Source: China Youth Daily

Author: Li Danping

Sitting with colleagues and leaders, what should I do if I don't want to communicate?You can go to sleep when you set up "motion sickness" and avoid chatting.Colleagues borrow money from you, and are embarrassed to refuse directly. How do you deal with it?Standing "Mom Bao Ren" and told the other party, "You know, my family is in strict control, and I have to quarrel back."

Recently, the topic of "living in the workplace" has attracted public attention, and has been regarded as "magic weapon" by many young people who have entered the workplace.It is said that "when you go out, your identity is given by yourself", as long as the person is set enough, it seems that it will automatically dissolve.

However, is "standing" really a "universal elixir" in the workplace?How should we express when we encounter a job that is unwilling to undertake?

Essentially want to work and live better in your own values

"After leaving, do you want to go to the outside world to find you?" "How can I have the object!" On the dinner, Zhu Kuan said that he was single and surprised his colleagues.After all, in everyone's impression, Zhu Kuan has always had a girlfriend. The two have been dating for many years and have a stable relationship.

It is not a sudden breakup, not a misunderstanding. All of this is derived from Zhu Kuan's "lovers".

According to Zhu Kuan's colleague Yu Sanshun, when he first joined the job, Zhu Kuan was asked if he had a target, and his answer was: "Yes, in the field." Zhu Kuan went out to play or eat, and asked him ""Go out", Zhu Kuan just smiled and did not deny.On Valentine's Day, Zhu Kuan even set a bunch of delicate red roses for himself.Yu Sanshun said that when the courier sent flowers to the company, he called Zhu Kuan's name as soon as he entered the door. "We all thought it was sent by his girlfriend, and he also coaxed."

Although surprised, Yu Sanshun expressed his understanding of the "Li people set up" line of Zhu Kuan."Our company is small, and there are only a few young people who are single. The younger colleagues like to gossip’s emotional life." She said that these colleagues not only often persuade people to find objects.It is publicly let the two watch everywhere, "Sometimes it is really annoying, and the" lovers set "can help avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble."

At the school where Guo Mu work, leaders often release unrelated tasks after 9pm, which makes her distressed.Later, Guo Mu set up a "early sleeping person" for herself. Every time she encountered this, she waited to reply the next day: "Sorry, I slept early last night and didn't see the news."

"I don't actually go to bed early, but this can minimize the disturbance of work on life as much as possible." Guo Mu said that many jobs are not so urgent and not for yourself. "You don't reply immediately, and the leader will moveTo other times or find someone else. "

From the perspective of Wang Dongliang, deputy secretary and associate professor of the School of Electrical and Electrical Engineering, North China University of Electric Power University, some people are "set up" because of the workplace, everyone will be more or less restricted, and cannot be able to be more or less able to be restricted.Let it be natural and dominant.Whether it is for the "diligent person" that the head of the head, or to avoid the "early sleeping person" who avoids the addition of bands, it is essentially to work and live better in your own values.

"'Standing setting' is a form of labeling." Yangyang, a teacher of human resources management of the School of Human Resources Management of Zhongrui Hotel in Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute, believes that this gives us the courage to refuse unreasonable work while establishingFaith and promote yourself to the ideal state."You don't want to take work beyond your duties. If you do not accept the work of work, the‘ people ’s setting’ set up the workplace boundary, which to a certain extent stops the emergence of factors that affect the target and achieve. ”

"Personal collapse" also brings workplace harm

What is the role of "on the workplace"?Wang Dongliang believes that this is like a psychological suggestion that can help you show the concept and mentality of "what kind of person do you want to be" in the workplace;It is easy to "turn around".

Due to the "early sleeping person", the leaders really rarely find Guo Mu to work in the evening, but this also affects Guo Mu's image in the other person's heart."He now feels that I do n’t have me every time I do it, I am lazy, and my body is average." Guo Mu said, "If you reply to work at night, people will feel diligent, easy to be emphasized and promoted, but will always be arrangedI can't stand it, I can't stand it. "

Zhou Zhou, who works in the bank, is a gentle girl in life, but in the eyes of her colleagues, her temper is not good.Zhou Zhou never was afraid of the quarrel in the workplace.A house mortgage loan business, my colleague came to her to complete it together.Under normal circumstances, bank loans are divided into five links: the acceptance and investigation of loans, the review and approval of loans, the signing and issuance of loans, payment of loans, and post -loan management.The colleagues only made the investigation part, and the latter were handed over to Zhou Zhou.This business is operated with a colleague's work number, which means that even if weekly participation, the performance has nothing to do with her.Not only that, if there is a credit risk, she has to take responsibility together.Zhou Zhou sighed: "Did I be a biggest head?"

Therefore, Zhou Zhou refused, but the colleague moved out of the president and pressed her, and Zhou Zhou immediately quarreled with the other party.Zhou Zhou said that the other party has always "wearing small shoes" and often said in front of leaders and colleagues that he bully him.However, for this situation, Zhou Zhou didn't care, "I can't please everyone, and people who have got along naturally know what you are."

In Fan Yangyang's view, it is difficult to do "setting up the workplace". In order to maintain the person, the price paid is not necessarily worth it.You have to quarrel with others; you have to quarrel with others; set up "early sleeping people", and you cannot like or play games at night, so as not to leave social records.

Wang Dongliang believes that "standing" is also a manifestation of lying, and "saying a lie requires more lies to make up."The workplace harm brought by "people's collapse" can easily cause questions about the integrity, work attitude, and work ability of individuals.Forcibly, long -term people who do not match their own real situations can easily bring greater psychological pressure and work burden.

Sincerity is the first "nirvana" in the workplace


"In the workplace", it is often a euphemistic way to avoid the trouble of having no idea how to communicate.

Guo Mu admits that "early sleeping people" is because they dare not say to the leaders that they do not want to work for non -working hours.Zhou Zhou did not feel irritable when he first entered the workplace, and assumed many jobs that were not within the scope of his duties, which caused himself to be busy every day."I have suffered a loss and don't want to continue." Zhou Zhou's "bad temper set" formed.

In Wang Dongliang's view, in the workplace, sincerity is the first "nirvana".If you really arrange a job that you do n’t like or have difficulties, you can truthfully show that if you have the power to complete it, you can bear it even if you do n’t divide it yourself.The ability, "gain and loss is not a moment, but a process of long -term accumulation and feedback."

"Constantly improving your ability and value is the confidence of the workplace 'to be your own." Wang Dongliang said, "As long as you are excellent enough in a certain field, you can express your thoughts sincerely. At this timeNo need to set up, because professionalism is your person. "

Fan Yangyang suggested that people can stand, but it is best to set up "the person you want to be" as your own person.For example, when a person's person is "self -discipline", in order to create this image, you have to go to fitness and not to eat junk food.Her most recommended person in the workplace is "positive bloody youth".

"In order to build this person, you must actively take on work, check carefully, and complete it carefully. Once people set up, when others mention you, they will say‘ he is working and reliable.Give him no problem '."Fan Yangyang said that in this case, people can help you create a good workplace image, and the positive feedback of others will also promote your work to do better.

How to adapt to the working environment in the workplace "Xiaobai"?Wang Dongliang believes that newcomers need to recognize two "masters", one is an industry idol far away in the sky, and the other is a predecessor nearby.With industry idols as the goal, every day, every day and everything that work is implemented; and a teacher with rich experience and excellent character quality can be used as a teacher.Essence

Wang Dongliang suggested that the workplace "Xiaobai" should learn diligently, and at the same time do not follow the trend."Suitable for yourself, to understand your own characteristics, give full play to the specialties, find the development path that matches your own values and ability, stabilize, gradually expand and enhance your ability to your ability."

Fan Yangyang believes that newcomers enter the workplace, first of all, they must comply with the existing workflow and habit of doing things. "Many processes that look unreasonable in your opinion may be behind it." Secondly, newcomers can appropriately highlight themselves,"Leaders may not know much about your personality, specialties, or abilities. Showing your advantages may help you seize some opportunities."

Finally, Fan Yangyang suggested that the workplace "Xiaobai" should take as much as possible in the workplace.Get many new opportunities. "

Some people think that if you do more, there may be more errors.Fan Yangyang believes that this requires a risk assessment in advance. "Some people like to be clerks and do not want to be sent to the country; some people want to be promoted and developed. There are no absolute right and wrong, and according to their own personality and career planningDecide".

(at the request of the interviewee, except Wang Dongliang and Fan Yangyang, the name of this writer is a pseudonym)