Source: Zhongxin Jingwei

Author: Zhao Jiaran

Since the implementation of China's "double reduction" policy, some parents have found a new way for learning machines as "chickens". A learning machine can include thousands of sects of discipline courses. From elementary school to high school coverage.Choose to learn by yourself.Under such "training", does the learning machine manufacturer who provides the course content illegally?

From the perspective of sales, the popular learning machine brands on the market include HKUST Xunfei, Learning, and Hivo. The price is mostly ranging from 1,000-5000 yuan (RMB, S $ 187-937).

Zhongxin Jingwei inquired that many learning machines include full -department learning videos, and students and parents can choose to watch themselves.On a learning machine publicity page of HKUST Xunfei, there are still many student cases. For example, a first -year elementary school student "has not yet opened English courses, but English listening has reached about 56th grade level."

Zhongxin Jingwei consults the customer service of various brands as consumers. Customer service such as HKUST Xunfei, Learning, and the Gang Gang all claims that the learning machines provide recording and broadcasting courses, covering most of the textbook versions.Among them, some learning machines are built -in video courses, and some learning machines provide cloud resources, which can be connected to online on -demand.

The Interim Measures for the Administrative Punishment of off -campus training issued by the Ministry of Education recently clearly stated that the institution's advanced over -standard conducts discipline training, which is illegal, and the circumstances are serious or the permits are revoked.If students can learn from the recording and broadcast lessons on the learning machine, do the learning machine provide the conditions for illegal training?Zhongxin Jingwei called Beijing and other places for consultation.

A staff member of the Hou surnamed Hou surnamed Hou told Zhongxin Jingwei in the School of Extramaginal Training Work of Dongcheng District Education Commission in Beijing.That is, it belongs to the training category, and it is not counted by watching and broadcasting courses through the learning machine.She said that this definition method applies to Beijing.

The above -mentioned staff said that in recent years, the education department has also paid attention to the prevalence of learning machines in the market. Because the courses in the learning machine are unified recording, it is easy to be different due to different teaching materials, teachers' teaching methods, and teaching level.The content of the course is not satisfied."However, the courses in the learning machine are understood as the nature of the product, not considered training."

The staff of the School of Extramaginal Training and Supervision of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education also said that the definition of training needs to be linked to teachers and students."At present, some parents collect some learning materials online and let their children learn in advance. We do not recommend that parents are too anxious, but they cannot prohibit all parents from doing this." The staff member said.

HKUST Xunfei said facing Zhongxinwei that the AI learning machine launched by it provides 12 subjects, including primary school mathematics, English, junior high school mathematics, physicalization, etc.;EssenceRegarding the problems proposed by Zhongxin Jingtai may have the problem of advanced learning and recording courses, HKUST Xunfei did not reply.

Behind the 100 billion market, who is making money?

Speaking of learning machines, the first reaction of many people is no longer "small overlord" and "where will not be ordered."In recent years, more new nouns have become the publicity point of learning machines: AI empowerment, fingertips answering, paper -like eyes, smart learning, etc., while brands that focus on such functions have a place in the market.

HKUST Xunfei 2023 In the first half of the year's revenue and the net profit of the mother, the net profit of the home fell by more than 70 %.profit.However, HKUST Xunfei's educational products and service sector revenue was 2.285 billion yuan, an increase of 3.63%year -on -year, accounting for 29.14%of the total revenue. It is also the highest gross profit margin section in HKUST Xunfei, with 48.64%.

HKUST Xunfei said that the gross profit of AI learning machine sales in the first half of this year increased by 60%year -on -year; after the blessing of the big models in May and June, the total sales of learning machines increased by 136%and 217%year -on -year, respectively.

As one of the representatives of the old -fashioned learning machine, the Book Lang listed on Hong Kong stocks in 2022 lost the team in fierce competition.In the first half of 2023, the company's net loss was 37.9 million yuan, and the revenue fell 51.5%to 125 million yuan. Among them, the student's personal tablet (ie, the learning machine) revenue of 104 million yuan, less than half of the same period last year.According to the company, one of the main reasons for the reduction of student tablets is that companies in other industries have joined the educational electronics industry and exacerbated the pressure of competition in the industry.

Education and training institutions also took a different approach after the "double reduction", focusing on the learning machine track.At present, the good future learning machine has launched a learning machine (learning tablet). Ape tutoring has launched a small ape learning machine. The assignment gang also launched a learning machine.Presented in the form of recording and broadcasting lessons.

This year's 618 Douyin e -commerce list shows that the top four in the hot list of learning, small du, small apes, and HKUST Xun -axun flying position.As of June 18, the number of learning machines of Xue and Sisi reached 55,000 units. Based on the pricing of 4599 yuan, the cumulative sales of more than 250 million yuan.Zhongxin Jingwei noticed that in the live broadcast room of learning and thinking, the anchor highly recommended the built -in course of the learning machine, saying that "the course from preschool to high school is opened."

Peng Zhuangzhuang, the President and Chief Financial Officer of the Future President and Chief Financial Officer, stated at the fiscal year of 2023 that if according to the narrow definition of the smart learning tablet, the total annual market shipments are expected to be about 4 million to 5 million units, such asIn addition, GM will may exceed 10 million units; for a good future, this is an important market.

In the first quarter of fiscal year in fiscal 2024, good future revenue was US $ 275 million (S $ 375 million), and its operating loss was US $ 57.73 million, and the loss expanded by 104%year -on -year.Regarding the problems related to the learning machine, Zhongxin Jingwei issued an outline of the interview in the future, and did not get a response as of the time before the release.

The 2022 China Education Intelligent Hardware Industry Report released by the Multi -Whale Education Research Institute shows that with the implementation of double reduction policies and the transfer of traditional training needs, it is expected that the learning machine market will reach nearly 100 billion yuan in three years (2025).scale.

Industry: The risk of "rubbing the edge" in the learning machine

At present, the educational intelligent hardware tracks with learning machines as the core products are full of popularity.Irai Consulting in 2022 China Education Intelligent Hardware Market and User Insight Report shows that the size of China's consumer education intelligent hardware market has risen from 24.9 billion yuan in 2019 to 43.1 billion yuan in 2022, and it is expected to reach 49.8 billion yuan in 2023.

The above report states that in recent years, the supply and demand of student tablets (learning machines) has shown explosive growth, which has promoted the further activation of the market space of the comprehensive product; student tablets with built -in educational resources have become exports of anxiety transfer of some family education.From the perspective of category characteristics, students' tablets accounted for the overall market share of education intelligent hardware than 30%, and have the characteristics of large market space, high customer unit price, and long user life cycle.

However, the industry also has hidden concerns about the hotness of learning machines.Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education and Science, told Zhongxin Jingwei that because the learning machine is different from off -campus counseling, the interaction is relatively low, and the learning effect is different from the training institution.Essence"The development of learning content is related to the learning status and needs of students. Which company may not be able to meet the needs of all students."

Xiong Bingqi, Dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, said in an interview with China Singapore Jingwei that although the learning machine is currently not in the scope of illegal training, there is still a risk of "wipe"."In the future, if the learning machine is found to be disguised training, it will not rule out that the relevant departments will strengthen supervision."

Xiong Bingqi emphasized that if the brand brand of the learning machine is operated in accordance with the pursuit of high scores, then the phenomenon of homogeneity will inevitably occur."In the pastThere is also homogeneity in Yu. In order to take the test and advanced, there are similar problems in learning machines. This is not conducive to long -term sustainable development."

"From the perspective of establishing a benign education ecological perspective, I don't want the learning machine to be too hot in the market. It can make students diverse learning and study according to interests and love. This is even more important." Chu Zhaohui said.