Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

Shenzhen officially launched a number of measures to optimize the passage of land ports. The "frequent passenger" plans to set up specific groups such as students and business people, so that they can pass the level in Luohu, and look forward to expanding to more land ports as soon as possible.The integration of the Greater Bay Area is frequent in Hong Kong and the mainland, and the walls must be disassembled and loosened in many aspects.Hong Kong cars go north, high -speed rail subway, and foreign credit cards are bound to mainland electronic payment tools. Recently, some progress has been made. However, various levels of levels are still much.For a long time, the crown disease epidemic has a long time, commonly known as the "black code" mainland health declaration form arrangement, which has little effect, but has brought inconvenience to many people who pass the customs, causing the passage to be crowded.The exchanges are smoother and more efficient.

Shenzhen Optimized Portal Pass

Convenient measures have been introduced one after another

The Hong Kong mainland has resumed full customs clearance earlier this year. So far, the situation of the two places has returned to the level of 60 % or 70 % before the epidemic.At present, about 350,000 passenger customs clearance is recorded at the daily land ports, of which the Luohu Port is the busiest. Since the customs clearance this year, the total number of passengers in Luohu Port has approximately 23 million.Chen Maobo, director of the Financial Department, had prematurely previewed. Since the resumption of customs clearance, the consumption situation in the north of Hong Kong people has increased significantly. As the integration of the Greater Bay Area accelerates, the situation of people in the two places will be more frequent. Both hardware and software are more convenient.

In the past few months, the arrangements of a number of facilities in the north were successively introduced. Shenzhen officially announced this week to optimize the measurement measures for land ports and launch the "frequent passenger" plan, which is convenient for specific groups to pass at Luohu Port, which is the latest measure.According to the official introduction, designated groups such as students, business people, and scientific and technological personnel will be included in the "frequent passenger" plan. After registration, the pass will be more convenient. As for the specific arrangements such as the implementation date, it needs to be further announced.In addition, Shenzhen official also announced 18 optimization measures, including monitoring the flow of ports at the port, improving the free Wi-Fi rate and stability of the port channel, and adding "temporary convenience financial service points" to help Hong Kong passengers use mainland electronic payment tools to use mainland electronic payment toolsEssenceThe "frequent passenger" in Hengqin Port in Macau last month. The overall effect is ideal. I believe that you do n’t have to wait too long. “Chang Passengers” can be implemented in Luohu. If the measures are significantly effective, it is expected that the relevant arrangements can be implemented as soon as possible at other land ports, which is convenient and more convenient to be more convenient.Multi -cross -border commuting and school people.

Hong Kong people and overseas people go to the mainland. In recent years, a more often encountered problem is that there is no or not knowing the use of mainland electronic payment instruments.Today is on the mainland today. There is no cost of cash without consumption, but there is no such thing as an electronic payment.In the past, foreign people must use mainland mobile numbers and binding mainland bank accounts to open mainland electronic payment accounts.In recent months, a mainland electronic payment company announced that it can be bound to the mainland electronic payment application with overseas credit cards. It is an important launch of the wall -disassembly. However, many Hong Kong people are not familiar with how to install and operate related procedures.This time, Shenzhen officials have added service points to multiple land ports to assist passengers to install and use mainland electronic payment tools. Indeed, many Hong Kong people need.

The integration of the Greater Bay Area is more convenient to communicate with them. Hong Kong cars go north, high -speed rail subway, and more ports to take one place and two inspections are the general trend. In recent months, citizens have also seen some progress.The Hong Kong car north has been implemented in July; in order to promote the high -speed rail subway, the MTR launched the "flexible travel" arrangement. From next week, the high -speed rail passengers travel to and from the West Jiu to Futian Station.Class, citizen who is in a hurry, can change the earlier shifts.In terms of one place and two inspections, Shenzhen officials stated that Huanggang Port is being rebuilt. It is expected to be opened in 2026. At that time, it will be implemented in one place and two inspections in the newly completed port building.

Black code declaration virtual stories

Lottery is canceled as soon as possible

From the flat land of Wanzhang, the Hong Kong car is going north and the high -speed rail subway. It is necessary to advance step by step; some ports are limited by hardware, and the spatial layout must be changed or even large -scale reconstruction in order to implement one place and two inspections.The principle of inconsistency, all parties understand that the SAR government and the mainland can still make more discussions to see how to speed up the pace.The Hong Kong car has been implemented for more than a month. Due to the complicated application procedures and other problems, the average of less than 150 Hong Kong vehicles on average daily; the high -speed rail "flexible" arrangement, although providing greater elasticity for passengers, the real high -speed railway shouldPassengers can get on and off at any time, and have not set up "Enterprises Flying" for public sale one day, and have always been a significant distance from subwayization.All these are required to actively follow up with the official joints with the mainland officials as soon as possible.In addition, the problem of "black code" should also be solved as soon as possible.

The Hong Kong mainland epidemic is often over half a year, but the Hong Kong people have to complete the entry health declaration commonly known as "black code" to date. There are three specific methods, including reporting with WeChat mobile applications, online declarations, or at the port scene.In handling, the validity period of the black code is 24 hours, which means that it cannot be filled in the morning; those who need to travel to the two places every day should be theoretically declared.Many elders in Hong Kong are not familiar with smartphone applications, plus the unstable border mobile network, which is prone to network traffic jams during the peak period of entry and exit, and it cannot generate black code smoothly. Even if the black code is obtainedAs a result, the passage is often crowded.In addition, the black code applicant must explain whether it has been foreign countries 14 days before the entry of the mainland. However, because it is an independent declaration, there is no need to prove that how many people should have a story about the stories and the passage of the passage, which is unable to take a test.

Black code is the regulations of the General Administration of Customs of the Mainland, and Shenzhen officials must obey.In recent months, Shenzhen has taken a series of measures to try to streamline the schedule of black code passing. In addition to significantly simplifying the required information, it also allows cross -border drivers and cross -border school children to be valid from 1 day to 7 days.Still appearing from time to time.Coronary virus has transformed wind and soil. The mainland has no longer conducting large -scale virus testing. Generally, the people rarely wear masks. There are still those who need to track viruses and infections urgently.The existence of black code is of little significance, but it hinders normal personnel. It is expected that mainland officials can cancel relevant requirements as soon as possible to reduce inconvenience of personnel.