Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao

Author: Wang Jiahao

The "Puchang" was held on Wednesday at the East Space launcher in Amur, Russia. Russian President Putin and the visiting North Korean leader Kim Jong -un held a bilateral summit, visiting the rocket construction site, and dinner.Kim Jong -un's trip was the first foreign visit after the crown disease, which was very symbolic; the first "Pu Gold Association" was held in April 2019 after the "Pu Gold Association" talks with the leaders of China, the United States, and South Korea in April 2019.

Under the Russian and Ukraine War, the relationship between Moscow and Pyongyang became closer, all because North Korea was one of the few countries in the world acknowledged that Crimea was Russia's "territory" and Donetsk and Lugusk's "independence".

Even if Russia's military operations in Ukraine were criticized by the international community, when Kim Jong -un and Putin met with Putin, it was clear that North Korea would "fully support and unconditionally support" Moscow's "sacred war".

North Korea has always been in exchange for Russian economic assistance through political loyalty, but the special feature of the "Puchang Association" is that Moscow has reportedly buying weapons in Pyongyang to make the subordinate relationship between the two countries.Does this indicate the end of the status of the Russian power?

Information War: Russia's public relations disaster?

The news of

"Pu Gold" was first disclosed by the White House of the United States on the 30th of last month. The National Security Conference spokesman John Kirby quoted the information: "Russia is actively promoting senior talks with North Korea to obtain to obtain to obtainMore weapons to support Putin's invasion of Ukraine. "Earlier, Russian Defense Minister Shihagu visited North Korea at the end of July and visited Pyongyang's weapons and equipment exhibition accompanied by Kim Jong -un.The United States pointed out that the leaders of the Russia and the North Korea have subsequently wrote a letter to conduct follow -up discussions on the arms transaction.

The United States disclose information, which aims to attract attention and response of international public opinion, thereby further destroying the Russian international image.The information that the United States wants to pass is clear: First, Russia's sought military support from North Korea is revealing that it is deeply trapped in the Ukrainian war, and the production of the domestic military industry is unpredictable.The help of Pyongyang can be said to be a national shame, which also reflects that the Russian national strength has been greatly weakened. Third, because the UN sanctions are banned from engaging in weapons transactions with North Korea, Russia is likely to violate international law and become a destroyer of the global security system.

The response of the

Kremlin is that Russia has the right to choose to associate with any other country and will not be interfered by the third country.For the Russian side, the "Pu Gold" holds the diplomatic independence of Moscow as scheduled, which also reflects that the United States cannot change Russian (and North Korea) decision -making by improving stricter sanctions.

The "Pu Gold Association" has become the focus of the global media, and it happens to bring positive "side effects" to Russia, covering the deserted scene of the Russian Oriental Economic Forum.This forum has been held in Vladivostok every year since 2015, symbolizing the major strategic transformation of Russia's "eastward". He has invited Chinese President Xi Jinping, then Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Moon Yin.participate.Although the forum was held in the context of the Russian and Ukraine War, Moscow also invited Prime Minister of Mongolia, Myanmar and Armenia to attend, but only Laos vice chairman was sitting next to Putin.

The actual effect of "each need"

The ideological connection between the Soviet Union and North Korea during the Cold War has contributed to the ally -ally relationship, but after the Cold War, Moscow adopted "equal diplomatic" against the two Korea after the Cold War, and was no longer willing to provide a large number of military and economic assistance to Pyongyang.It is based on pragmatic interests.Under the new situation of the Russian and Ukraine War and the epidemic, Russia and North Korea need each other.According to the predictions of the US media before the meeting, Russia will provide food and military technical support in exchange for North Korean supply weapons.

According to the Russian official media Tass, Putin said he discussed agricultural cooperation with Kim Jong -un, and Russia promised to provide humanitarian assistance to North Korea; Putin also revealed to the media that Russia would assist North Korea to develop artificial satellites.This is the reason why the summit is located in the Oriental Space launcher to show Kim Jong -un's top rocket technology.Putin also mentions it to help training and sending North Korean astronauts into space.

As for military cooperation, Putin interviewed in an interview that Russia will still abide by the UN sanctions, but in addition, Russia and North Korea still have cooperation prospects, but they have no steps to explain details.Ke Gong acknowledged that the heads of state of the two countries exchanged opinions on sensitive security issues, but did not disclose the specific situation of the arms negotiations.In addition, Putin also mentioned the cooperation of transportation infrastructure between the two countries, such as the Khasan-Rajin railway that has not been sanctioned, but it has always been affected by geopolitical risks and has only heard the stairs.

Compared to Moscow, Pyongyang is obviously a party that obtains more practical interests at the Russian -North Korea summit.Russia's humanitarian aid can relieve the crisis facing the food shortage after the North Korean epidemic; at the strategic level, Russia and North Korea's satellite technology cooperation is expected to bring technical breakthroughs to the latter, especially Pyongyang has previously tested twice in a row to shoot twice in a the long run, Russian satellite technology support will help improve North Korea's intercontinental missile programs, especially its missile accuracy.

On the other hand, if North Korea really provides weapons and ammunition to Russia, it inventory is traditional Soviet ammunition, not high -tech and precise weapons.In addition, some analysts believe that even if North Korea has a large number of weapons inventory, Pyongyang may not be willing to surrender too many weapons to Moscow.In other words, North Korea's potential weapon supply to Russia is unlikely to bring breakthroughs on the Ukrainian battlefield, but it will undoubtedly help Moscow to maintain the use of "meat grinder tactics" -after allEssence

Geopolical Revelation to the United States and South Korea

In addition to short -term international public opinion and actual interests, the "Puchang Association" also sends geopolitical signals to the United States, South Korea and China, adding variables to the subsequent international games.For the United States, Russia and North Korea's satellite technology cooperation can be said to be Moscow's revenge on Ukraine's support for Washington.According to Russia's logic, if the United States can interfere with Russia's "sphere of power", Moscow can also cause trouble to Washington.In the case of softness and hard power as much as the United States, Russia still has enough strength to become a spoiler who has become international politics. It destroys the US policies and interests through the United States such as United States and other anti -US countries, so that Washington cannot do whatever they want.Although Russia officially opposes the North Korean nuclear plan, in the context of increasing the conflict between Russia and the United States, Moscow is relatively willing to accept the risk of Pyongyang's nuclear nuclear, especially North Korean missiles.

For South Korea, the Russian Summit is a warning to the Korean side, reminding Seoul not to provide military assistance to Ukraine.During the former president Park Geun -hye and Wen Zaiyin, the South Korean government launched the "Eurasian Initiative" and "New North Policy" to strengthen relations with Russia. It aims to let Moscow restraint Pyongyang's behavior through trilateral economic and trade cooperation.Compared with neighbors Japan, South Korea hesitant to join the West's sanctions on Russia, and did not directly provide weapons to Ukraine, even if it was the main exporter of Asia.The "Pukin" shows that Russia still has influence on the Korean Peninsula, but this will continue to contain South Korea's Ukrainian policy, and it will still be counterproductive and attract revenge, which remains to be observed.

From the perspective of China, the Russian and North Korea summit can be understood as a measure of Moscow and Pyongyang hedging its influence. By dismissed international isolation, the two countries can reduce their excessive dependence on Beijing.As a strategic partner and the largest trading country in Russia and North Korea, China is not clear about the "Puchang".A spokesman for China Foreign Ministry said that the Russian Summit will not comment on the affairs between the two countries.Russia and North Korea's military cooperation may not be in line with China's interests. As a result, they can further consolidate the United States, Japan and South Korea alliances, and even trigger military competitions.At the same time, the Russian and North Korea summit is full of anti -American colors. For example, Kim Jong -un used strong words such as "hegemony", "evil forces" and "imperialism" to describe the United States. Will China dare not go too close to them?

In general, the "Puchang Association" will not lead to the breakdown of China, Russia, China and North Korea, but it will definitely test the strategic mutual trust between them.This is the upper limit of the partnership between Beijing and Moscow and Pyongyang.