Recently, the military coup that occurred in some countries in Africa and some countries in the west has shocked the world, especially in France, because most of them are French. Most of the currencies used in the market are West African legal or illegal Lang.The most foreign garrison comes from France.Is these French African countries going to be their own independent movement again?

This is not possible to have an acupuncture point. According to statistics, in the past three years, there have been seven successful coup in Six countries in West Africa and China and Africa, including Chad, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Gabon, and Gabon.These countries are all French African countries. They used to be the French colonies. The overturned government has maintained a close and friendly relationship with France; one of the main demands of the coup party after success is the influence of driving away France, including inTrade, investment, diaspora, garrison, language, currency and so on.Such performances make these coup look more like another independent movement against France to fight for the integrity of national sovereign territory, and continue the wave of African anti -colonialism in the 1950s and 1960s.

Investigating its historical reasons, the tide of African coup was suddenly discovered that the collapse of the colonial empire that France belonged to that year was very incomplete, so that many problems were left, and today it continues to ferment.Compared with another old colonial empire and Britain, the British solution to the colonies mostly to cultivate agents, differentiate resistance forces, and establish cultural connections.In the Commonwealth, it maintains a relatively benign connection with Britain.Looking back at the process of solving the colonial problem in France, almost all ended in the fierce military confrontation. From Vietnam to Algeria, France fought for more than 10 years after World War II for more than 10 years, and finally had to leave.

In the process of independence of French African countries, France has reserved a considerable influence in the local area, although France has surrendered the regime in name, enough to dominate the fate of these countries, including the retaining a large number of garrison in military.France has a military cooperation agreement with 27 African countries, with a large number of military bases with a large scale, which can be used on the surface to counter -terrorism. More importantly, it is important to maintain the stability of the pro -French regime.Economically, the use of the innate advantages of the prince country to control the many resources and energy of these countries can not only affect the economic life of these countries, but also provide themselves with a steady stream of cheap raw materials and related resources.Today, the "African Fran", which is still used in 15 African countries, is a financial control of France's financial control of these countries. France has abandoned franc and switched to the euro, but maintains the circulation of "African Faraho" in Africa.The French also have a vote veto in the central banks of these countries, which can force these countries to store their foreign exchange reserves in France without free dominance.

From this point of view, these French African countries, which have never obtained complete sovereignty, are inevitable, just sooner or later.

Exploring its internal roots, from the attitude of ordinary people after these coup, it can be seen that the way and results of changing the regime are greatly popular, although they have been doing so -called democratic elections for many years.

There are two obvious reasons for such results, one is long -term corruption.Most of the government who has been overturned in this tide of the coup has maintained years of rule. Behind the election results that can be envious of Western countries such as France in the past elections, it is long -term power monopoly andInterest solidification.So even those military leaders who oppose the coup have experience in Western studies (Niger) or relatives (Gabon) of those in power, it is difficult to endure this kind of corruption, let alone the local people who have been fooled.

The second is that people's livelihood continues to deteriorate. Of the 15 countries that use African francs mentioned above, 10 have been included in the world's most developed countries in the world.Even if the richer coup country Gabon this time, about 40%of the population lived below the poverty line, the unemployment rate was nearly 30%.Niger is the fifth largest uranium producing country in the world. The EU's second largest natural uranium supply country, but less than 12%of regions can use electricity.This kind of situation that has rich resources but still does not talk about life. Obviously, it will only make the local ordinary people angry, support the coup and cheer, and it can be understood.

International conditions favorable coup

Looking for their external opportunities, these coup mobility must have discovered the current rare opportunity period and sought a new way for their country -it may also be due to personal ambitions.

Such an opportunity period comes from multiple factors from the outside world, including France's own strength and the decline in regional control, it is difficult to take a decisive hostile action against a couponIs the best choice.Western countries such as the United States are also dissatisfied with France for a long time to regard French Africa as ban. Although they may not be happy, they will not be able to take shuddering in France's fire.In recent years in Africa has suffered a crown disease epidemic and terrorism. Most countries have no spare no effort to correct this non -normal regime change method that possibly overflowing.move.Most of the world's other big powers are also attracted by the Russian and Ukraine War, and cannot take into account the internal situation of African countries. In addition to calling for peace, it is difficult to make a difference.The coup parties also maintain close contact with Russia's Wagner hire mercenary group, and they can also get their support at critical moments.

The superposition of these external factors makes the coup moves basically no risk of external intervention. As long as the coup party can carefully handle the internal opposition forces.It seems that most of the time has not encountered severe resistance, and it can even be said that the "tranquility coup" has been completed.

Perhaps it is worrying whether the coup in French African countries will have a Domino card effect. After all, there are similar situations in many countries.Including Dorge, Congo (cloth), Cameroon, equatorial Guinea.

Perhaps a series of coup in French Africa can be regarded as another independent movement of these countries. It is necessary to eradicate the relics left by colonialism, but also to solve the dilemma of people's livelihood. It also coincides with this turbulent world.EssenceThere are quite a lot of history inevitable. It is hoped that this history must be upward, the process can be faster, and the cost can be smaller.

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator