In February this year, I received an email from American readers in the United Zard of "ThinkChina".The reader claims to be a white woman living in Atlanta, the United States. She wants to get an answer in the email, that is, how I think of the first generation of immigrants from China.The reader claims to be about 50%of its neighbors as the first generation of Chinese immigrants, and has been well educated. He has obtained relevant US degrees in the field of science and technology and engaged in technical work.

Her questions are two main points: First, why do Chinese immigrants who have been educated more educated are so disgusted with illegal immigrants? Is it because she is a legal immigrant?Second, why these Chinese immigrants use "white left" (here she uses Chinese Pinyin Baizuo), a "Pejorative Slur" (with derogatory insults) to describe what she thinks or self -considers, "white progressiveism who pays attention to social justice) she thinks or self -considers"White Progressives Who Care About Social Justice", and why Chinese immigrants hate Bai Zuo?

Later, I found that the question of how to view Bai Zuo also came from my family, that is, a relative and sister who settled in Melbourne, Australia for more than ten years.His sister participated in some multinational volunteers activities, engaged in ending care, and came into contact with some new Chinese immigrants who mainly settled in the United States in several WeChat groups. They also felt the contempt and hatred of the left. Therefore, she also wanted to know the settlementHow do I think of Bai Zuo for more than 20 years in the United States.

As far as I searched on the Internet, the word "white left" and its derivative meaning mainly appeared in the 2010s, and it should belong to a concept of successful international influence in the new Chinese words in the Internet era.Overall, the custom of the Atlanta female reader who contacted me seemed accurate, that is, Bai Zuo, who is derogatory in the eyes of Chinese immigrants, is just a group of white people who pay attention to social justice in her eyes.Progressiveists ", which promotes social justice and promotes social progress. It has natural moral justification, so she is very confused about the anti -white left heart knot of Chinese descent.My sister is also facing the same type of people -who are studying and engaged in STEM (science and technology engineering mathematics) in the United States, which is generally called science students in mainland China.

The ridicule of Chinese science students who settled in the United States mainly based on several reasons: First, the attitude towards illegal immigrants mentioned by Ms. Atlanta.She mentioned that there is a Chinese professor in the area where she lives, which blatantly calls illegal immigrants "Ghetto Thugs" and received 100 % support from other Chinese immigrants.The second generation of Chinese people in terms of academic and scores; third, Bai Zuo's tolerance and tolerance of gender issues (vertical) capacity for variability and homosexuality (vertical), which makes Chinese parents who think of orthodox conservatives.There is no significant relationship with daily life. For example, global warming, animal rights, etc. are too concerned. Chinese descents that are easily treated by the actual effects of all things are used as a disease -free moan, and the heart of the Virgin is flooding.

Who is Bai Zuo and Anti -Bai Zuo?

Before discussing these values, I hope to return to two very critical questions: who is Bai Zuo?Who are the Chinese people who are anti -Baizuo?

I tend to think that if Bai Zuo is basically equivalent to the above -mentioned "White Progressiveists who pay attention to social justice", it can be determined as a white middle -class and middle class in the United States.I hope to promote the society to be more tolerant (for different sexual orientation), more compassion (illegal immigrants who have no way to go), and more focus on the future and ecological crisis of human beings (for many people think of the global warming of the worldExtinction polar bear).Bai Zuo also supports globalization more than ordinary Americans, and accepts and appreciates foreign culture.This is why, typical Bai Zuo is easy to come from Hollywood stars and university professors. Some people have the idle class groups.

In my opinion, white progressiveism in American society itself is part of the elite, but this part of the elite may be called the elite of "soft heart".However, their existence has a very important moral symbolic significance for the naked social Darwinism and racism, the naked society, and the substantial significance of the legal level.

Many people may only see Bai Zuo's small question, flooding, can not see the American society, and in all society, the strong side of the weak to the weak.At this point, I am very clear to support and protect the rights of minority.

If we are paying attention to the background of the fierce anti -Chinese immigrants, we can find that dueThen, "Xueba" who engaged in professional and technical work "stayed".This is very different from that of Chinese and Australian Chinese who moved to the Chinese in Chinese and Australia. They also have more diverse social life experience, which is very different.In terms of disciplines, most middle -aged and elderly Chinese immigrants come from Chinese science and technology schools and engage in technical work in the United States.In the US professional market, Chinese people in the background of science and engineering are far more likely to survive than liberal arts.This also determines the technical personnel of the background of science and engineering. They will occupy the main position in the same age and batches of Chinese immigrants.It is the value and concept of Bai Zuo, including tolerance on gender issues.

However, everyone who is familiar with the Chinese higher education system in China knows that due to the inheritance of Soviet -style liberal arts and sciences, the strict divisions and specialized colleges (such as the Iron and Steel Academy, the School of Mining, the School of Water Conservancy and Electricity, and the undergraduate training of the medical school)Compared with American science and engineering students, Chinese science and medicine background students generally lack the attention of humanities, social sciences, history, religious knowledge, and "social justice" and "multiculturalism".Under the cultural impact of the United States, professional and technical personnel with the background of the Chinese "science and technology science" can easily retreat to a spiritual security area, that is, the superior position of defending themselves because of their excellent academic education and obtaining the law and obtaining the law.Illegal immigrants "disrupt their order and ideal social scenes, and do not want their children's employment opportunities to be eroded by legal immigrants; do not want any vulnerable ethnic groups to enter high -quality universities due to non -academic factors;The erosion of multiculturalism; I do not want children to pay attention to abstract topics such as "social justice" and "environmental protection".

I think that such an outlook on life is too beneficial to self, and it is too cold and dark.

But the conservative paranoia of the first generation of Chinese immigrants is also contradictory.On the one hand, they worshiped prestigious American schools, and for this year, they defended their children's right to enroll, but on the other hand, they had to face a fact -the prestigious American schools were controlled by the white left they did not.This is because colleges, especially prestigious universities, are originally an important ideological position of progressiveists in American society restricting right -wing conservatives.It is impossible in the United States today.

The first -generation Chinese immigrants, which were not very good at the knowledge structure, hoped that their children would have a halo of a famous school, and at the same time to disinfection of the general education of children in a prestigious school.I wonder.I believe that only by the second generation of Chinese descent, that is, they truly receive American primary and secondary schools and undergraduate education, and have a more comprehensive understanding of American society and culture, can the Chinese truly integrate into the United States.

Is the North Bear Estater's Danger is more important than law and order?

In my opinion, Bai Zuo's position and gesture are essential for balanced conservativeism and populism in the United States. It also helps college students to broaden their horizons, cultivate social justice, environmental protection consciousness, and sympathy for a certain degree.Heart.But in specific practice, Bai Zuo also has some too much too muchAt the point.For example, in the university classroom, the transmission of the Department of Communication is too political and racial issues; the English department analyzes all works according to the three sociological concepts of class, gender, and ethnicology;tendency.

Because of the "white progressism" itself, it is also easy to ignore the topic of ordinary people's livelihood and safety involving vital interests.Their challengers do have a reason to question: Is the safety of polar bears more important than the security issues around them?

In addition, the sister of the left -wing liberals was originally inclined to face some challenges in Melbourne, Australia: in Melbourne's middle school, students became degenerated, and they became degenerated, making parents laugh.My answer to this is that I advocate the legal rights and personality dignity of protecting LGBTQ ..., but I hope that this is after the incident -that is, after the parties confirm their identity -afterwards and equal rights measures.But I do not agree with educational institutions and adults to preach and beautify and beautify homosexuality, bisexuals, transgender and other content to teenage in advance, and encourage and induce young people to think in this direction.

If Bai Zuo really has a magnificent world map, pursuing a series of goals that help promote social progress under the banner of social justice, then it should also be acknowledged that gender issues are not all issues of human beings.Supplement to mainstream gender traits.If all the attention, especially the interest of teenagers, artificially concentrates to sexuality, it is also Bai Zuo's goal.

The author is an associate professor at the Department of History of the Academy of Academy in the United States