Source: Think about Hong Kong

Author: Louis

As the Taiwan election approaches, the situation on both sides of the strait has become increasingly tense.It seems that the bullets have been blew, and the contradiction between the Taiwan Strait is immediately released.

Back to the cross -strait relations in the past six months, although mostly hostile interactions with each other, have also witnessed the historical tender moments: that is, the former leader of Taiwan's leader Ma Ying -jeou worshiped his ancestors and visited the mainland.This trip is not only widely praised by mainland public opinion, but also makes Taiwanese people feel more intuitive to the tradition of chasing Chinese culture.After checking the comment areas of major news stations in Taiwan, you can see that the horse has received a positive evaluation across the blue and green camp.This once again shows that the foundation of Chinese culture in Taiwan society is stable and has never been cut off.Although the political situation is tight, there is such a foundation of public opinion. It is not impossible for the long -lasting peace of the Taiwan Strait and the ultimate unity of the future.

However, the role of Hong Kong in cross -strait relations is being ignored. It seems that the city has nothing to do with the major event that determines the future of the Chinese nation.This phenomenon is worth thinking about Hong Kong people.

In fact, Hong Kong has always been the "X factor" in the Taiwan Strait relations.At that time, Hong Kong played an important role in the process of cross -strait reconciliation. The main content of the "1992 Consensus" was finalized in Hong Kong.In addition, it is well known that the idea of "one country, two systems" was originally proposed by Deng Xiaoping to solve the Taiwan issue, and later implemented it in Hong Kong.Although it is rare in recent years, it is undeniable that people on both sides of the strait are observing the implementation of the two systems and two systems in Hong Kong as a reference for the possibility of Taiwan in the future.

2019 is a huge watershed.The "repair storm" broke out in Hong Kong, and large -scale social turmoil occurred. At that time, Tsai Ing -wen, who was fighting for re -election, also helped. With the help of Hong Kong's situation, it was a great election project to reverse the situation to win the election.This movement is the result of comprehensive and vicious interaction in all aspects, but no matter what, this chaos makes Taiwan society fear of one country, two systems, and "forced" Beijing to intervene in the chaos, cater to the DPP's narrative, and objectively help the people's progress.The party came to power.Speaking of bigger, Hong Kong needs to take responsibility for the deterioration of the recent Taiwan Strait.

So what should Hong Kong do "atonement"?I observe the following points:

First, the biggest problem that plagues Taiwan in recent years is the development space.Except for advantageous industries such as chips and shipping, the income of other industries is generally not high, and young people need to endure the dilemma of low salaries and high -level difficulties.But at the same time, Taiwan ’s higher education population is high, and the overall quality of young people is good.As a result, the Hong Kong corporate community can set up internship projects specifically for young people in Taiwan each year, such as opening 3,000 places each year to attract outstanding students to go to Hong Kong for internship work, and can use this to promote the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area.This can not only broaden the career path for young people in Taiwan, and help them contact new development opportunities. It can also introduce talents to the urgent needs of talents in Hong Kong, such as the chip industry.

This is not only work, but also creating opportunities to let them live in Hong Kong for a while.With this experience, Taiwanese youths will have a personal experience in the living conditions of one country, two systems.This is more direct than media reports and online rumors to understand one country, two systems.The project can even arrange Taiwanese students to live in Hong Kong's homes and communicate in depth with Hong Kong society.

Secondly, in accordance with the same thinking, the Hong Kong Government should also launch preferential policies facing young people in Taiwan and grass -roots Taiwanese businessmen to reduce the threshold for entrepreneurship of Taiwan compatriots in Hong Kong under the premise of ensuring fair business.Hong Kong's consumption level, high -quality and convenient business environment, and more opportunities for mainland Chinese markets are very attractive to entrepreneurs.

Third, Hong Kong's rich historical resources should be used to close the distance between Hong Kong and Taiwan.Mr. Sun Yat -sen had inextricable connections with Hong Kong. Before the establishment of the Republic of China, he studied, handled newspapers, and prepared revolution in Hong Kong, leaving a lot of footprints.For example, Ma Ying -jeou and his wife Zhou Meiqing were born in Hong Kong. This is also the epitome of the times, reflecting the special role of Hong Kong in modern Chinese history.Today, the Hong Kong government has set up "Sun Yat -sen History Trail" as a key project of local historical tourism. Whether it can go further in the future and develop the historical theme tourism of the Republic of China, "Hong Kong and Taiwan Cross Point" cultural tourism and other projects.Cooperate with Taiwanese schools to cooperate with Taiwan's tourism community to create a new type of "journey of national history" and "root -seeking journey".In particular, helping young people in Taiwan understand that history.

Fourth, although one country, two systems are one of the existing cross -strait unified solutions, there is no formal study of institutions so far.Hong Kong should take this role as a practical area of one country, two systems.The academic and think tanks of Hong Kong and Taiwan should establish formal cooperation to conduct research on one country, two systems.For example, the universities in Hong Kong and Taiwan universities have established a research center, and the think tanks of the two places have jointly established research projects. The scope of research includes one country, two systems, Taiwan Strait situation, peace plan and unified feasibility, etc., providing intellectual support for the stability of cross -strait relations, and put forward reasonable suggestions.

Of course, there is no market in Taiwan in Taiwan.Research institutions can also investigate why the people do not accept one country, two systems, what obstacles need to be resolved.Or describe a solution that can be accepted by a Taiwanese society in accordance with public opinion, which will at least help form meaningful policy discussions in the future.

Fifth, people's hearts are important than any system design.The Hong Kong and Taiwan governments can invite celebrities who have in -depth and existence in the two places to be civilian ambassadors, and use various opportunities to promote the culture of the two places to the people of both sides to closer the people's heart distance.For example, Wang Jie, Zhou Huajian, and Guo Fucheng, such as Hong Kong, became famous in Taiwan, or were famous in Taiwan, or artists born in Taiwan, such as Ren Xianqi, Wang Zuxian, Lin Qingxia, and developed in Hong Kong.

Of course, activities such as "Taiwan Month" and "Hong Kong Week" held in the two places for a long time have continued economic and trade exchanges, and the exchange of students with colleges and universities should continue and expand.

However, there are also many barriers to Hong Kong and Taiwan with many obstacles.

First of all, after 2019, the two governments of the two places were frozen and sanctioned the official agencies.The "Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cultural Office" of the Hong Kong government in Taiwan is still closed, and officials in the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office" in Hong Kong do not receive visas. How to break ice is the key.According to reports, some officials in Macau in Macau have returned to work in the Macau office. The seemingly obstacles at the policy level have been cleared.

Secondly, due to the deterioration of the relationship between Beijing and Taipei, the Hong Kong government has concerns when promoting cooperation with Taiwan.Therefore, it is the first step to get the trust and first of Beijing.

Third, due to the thinking format of Beiwang, the Hong Kong Government has concentrated resources in dealing with the relationship with mainland China in recent years and ignored the relationship between Taiwan.Promoting cooperation needs to adjust ideas.

As long as the government is ice breaking, folk discussions will be heated.The truth is more and more clear. Only the social and western society can only appear in a real country, two systems.

I believe that if the five things listed in the text and improve the three problems mentioned at the end of the article, Hong Kong will have the opportunity to play an important role in the process of the Taiwan Strait and the ultimate unity of both sides of the strait.