Recently, Lianhe Morning Post published a special report on China Studies, a local first courtyard course, and I was touched by the cancellation of Chinese generals.

It is reported that the number of students who have been studying in China in recent years have decreased sharply because this subject is too difficult.The author knows several students who have studied Chinese generals, and a close friend has taught China for many years, so he also understands the situation of this course.As the report says, this course should be discussed in depth the various topics of China's politics, economy, society, and diplomacy, and put forward very high requirements for students' learning ability and quality.But because of this, the course has extraordinary significance.

The China General Course was promoted by the Cabinet Political Political Lee Kuan Yew in 2007, which aims to cultivate talents who have a comprehensive and deep understanding of China's internal affairs and diplomacy.Li Guangyao's vision and excellence, recognized by the world, is also fully reflected in the establishment of a Chinese general course.Contemporary Chinese research, as a discipline, started from the 1950s and form a scale in the 1990s and early 21st century.After the international financial crisis in 2008, the Chinese economy showed a stand -alone, so contemporary Chinese research around the world was booming and prosperous, and replaced traditional Sinology became the mainstream of Chinese research.

As the intersection of Chinese and Western cultures, Singapore has always occupied important seats in the field of research in China.The Chinese research course with a middle school student -China General Affairs, and stepping on this time node in 2007 is really foresight.Institutions carrying contemporary Chinese research are generally colleges and think tanks.Singapore's establishment of Chinese general classes at the middle school stage may be unique in the world. The content of the curriculum is widely surprised.In addition, colleges and think tanks mainly cultivate professional academic talents, while Chinese generals mainly consolidate the student foundation in terms of knowledge and thinking, helping them to show their skills in all walks of life in the future.

Since the reform and opening up, after more than 40 years of development, China's economic volume has stabilized in the world.Today China is the world's largest trading country and is the main trading partner in more than 140 countries and regions.With the implementation of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP), China's economic influence in regional and global has continued to rise.In terms of high -tech, although China still has a certain gap with the United States and Europe, it has been caught up and has technical and commercial leadership in the fields of 5G, cloud computing, quantum technology, new energy batteries.Singapore's economic development will inevitably be closely linked to China.Understanding China can be said to be one of the necessary skills for local workplace development today.

The students I know work in the fields of finance, technology, law, media, education and other fields.They all said that the Chinese general training in middle schools made them handy and ease of work at work.Chinese generals not only let them understand China, but also develop an international perspective.In addition, through the teaching methods of problem orientation and speculative discussions in China, Chinese generals trains students to form objective and rational thinking habits, and can accurately discover and solve problems.

These students have rigorous thinking and extraordinary thinking, and the information retrieval and analysis ability is strong, so that the author has always sighed that the post -life is awesome and the future is expected.

The paper is a huge project for middle school students

Nowadays, Sino -US relations are tight. From the government to the people of the people, they must understand how to deal with relations with China and the United States, safeguard their own interests, and avoid becoming a victim of Sino -US confrontation.Not only that, Singapore can also adopt a steady, pragmatic, wise and open strategy in this unsure international situation to enhance your international status, and the source is left and right.In fact, the outstanding performance of the Singapore government in the epidemic and the accurate grasp of international relations have made Singapore more and more popular in international capital and high -end talents.In terms of helping local talents in responding to the complex international environment and enhancing competitiveness, China's general courses are promising.

However, it is a pity that according to reports, Chinese general students have been declining in recent years.One of the major reasons is that Chinese generals must write independent papers.A large amount of information retrieval, questionnaire survey, and special interviews, and then write papers, make charts, organize footnotes and references. It lasted for half a year or more, which is indeed a huge project for middle school students.Therefore, the author understands and appreciates the writing of the new religion.I downloaded and read the new teaching outline, and found that not only was rich and comprehensive, but also structurally reflected the complete level of characteristics from features to challenges to solving strategies.For example, from the export -oriented economic development method to the issue of export dependence, and then talking about China's driving domestic demand development strategy, a subject is a deep research report, which can largely make up for the shortcomings brought by the dissertation.After no pressure on the paper, students can read more extensively and learn every subject in the teaching outline in a more flexible way. I believe that they can get greater gains.

In addition, the author also learned that another important reason for the number of schools and candidates for Chinese generals are decreasing, which is insufficient teachers.The content of the curriculum is very wide, and many contents have far exceeded the professional category of general middle school teachers, such as finance, debt, etc. Most content has continued to change with the development of current affairs, such as Sino -US relations.Teachers need to spend a lot of spare time to study and keep tightening current affairs. They also have to try to learn in a simple way. In addition, the extremely difficult task of guiding the dissertation, the workload is great.The graduates interviewed in the report said that the teachers of Chinese generals are rich and enthusiastic, and they are sincere.Because of the small number of electives, some schools have to teach other subjects with Chinese generals. They are stressful and can be imagined.Such a variety of teachers who can be competent or willing to take on curriculum tasks are very limited.After a school retires, leaves, or transforms his job, there is no succession after retiring, leaving, or changing his job. It is a pity to close this subject.

Nowadays, the Chinese generals curriculum teaching outline has made great adjustments, which not only meets the needs of the current situation, but also meets practical conditions.As long as teachers' training and publicity are strengthened, more and more students in electives will be increased.I sincerely hope that this course will continue to grow, and to cultivate countless talent elites based on local, seeing China, looking at the world, and the world.

The author is a retired education worker