Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

Under the heavy rain of the century, dozens of mountain mud poured in Hong Kong. Among them, the situation of the Hongshan Peninsula of the large low -density luxury house in the southern area of Hong Kong Island, which attracted the most arguments. In addition to the severe collapse, it was also due to the severe collapse.The pouring exposes the separation of the independent houses involved in the house.Although it is not possible to determine that this mountain mud pouring is related to the construction of the construction project, according to the situation, there are reasons to suspect that someone illegally demolish the government's slope retaining wall.And restore the retaining wall expenditure, and the taxpayer should not be paid on behalf of the taxpayer.A bird's -eye view picture shows that many independent houses on the scene are suspected of illegal occupation of official land;The sense of "law does not blame the rich".


Check the responsibility of the truth

Hong Kong has continued to be affected by low -pressure grooves recently. From time to time, heavy rain was pouring. Last Thursday night, it was a 500 -year encounter in the engineering major.According to the government figures, 75 mountain mud pouring reports have been received in the past few days. Many roads have been fully closed for a while. 6 are more needed to evacuate residential houses. In addition to Chaguoling Village, it also includes the Hongshan Peninsula mansion in Datan.EssenceThe Observatory states that the weather may turn later this week, and there are risks of mountain mud pumping in some areas, and citizens must be vigilant.

In 1994, Guanlong Tower, Guanlong Tower, Hong Kong's Ganni City, pouring up 5 deaths and 3 injuries. Afterwards, the government took a number of measures to prevent the recurrence of tragedy, including the establishment of the mountain mud pouring survey team and strengthening the consolidation of the dangerous slope of each district.And the introduction of slope maintenance professional guidelines, etc.However, the severe mountain mud pouring on the Red Mountain Peninsula this time showed that some people ignored the safety of the slope to build a big house.In the scene, the accident of the Red Mountain Peninsula faced with the seas of Independence, the slope collapsed below, exposed the foundation structure, and suspected illegal building buildings.After inspecting the personnel of the Building Department and the Liguke Engineering Department, it was confirmed that the independent house No. 72 built a floor -to -site base in the near -government slope location, and illegally removed the slope retaining wall, which constituted a high risk of the safety of the overall building.The adjacent No. 70 Independent House, although the overall building structure is not obviously dangerous, the Buildings Department also found that there are buildings and buildings in the building; as for House 74, the owner once refused to cooperate and did not allow the staff to inspect in the inspection.It is determined to be in danger of whether there is violations of regulations.

Low -density luxury home independent houses have the problem of construction. In the past, the media had occasionally mentioned and even described as "open secrets". However, these independent houses are generally hidden, and underground buildings are more difficult to discover.Fundamental effect.Some real estate industry people say that the underground construction of these independent houses can be quite exaggerated. It is equivalent to building an area of the same area at any time, which means that a 2,000 -foot mansion may be close to 4,000 feet.Due to the poor official law enforcement, the owner of the owner or the responsible for the construction of the construction of the construction project is also like a bottle. The outside world rarely has the opportunity to see these "public secrets".

The corner of the iceberg of the independent house

Severe punishment of illegal person "kill one hundred hundred"

Chen Jianshuo, former director of the Ligue Power Engineering Department, pointed out that after the slope of the slope was involved, there was no water exudate in water. It is estimated that the slope was not affected by groundwater. Instead, there were multiple water pipes on the top of the slope.Regular drainage, the unknown mountain mud pouring will be related to the long -term water seepage of the water pipe; some structural engineers pointed out that the construction of the basement basement project must be dug on the ground. When it rains, the rainwater will be introduced into the slope, causing the phenomenon of scouring and exacerbating the mountain mud.Pour risk.The government's slope maintenance professional guidelines have rigorous requirements for leakage, inspection, maintenance and maintenance of laryngeal pipe projects on the slope.The Hongshan Peninsula mountain mud is pouring, and there are reasons to suspect that someone ignores the guidance. For the sake of selfishness, it destroys the slope retaining wall.The government must investigate the pouring of the mountain mud this time, whether it is related to the construction of the independent house. If there is sufficient evidence, the owner, the construction of the construction project, and the other potential parties must be strictly investigated for legal responsibilities, and the request is required to requestRelevant people and other expenses such as repairing the dental wall have no reason to pay the taxpayer to pay for it.

The construction of a mansion affects the safety of the slope, and it cannot be accepted; it is clear that the house area that the average citizen dares not expect to expect, but also occupy the official land, which is equally tooth.The mountain mud pouring in the Hongshan Peninsula, the geographical bird's eye view of the General Administration of Political Affairs of the reporter, found that the area of the sea of the sea, many independent houses seemed to exceed the government area of the Hongshan Peninsula, which means that they were suspected of occupying official land.Some surveyors pointed out that although there are private development projects now, they will rent official land other than private land for other uses, but the Hongshan Peninsula is a large -scale development project.The chances of getting approved are also very low.The problem is that the government's law enforcement is weak and weak, and the offenders naturally have no fear.

In the face of the law, everyone is equal.The outrageous construction situation exposed by the Hongshan Peninsula Mountain Mountain Pouring House is likely to be just the corner of the iceberg. The government must severely punish those involved in the case to kill the effect of one hundred hundreds. At the same timePipe action.Now the government's anti -Jianjian measures are weak and weak. The former president of the Hong Kong Engineer Society Pan Leduotu Tuen Mun's Independent House of Jianjian Swimming Pool was established, but it was just a fine of 20,000 yuan.Such punishment is no scaredness at all, and the official needs to amend the law and aggravate the penalty.