Source: China Guangming Daily

Author: Hancheng

"College students can be anywhere, but not necessarily in the classroom."

This statement comes from a college student.In recent years, college students have not fell in love with class.Professor Zhu Fuhai, a professor at the Department of Mathematics of Nanjing University in China, found that in addition to not falling in love with class, students also showed silence and passiveness. In his classroom, students were unwilling to be named to express their views.

"College students do not love class" may be a fact.For example, according to the observation of a professor of Jinan University, the attendance rate may be less than 50%.Most of the students who came to class were also obsessed with the electronic products in their hands, and very few listened to the class.According to Professor Zhu Fuhai, Nanjing University has similar situations.This is also a domestic famous university. If it is an ordinary university, the situation may be even more optimistic.

Can you blame students?In fact, in any era, students who do not love class have always been.It's just that these years have become more prominent.Among them, there are factors that have become more widely learned in the information era. It is also because under the public wave of postgraduate entrance examinations, some college students have abandoned the classroom on the exam as soon as possible to establish the examination advantage as soon as possible.

However, this is all the external causes of students who do not love class. In addition, the more important end may be within the classroom.Facing the doubts of "why college students don't love class", colleges and universities should also reflect on: Does their classroom provide things that students expect?

A word that contemporary college students often hang on their mouths are called "water lessons". Such courses are synonymous with tedious content and little harvest in college students.The things that are described in the classroom can not only provide any knowledge increase, but also lack unique creativity. College students listen to such courses, probably just to obtain the performance point and "none of the subjects".So you are not surprised, why do some classrooms bow their heads to play mobile phones or busy other things, and few students look up at the scene.

There is another situation that although this course is important, the teachers hold the old textbooks, put PPTs that are disconnected from the discipline development, and follow the discipline of the subject.In the era of high -speed development of disciplines, knowledge iterations are rapid, especially some cutting -edge disciplines, which have changed greatly in a year or two. If these years of unchanged textbooks and PPT lectures, it will only increase students' scholarship.

Especially as major universities set the goal of running schools as "research universities", most of the undergraduate students are young teachers with relatively shallow age. Whether they are authoritative or lecture experience, they are relatively weak.This also makes them less likely to gain trust in the student group.

There is no doubt that any course set up by the university has been carefully evaluated by the education department and universities, and has its own scientific rationality.The task of college students is to study carefully, and the behavior of skipping classes or not listening to the class is not worth promoting.

But we cannot simply attribute "college students to do not love class" to the students themselves. Behind this is actually the embarrassment of teaching content with students' demands.Of course, the good school style and style must be created, but colleges and universities also need to further optimize the configuration of subjects and teachers, enhance the scientific times of teaching materials, and encourage teachers to actively and innovate and create a novel and vivid classroom style.

It is gratifying that the situation is changing.For example, in terms of teaching teachers, the guidance opinions on colleges and universities jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and other departments have clearly stated that the assessment of teachers will focus on the first -tier teaching situation and promote the teaching of undergraduates.In recent years, news such as "Tsinghua University 93 -year -old professor adheres to the podium" and "academicians of the 86 -year -old college of Beicheng still insisted on classes for undergraduates" and other news have been repeatedly circled, which has attracted attention.Some universities also increase the attraction of lectures by strengthening students' classroom interaction and enriching outdoor practice.This shows that some universities are aware of the current problems and are trying to change the status quo.

Some professors are right: university lectures are not only knowledge itself, but also the improvement of ideas and ways of thinking.This is an absolute truth.But many college students cannot fully understand their intentions, or they are more pursuing the results of the period.So, at least, what the college class is to do is to attract students first, and then let them feel themselves, what can they learn.