Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ye Dehao

On August 18, US President Joe Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Kishita, and South Korean President Yin Xiyue will hold the US -Japan -Korea Leadership Summit at Camp David, Maryland.This is not only the first time that Biden took office to receive foreign leaders in David Camp, which is very meaningful, but also the first time that the Three Kingdoms leaders held a three -sided summit under the occasion without other countries.

According to multi -media reports, and the U.S. National Security Council's Indo -Pacific Affairs coordinator Kurt Campbell's speech at the Brucks Society a few days ago, the leaders of the Three Kingdoms will announce a series of so -called "David Battalions" and establishThree -party leader -level hotline, annual joint military exercise, annual leadership summit, formulating mechanisms for sharing military intelligence, cooperating in defensive bullets, starting a pre -warning system for supply chain protection for semiconductors and advanced technology security, and announced that include include includingCyber security cooperation, including cracking down on false information, and so on.

At the same time, the United States is also lobbying Japanese and South Korea's promise to negotiate with each other when they are attacked.

Although Yin Xiyue actively improved Japan's relationship after coming to power, he did not talk about Japanese historical evils in the Light Rehabilitation Speech on August 15th, but held the banner of cooperation.The national emergency alliance is formed, so the three parties of the United States, Japan and South Korea will not have agreements such as the Three Kingdoms Defense Treaty.

Campbell's speeches in his Brookings Society on the 16th stated: "We can imagine a more ambitious future, but ... the key is not to leave your ski board too far, but step by step to step by step, step by step, step by step, but step by step to come step by step to come step by step.To build it suitable, don't surpass the domestic pulse we are about to cope with. "He also said that the purpose of the summit is to" inlaid the three parties in our politics ", so that any leader of the three countries will also be in the future.It is difficult to exit.

This shows that this very symbolic summit is just the start of the three parties in the United States, Japan, and South Korea. The result of the summit is likely to be based on the vision of exaggeration, and the atmosphere is more important than the content.

However, we cannot despise the potential geographical pressure on China for the first step of the United States, Japan and South Korea.

Although no organizations such as NATO in the Indo -Pacific region, because of the disgust of the US in the United States, the domestic "Economic Edition NATO" surrounded China.What you do is to conclude a bilateral or multilateral relationship with different natures and different strengths in the district, and all these relationships are also coming to China.It doesn't seem to be important in individual perspectives, but the power of integration should not be despised.

For example, for example, the "Quad Safety Dialogue" of the United States, Japan and India Australia (QUAD) seems to be just talking for many years, but in fact this mechanism has reached some specific results.In May 2022, the Indo -Pacific Oceanic Awareness Partnership (IPMDA) announced the establishment of the Indo -Pacific Oceanic Field Summit in May 2022, and now it has widely shared mechanisms about illegal fishing information in the region, which also involves the low that can be detected to close the lower response ship vessel low.The satellite technology has a data integration center in multiple Pacific islands, India, and Oman.India has shown to share data with more than 20 countries; France shows that it is necessary to integrate military and civilian tools and promote another data center in Madagascar.Although IPMDA is only targeting law enforcement fields such as illegal fishing, its military potential is very clear.

For example, the "Aukus" (AUKUS) launched in 2021, the nuclear -powered submarine plan of the Three Kingdoms already has a roadmap and timetable.Before Australia has not been able to create its own nuclear submarine, the US submarine will strengthen deployment in Australia port and will sell nuclear submarines to Australia.The Three Kingdoms are also planning to develop cooperation in the field of supersonic missiles.

The "Indo -Pacific Economic Framework" (IPEF), which has always been considered by the outside world as a "pure empty talk", although its nature is indeed not like a free trade agreement like "CPTPP), which is not like the" Cross Pacific Partnership "(CPTPP).In July of the year, 14 countries participating in the fourth round of negotiations have been conducted.Even if there are not many details that the outside world knows, there are media reports that the CEOs of the United States and Japan on IPEF have conflicts in the United States and Japan -it can be seen that all parties are really in trade, clean economy, fair economy, and supply.The chain is negotiated on the specific details of the IPEF of the four pillars.

In addition to these regional multilateral relations, the relationship between the United States and Japan, the United States and South Korea, the United States and Taiwan, the United States and the Philippines, the United States and India, the United States-Pacific Island, the United States-Vietnam and other levels are going forward.For example, Bayeng recently used Congress's authorization to launch a total value of 345 million US dollars ($ 468.41 million) in Taiwan; the United States has received the right to use multiple military bases near Taiwan;During the visit to the United States, Di (Narendra Modi) launched a policy of supporting the Indian defense industry (by: providing American fighter engine technology); the United States also reached defense cooperation with Papua New Guinea to use some military bases in the country;As the outside world is building a runway in the Xisha Islands in the Xisha Islands, which China is in dispute with Vietnam, Biden stated that it would visit Vietnam in the short term.

These diplomatic progress or potential diplomatic progress does not seem to be a stormy wave in geopolitics alone, but it is obviously the surrounding network that Biden intends to weave, and the integrated strength cannot be underestimated.

In the geopolitical discourse in recent years, people always love to talk about "multi -pole world". China is one pole, the United States is one pole, and Europe may be another polar cloud.However, in the world without any country or the two countries, the world may not seem to be concentrated in some poles, but on the lines established by the power buildings on each country and the country, and these lines ultimately eventuallyIt is organized into a network of power.

Bayon's layout of China in the Indo -Pacific region is weaving this network in line and one by one.This time, the US -Japan -South Korea summit is a line worth paying attention to in this network.