Recently, several problems and solutions have been observed in work and life. They are temporarily cure. Not only did they not play the effect of continuing, but even produced more serious similar problems.The method of inappropriate solving the problem, forming "positive feedback" invisibly, enlarge and enhance the original problem.If you continue to solve the same thinking, the problem will become more and more serious, and the entire system will from unstable to collapse.

Recently, children have been getting home late from get off work. In the past less than 40 minutes of drive, because of traffic obstruction, sometimes it takes more than 90 minutes to get home.Traffic issues are the weakness of urban development, especially in countries that lack land.

Due to the wealth of economy and proper urban development, smooth transportation will induce the desire of Chinese people to support cars.After the number of unlimited vehicles increases, traffic is obstructed, and the city has to solve the same problem again.Wait until the transportation is relieved, and the desire to hold the car will come again.As a result, the problem of cause and effect the cause and effect of traffic obstruction, control of the vehicle, and the desire to hold the car will be continuously and enhanced.

Another example is the "artificial outer bone" equipment that uses the principle of ergonomic engineering to reduce the risk of physical injury.These lightweight devices can allocate the body's load to other parts during work to reduce muscles and joint damage such as shoulder, back, waist, legs and hands.After the trial, some tennis coaches said that the design and efficacy of the equipment were good. In the past, it was necessary to rest for two hours in a row, and it can now increase to more than four hours.Originally, it was to reduce damage, but it became the labor of the body. As a result, the body would still be injured because of excessive labor.Damage, slow injury equipment, increase productivity, and entangle together.

Singapore has ushered in high temperature weather recently.In order to cool down, the simplest and fastest is to reduce the air -conditioning at home. As a result, it consumes more energy and causes greater damage to the environment.Even in Europe, which has always been not air -conditioned, the sales volume of air -conditioning has surged.Climate disrupting, cooling, and destruction environment are also a vicious cycle of positive feedback.

To solve such problems, after analyzing and understanding the various reasons for problems, we cannot blindly seek a simple solution to "win -win", but we must consider other problems that may be derived from the solution.Although the temperature is high, the island country is still a place with sea breeze. You can take the opportunity to abandon the waste first, clean up the home, open the windows to ventilate, or use an electric fan to help the air circulate.Unfortunately, there is no popular folding glass page window, which is the smart design of ventilation and heat dissipation.In addition, reducing the amount of activity and avoiding exercise under the scorching sun should be able to resist the temptation of the temperature of the air conditioner immediately.

Understanding "artificial outer bone" is a device that protects the human body beyond the limit of normal activity, and it should not abuse it to increase productivity.To increase income and lecture time, it is more appropriate to get individual artificial intelligence machine coaches.

How much space Singapore can develop in the future is a fixed number.The demand for population development, life, green space, industry and commerce, and even agriculture can be estimated.In addition to increasing traffic obstruction, it is also necessary to solve the problem of derivatives such as parking and traffic accidents.Therefore, a "quite rude" proposal is that in the future and the need for the future, we will start to develop public transportation systems at full speed now.For example, the two -thirds of highway resources are allocated to bus and necessary industrial and commercial applications (at least during busy transportation).This can ensure that the bus is smooth and convenient.

This practice will allow private car people to block and rub on one -third of the highway, and feel the suffering and inconvenience of the future car, so even if there is money, it is only "uncomfortable with money to buy money", which will reduceEveryone's desire for holding a car.Such fierce changes will of course impact urban development planning and automobile industry. They have to innovate and introduce high -tech and design as soon as possible to respond to these changes.In the future, the concept of "luxury" in the car is no longer a design of cars, high horsepower, and luxury, but will be lightweight and small, and can squeeze a slimming car with a congested road smoothly.

When solving the problem, if the sequelae are left to future generations, especially the resources are exhausted during the solution, it is very unfair to the next generation.Taking transportation as an example, if you can educate everyone now, holding a car in this country with limited land is simply an unrealistic extravagance, and we also effectively solve the commuting needs of the Chinese people with the bus system.It will not be our urban problem anymore.

The author is an electronic engineer