in the international chaos.

However, after all, Mr. Li has seen the serious disadvantages of centralizedism and oriental autocracy, so he forged Singapore -style high -quality "democratic feedback politics".Mr. Li's personality is extremely tough. He is committed to the system of choosing a virtuous manner throughout his life as the basis for local political operation.This shows that under the premise of good governance, the people may not naturally oppose the long -term governance of one party.The premise is that in addition to being able to fully share the results of economic development, the people can still have a way to express themselves smoothly and be free to choose.The guarantee of parliamentary democracy is enough to make the technical bureaucratic group feel the continuous external pressure and continuously fine -tune the formulation and implementation of policies.

The government and the people in Singapore have achieved efficient operations in such an effective way in the past few decades.The diverse participation of various races and ethnic groups, as well as the popularity of equal concepts, is this clean and transparent system that has long -term effective operation.In his life, Mr. Li is committed to establishing a complete and effective national operation system in order to allow Singapore to get rid of any individual, including his own influence.To this day, it is enough to comfort the pioneers of the founding of the country. Singapore has really done this.

The author is a literary and historical worker, religious researcher