Source: Beijing News

Author: Han Haoyue

China Guoman Film Changan, a well -known box office, has recently encountered controversy.

On August 16th, the Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City posted a post through the official self -media account. While affirming the value of 30,000 miles in the movie Changan, it was believed that some plot descriptions did not match the real history.The Society commissioned a law firm to send a letter asking the film to make an error correction and apology statement from the producers, directors, and screenwriters in Changan.

As of August 17, Changan was released for 41 days in 30,000 miles, with a box office of more than 1.7 billion yuan (RMB, S $ 317 million), and Douban scored 8.3 points, which is the highest summer score movie.

The film adopts a unique and fresh perspective. With the help of Li Bai and Gao Shi's life friendship, the historical and humanistic manner of the Tang Dynasty was lively on the screen, creating a "long dream" for the audience.The film is not only the most affirmed work of the audience, but also provides new ideas for future cartoon creation.

Now Changan's 30,000 miles from the producer to the individual of the creator are all asked by academic institutions, which is reasonable in addition to expected.

This is because when literary and artistic research and professional research look at history and characters, the starting point and perspective have always been different.Literary creation values the structure of the story, the wonderful plot, and the attractiveness of the characters, which are exerted by sensuality and imagination; professional research focuses on multi -party demonstration, deep excavation, de -pseudo -pseudo -saving truth, which is rational and serious.It is common to have different views when the two parties encounter a specific problem or examples.

Generally speaking, the audience and the audience who supports the film that supports the film can boldly adapt to improve the history of the film, but the movie restores history, but the movie is not history.Freedom of artistic creation.

Academic research professional groups, including descendants of related historical figures, generally recognize moderate adaptation, but when involving historical facts or involving the privacy of characters, they often have a strong opposition.

Frankly speaking, until now, the two sides have not found a consensus with a certain standard, which may exist for a long time.

This time, the Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City proposed the place where Changan's 30,000 miles "seriously inconsistent with history and history", namely: Li Bai and Du Fu met in Luoyang for the first time, not Changan described in the film;In Luoyang, it is not Chang'an described in the film; "Three Absolute One Day" happened in the Tiansong Temple in Luoyang, not Yangzhou described in the film; Li Bai who rescued Guo Ziyi was not a high -appropriate description in the film.

For these four points, shortly after the film is released, social media has argued, and even on individual topics, it has been upgraded to a network scolding war.This time, the Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City made an apology request 40 days after the film was released. It does not rule out that it is affected by Internet disputes and try to popularize some historical knowledge related to movies.

For the audience, the sense of joy and gain when watching movies is the first. Within the first time, watching the movie will be infected by emotions and will not immediately explore historical facts.

But after the high box office of the film, as the topic of the film, discuss the plot involving the historical facts, and then generate some controversy. The work as a controversial carrier is pushed to the focus position, which is also a natural thing.

and arguing to upgrade to the level of a lawyer's letter is not a bad thing, there is a positive aspect.First of all, this can at least calm the scolding color in public opinion, remove the impetuous atmosphere in the discussion, and raise the problem to a more formal level.

Secondly, everyone also hopes that through such a "game" form, it clearly explores the boundary of the adaptation. While ensuring that the work is not damaged, it can also win the extra points of respect for historical facts, so that the works can be moreCan stand the test of time.

This time Changan was issued a lawyer's letter to the same type of the same type of themes and all the film and television adaptations involving real history in the future.relation?

If a large -scale adaptation must be performed, can you try to make concise subtitle prompts on the screen when the plot unfold, or explain it at the end of the film?This can effectively prevent the audience from seeing the real history of the movie.

From this perspective, Changan's 30,000 miles and creators must interact with the Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City to turn this collision into a cultural exchanges with communication significance.

The creative space and freedom of movies must be maintained, and the authenticity and seriousness of history must also be faithfully faced, but the two should not be a oppositional relationship, and it also has the possibility of good fusion.

Of course, the premise of integration is to protect the exploration and development of domestic films, take the service audience as the highest pursuit, and make the film truly a cultural product with good entertainment and artisticness.