The election of the six states of Malaysia ended, highlighting the dominant position of two different political alliances.However, the phenomenon of voting rate behind has caused a lot of doubts: Why does the number of national alliances from the majority of the number of seats in the unity government?At the same time, which one is more critical?

First of all, the difference in voting rate is mainly derived from the division of the constituency.The population of urban constituencies is dense, votes are more, and naturally pulls the votes.Most of the state seats won by the unity government are densely populated urban constituencies, especially Chinese.In addition, according to the political system of Malaysia, each voter holds two votes, one vote is selected by the National Assembly, and a state member of the state.According to the simple majority principles, the party who obtain more than half of the parliamentary and state seats will control the central and state regimes respectively.Therefore, the election system is crucial.The key is to get more seats, not more votes.Although the unity government has the advantage of the voting rate, the national alliance occupies the upper hand in the distribution of seats.

Secondly, there are many explanations for the differences in urban and rural voting models.First of all, the urban population is dense, the society is diverse, the information is more fast, and it is more susceptible to political propaganda and public opinion.This may help unite the government to win support in cities; in contrast, due to isolation and information in rural areas, the information is more likely to be affected by tradition and local factors, and it is more inclined to support the national alliance.

Similar trends may be regarded as referendum.Urban residents tend to support the unity government, and the Chinese descent of the city mainly supports the Democratic DAP.Since rural residents attach great importance to religion and tradition, they are more inclined to support the national alliance.In addition, I have analyzed the vane of the Parry Parliament's seat as a political tendency for civil servants.

In fact, civil servants generally tend to support the national alliances. For example, the seats of the two states of Longxi and Shuangxi Lama, which are near Putra, are obtained by the National Alliance.It is worth noting that Longxi's new state member was the chief secretary of the government department, the highest leader of the department.

Selanges as the front line of theater, the situation is more complicated.Although the united government has won the Selangor regime, the majority of the National League rejected the majority of the country, and this incident cannot be underestimated.This shows that the National League is still enough to shake the Selangor regime of uniting the government.The most obvious area is the state seats of Dantheng, all of which are won by the National Alliance, mainly in the town of Noroma, the former UMNO and the Chairman of the Selangor.This time he did not play, but his daughter played on behalf of her father.This echoed the "halo effect" of the Minister of State Minister of the State Charm of Kedah.Compared with Anwar's national election last year, he appointed his daughter to replace himself in Dongpu.The daughter of the Prime Minister was defeated at the time, and this time, the three state seats in his parliamentary constituency were completely lost.

Although Sanuxi, known as "Malaysia Trump", is controversial, his supporters are still emotional, and they are indeed the northern "princes".Anwar came to the northern state to be auspicious. On the last night before the election, he took his best to vote, but he did not have the ability to turn the tide to recover the land. It can be seen that the national alliance regime is still firm.Keda welcomed the German chip factory British Flying to invest, and did not add points to the united government.In addition, Azmin, a former senior minister who has been regarded as betrayal of the Justice Party, also won in the constituency, showing that voters' choices for different political forces.

The results of Liuzhou states show that although the votes are similar, the distribution of seats and regional influence plays a key role.The differences in voting models in cities and towns reflect social diversity and local influence.The results of Selangor showed that the National Alliance was influential in specific areas and united government decision -making.However, political boredom or affect voters' voting rates will make expensive publicity activities.The Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional have not seen the coordination effect, so the performance is inferior to expectations. The Justice Party and UMNO led by the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister will inevitably be questioned or even opposed by the grassroots in the party.

Instead of adjusting this state's selection into "green tide", it is better to see it as the BN and Pakatan Harapan jointly, ending the three -footed situation, and comprehensively tended to the two -party system similar to the United States.Comprehensive analysis, this state election may marked the return of the National Alliance to the mainstream of politics. The unity of the government must strengthen reform to reverse the decline and ensure that it will support the next national election.

The author is Malaysian columnist