Cognitive dislocation is a common phenomenon in today's world.The original expectation was that with the modern information technology such as the Internet, cloud computing, big data, and smartphones, and the current popular ChatGPT, people should be stronger in control and analytical ability of information, but ignore a element, that is, technology, that is, technology, technologyIt's just the level of tool progress, and the understanding and cognitive functions are still dominated by human brains.

Some predictions that artificial intelligence (AI) will have the ability to think and judge independently one day, and it needs to be seen in this regard.Human brain is very interesting. Too little or too much information will affect the judgment and decision ability.

In today's rapid information, why is the cognitive misalignment still frequently occur?There is a reasonable explanation that the information technology itself has also strengthened the normal and correct information broadcast.From the perspective of brain analysis and judgment, it has increased the difficulty and risks of cognition, leading to misplaced cognition.For example, a traditional great country has suffered from internal and external problems in the early days of entering modern history. When reflecting on the lessons of experience, should you pay attention to internal concerns or emphasize external problems?Speaking of the sad reminder of the year, the first reaction was the bully of imperialist powers. Is this cognitive correct or misplaced?

The author thinks this is a cognitive dislocation.Mencius has a famous saying: "People must insult themselves, and then people insult; their homes will destroy themselves, and they will be destroyed by themselves; the country must be self -defeating, and later generations will be cut off."Judging, and historical facts repeatedly proved this.Many people may know that in 1840 Britain launched the Opium War to China. China was forced to customize trade under humiliation and claimed land compensation.In fact, as early as 1792 to 1793, the United Kingdom sent the first Macanli diplomatic mission to China to open the trade between the East and the United Kingdom and develop diplomatic relations with China.At that time, China was in the Qianlong dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, but seemed to see business in the British Peaceful Mission, and rejected arrogantly.

This shows that about half a century before the Opium War broke out, China and Britain actually had the opportunity to establish a relationship between equal trade and peaceful coexistence.Even from the worst perspective, even if a group of "Western barbarians" suddenly came outside the heavenly dynasty, it may pose a threat to the boundaries and interests of the heavenly dynasty in the future. At that time, the Qing Dynasty still had 50 years of early warning and preparation time.That is, if Daqing has encouraged the governance in these 50 years, it is aggressive, and the level of advanced civilization in the world is vigorously chasing the world. By 1840 after 50 years, will it be cut to the country by the United Kingdom and be a humiliation of power?It is worth mentioning that during the Opium War, more than 9,000 so -called Chinese Expeditionary Army districts sent by the United Kingdom, while the Qing Dynasty was 800,000 at the time; Moreover, the British army was not far away from cross -ocean operations, and the Qing army was land defense.For the side to work.As a result, the Qing army was defeated.

Looking back at historical node correction cognitive dislocation

Similar situations also occur in relationships between China and Japan.Many Chinese people's minds on Japan are full of aggression and bullying China in Japan.However, in 1860, the development level of China and Japan was basically on the same starting line, and even China's overall strength accounted for some advantages.China began the Westernization Movement, and Japan implemented the Meiji Restoration.The Chinese Beiyang Fleet visited Japan in 1886. Among them, Zhenyuan and Dingyuan two giant ships shocked Japan.However, in 1894, the Beiyang Fleet was vulnerable in 1894, and the entire army was overwhelmed.This also illustrates a problem. In just eight years, Japan has a lot of money and alarm, and China does not seek forgiveness and go downhill.

Why is it still worth looking back on nodes and lessons of these history?Because this can also help correction of certain realistic cognitive misplaces.

There is no need to emphasize who is bullied, targeting or aggressive, and more importantly, we must reflect and summarize why you continue to miss the opportunities of history and the times?Why does the sad ending of "the country must be self -defeating and the later generations are cut"?Perhaps some Chinese still have tragedy centers in their hearts: the powers cannot invade and bully us because of our backward corruption.However, as early as 2000 years ago, Mencius's old man had realized this profound law.It is a pity that the descendants of Xiao and grandchildren have forgotten the dictatorship of backward corruption -the so -called "self -cutting", so they can only be beaten and passively beaten -the so -called "human cut".

We can misplace similar cognition as "causal relationship" misalignment.That is, a country's nation encounters foreigners against bullying aggression. This is not the reason, but the result.If you want to really get rid of such a sad ending, you must dare to discover, correct and reform the real reason why you passively beaten.This is like a virus, some symptoms such as fever, sore throat, and dizziness are really miserable. You can also use drugs to temporarily control the symptoms (total ratio is stronger).Only to truly recover.This is actually common sense: to cure the standard, but also the root cause.

Coincidentally, this law is also confirmed in the current level of Chinese and Japanese football: Chinese and Japanese football, no matter men and women, on the same running line 40 years ago, and China is still strong.But now Japanese men's and women's football has long been dusty, and the ranks of the world's football are the ranks, and what about Chinese football?If China -Japan football meets in the field today, it must be "bullyed" by Japan. Isn't this ending unusually shocking?

The cause and effect of the Korean war cannot be reversed at will

The 70th anniversary of the Southern War of the Korean War has also reminded us that once the cognition is misplaced in the causal relationship, the relevant choices based on this are not controversial, and it is difficult to become the best.

There are two major problems.First of all, after the end of World War II, the north and south divisions of North Korea and South Korea were made according to the 38 -degree line of the north latitude. It was part of the consensus and principles of the Yalta meeting. It was formally filed in the United Nations; that is, it is part of the recognized normal international order.In June 1950, North Korea suddenly launched the so -called "united war of the motherland", which actually severely damaged the normal international order.This is the main reason for the three -year war of the Korean Peninsula.

Secondly, after the above reasons, the United States and the United Nations Army involved in the Korean War, as well as the military assistance in China and the Soviet Union's military assistance, were actually part of the result.This causal relationship cannot be upside down at will, otherwise it will become logical confusion and historical nothingness.

And about the participation of China, it is said that it is because the United States has an attempt to occupy North Korea and then attack China.This is the lack of evidence support and logical defects.If the United States wants to interfere in Chinese affairs, why not help the Kuomintang Chiang Kai -shek in 1949 a year ago in 1949?Isn't that easier and convenient to operate?It is also necessary to go around North Korea to attack China from the northeast?

Before the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, the United States has shrunk the security lines in the Asia -Pacific region to the second island chain, that is, Japan and Guam.In the defensive circle.Although the United States did not formally establish diplomatic relations with New China at that time, there was no serious hostility and confrontation. The door to the development of normal bilateral relations between the two sides was open.

Now it seems that in response to the US and the United Nations army involved in the Korean War, some claims (such as Lin Biao and others) should belong to a more wise choice: that is, strengthen the strength of the Northeast border defense army and border defense lines.Do not send troops directly to North Korea.If China acts so much that year, the history and path of the future may be rewritten.

Cognitive decision decision, correct cognitive decision to choose correctly, and the profound lessons of history must always be considered to be considered.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy research and consultation in the United States