Source: Ming Pao News Agency

U.S. President Biden signed an administrative order, strictly restricting the investment in China's high -tech field, and also stated that measures cover Hong Kong and Macao. It marks that the U.S. upgrade of the Chinese science and technology war in China is also a key first step in restricting investment in China.Sexuality is to create a cold cicada effect, so that the American investment community is not enough for China.The White House said in the mouth of the White House that he did not intend to decide with Hua. In fact, the actual "de -risk" is decoupled in the fields of science and technology investment.This will only accelerate China's self -reliance.How does the White House ban affect the development and financing of Hong Kong and financing. It takes time to observe, but there are countries in Hong Kong as backing. In the face of targeted, there is no reason to shrink back.The United States curbs China's development and repeatedly crack down on Hong Kong. In response to various potential risks, the SAR official must plan early to formulate plans to respond.

Technology Investment Prohibition Manufacturing Cicada Effect

U.S. Secretary of State Brillin and Treasury Secretary Yellen have visited China in recent months. While the White House poses a posture of seeking dialogue and stabilizing the relationship between the two countries, but on the other side, it has continuously stepped up to curb China's development.The ban is the latest move.The relevant administrative orders mainly involve the three types of science and technology, namely semiconductor, artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum technology, US venture capital companies, private equity funds and joint ventures. In the future, Chinese enterprises in investment related areas will be strictly limited.Facing fines or even forced to withdraw money.In addition, the official will also set up a notification system to report the investment in the U.S. Treasury to the U.S. Ministry of Finance in the above high -tech field.The White House stated that there is no traceability period about orders or investing in Chinese stocks and bonds. The official will first listen to public opinions and adjust the plan in the next few months. It is estimated that it will be implemented as soon as next year.The British government hinted yesterday that they would consider whether to follow the United States.

The high -level exchange control high -level criticized the British government's weakness earlier, often obeying the requirements of the United States, causing dissatisfaction with anti -China politicians.In any case, mainland China is not the main destination of Britain's foreign investment. The restrictions are not limited, and the impact is very limited.In contrast, in the past, American companies had a large investment in China. Taking Silicon Valley Volticine Giant Sequoia Capital as an example, since entering China in 2005, they have participated in more than 1,000 Chinese companies' investment.S $ 100), more than assets managed in Europe and the United States.Some US think tanks described that the White House's high -tech investment ban has officially opened the first step in the United States to restrict direct investment in China.Beijing criticized the US approach to be naked economic coercion and scientific and technological bullying. The real purpose is to deprive China's development rights. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has proposed solemnly. Whether Beijing will take countermeasures later needs to pay close attention.

The United States has launched a scientific and technological war against China, a high -tech investment ban, and is brewing for at least two years.Biden said that semiconductor, AI and quantum technology have a key role in accelerating the development of military and intelligence. It is necessary to limit US -enterprise related investment in China to defend national security.Washington is just the guise of national security and "de -risk" to curb China's high -tech development and safeguard the US hegemony.

Of course, just like the previous trade war measures in the United States, high -tech investment ban also crack down on American companies. Even if Washington kills one thousand, it will lose 800 at any time.Intel, Qualcomm, Nvidia and other American chip industry giants, earlier lobbying the Bayeng government should not take more restrictions, and must ensure that the policy will not be excluded from the Chinese market; some people in the industry also warn that it is too broad and ambiguous., It may weaken the competitiveness of the US semiconductor industry.

In the new era of the Science and Technology Revolution, the application of AI will penetrate into each link. If the United States adopts a generous definition and restricts investment in China, it is basically a project that involves more scientific and technological ingredients, and American companies may not be able to invest.According to the US media, after discussion of the White House and the industry's owner, the "narrowing" restriction scope, the ban may only be suitable for Chinese companies with "more than half of the revenue from AI".Still look at Washington to choose from tightening or width.Because of whether the rules are violated or not, there is an uncertainty of how to cut off and there is uncertainty. It is conceivable that some American companies and venture capital funds would rather give up investing in China in order to avoid risks.In this administrative order, a major role is to create a cicada effect and scare US science and technology enterprises and investment communities.

Hong Kong Chengwafu formulates a plan to fight against the United States for the target

Last year, the US direct investment in China was US $ 8.2 billion, and investment in China was only 1.3 billion US dollars. Both were new lows for many years.Sequoia Capital announced earlier that it will be split into three independent entities, which are operated independently in Europe, America, China and India. The main causes are also geopolitical risks and pressure from American politicians.Washington Technology has been continuously upgraded to measures from the Lianhe Dutch restrictions on the export of lithography machines. By this investment ban, it is aggressive, but as Microsoft founder Gates, famous economist Jeffrey Sachs, etc.These measures in Washington will only force China to accelerate the research and development of related technologies.Gates believes that the United States tries to prevent China's development chip technology that will eventually be empty, but has destroyed a big business that could have sold chips to China.In Hong Kong, some people in the science and technology industry have pointed out that many funds investing in local innovation involving US funds are concerned that the White House ban will affect the development of the industry.Some members advocate the establishment of a sovereignty fund of the Hong Kong Government's Effect Law, Singapore, to invest in their own, and make up for the funding gap. Relevant suggestions are also worth considering.