Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Wangbao Society Review

Former Prime Minister of Japan and Vice President of the Liberal Democratic Party, Morimoto arrived in Taiwan for three days on the 7th. This is Taiwan's Taiwan trip for 12 years.In addition to meeting leader Tsai Ing -wen, Masheng Taro held talks with Vice President Lai Qingde and Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan, and made a speech on the "Kaidgalan Forum". His speech was very sharp and Taiwan needs to interpret it carefully.

Japanese economy sparse and beautiful,

Masheng believes that preventing the war from the Taiwan Strait needs to be observed by scaredness, and the scareing three parts. The first military reserve must have the ability to scare "; the second must have" execution ability ", that is, the will of the people must be recognized by the people.The third is the most important. The fact that the ability to obscure allows the opponent to fully understand that the three prerequisites can be achieved at the beginning of the establishment.Masheng believes that the country must have a general awareness. In case of the ability to exert scolding, to be mentally prepared for war, let this clear willpower know that the opponent knows that in order to maintain the security and stability of the Taiwan Strait, it is possible to use force.

Ako Taro has a clear position and emphasizes that "the Japanese and Taiwan relations that help each other in difficulties", but the DPP explains Masheng's "Tiri Terrace" as "trust" and "tirled"."Cool down.In fact, Japan is similar to the American election in the Taiwan election. It does not favor any candidate. Ke Wenzhe and Hou Youyi visited Japan. Masheng Dudu was willing to meet.Express.

Masheng emphasizes the importance of "peace" to establish the importance of "aggressive ability", but unintentionally provoked military conflicts with China.Masheng bluntly said, "Ensuring regional peace and stability, and security for Japanese security is a major issue that is related to life and death." Japan seeks a constructive and stable relationship with China through transparent conversation, calling on cross -strait issuesThe new leaders of Taiwan can adhere to the universal value of shared and work with Japan to face external challenges.

Aso bluntly stated that "preventing the Taiwan Strait War from scaring", but he believes that "scare" needs to cooperate with the "dialogue", otherwise it will exacerbate the security difficulties and spiral the tension situation, which eventually leads to a war that is not happy with all parties.The main contribution of the next president to India's peace will be to restart the cross -strait dialogue, but Lai Qingde does not recognize the "1992 consensus" and wants to enter the White House in the United States."Role.

Although Japan is "tirled", it has no intention of sacrificing Sino -Japanese relations that is vital to Japan. It is hoped that the United States and China -China Revoicing Dialogue can become an opportunity for re -adjusting Sino -Japanese relations.Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Hiroshi expressed his wish to visit China several times, exploring the possibility of "head of diplomacy" in China and Japan. Although Kishida opposes China in strategic security, he attaches importance to the economic relations between the two sides and strives to open up the dilemma of Sino -Japanese relations.

Japan selected the United States in the United States and China competition, resulting in continuous landslide in Sino -Japanese relations, but still maintains the "political cold and hot" pattern. In 2022, China continued to maintain the largest export market status in Japan, with bilateral trade value of 357.4 billion US dollars.China and Japan have not "decoupled", and the economic symbiosis model remains unchanged.A survey of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan shows that there are more than 30,000 Japanese merchants in China, accounting for about 40%of the total overseas Japanese businessmen, and the average Japanese business surplus in China is 15%, which is twice that of Japan's overseas and domestic business companies."Golden Rooster".Japan's JB Press predicts that as the global industrial chain gradually shrinks, due to the formation of the economic circles in China and the United States, the "sparse beauty" of the Japanese economy will be obvious.

However, the Japanese financial community is worried that the Japanese government's limitation on the semiconductor manufacturing equipment in losses will not only make the relevant Japanese merchants lose nearly 30 % of the profit, but also affect the future development of Japanese merchants in China.In addition, the Japanese Economic News analysis pointed out that China began to control the exports of rare metals and crickets required for semiconductor production on August 1, which will have a impact on the Japanese material industry that rely on China to rely on China.The Japanese economic community called on Kishida Cabinet to restore the comprehensive recovery of China and pull back Sino -Japanese relations back to the track.

China -Japan shows the sincerity of the dialogue

There is no progress in Kishida's visit, but the representative (party leader) of the Gongming Party of the Governor's Alliance hit the head of Natsuya Yamaguchi. At the end of August, he assisted Kishida against China Foreign Diplomacy.Mainland Ambassador Wu Jianghao said at the "Memorial China -Japan Peace -friendly Treaty Conclusion 45th Anniversary Seminar" hosted by the "Memorial China -Japan Peace Friendship Treaty" hosted by the Japan -China Friendship Association on the 5th that no matter how difficult and resistance to China -Japan relations, he should adhere to the original intention of "excluding interference"Make sure that Sino -Japanese relations run on the "correct track".

Sino -Japanese relations are not easy to improve structural improvement in the short term, but both sides show the sincerity of "dialogue".The DPP should not mistakenly interpret Mason's "theory of war". When the United States and Japan are committed to restarting dialogue with China, Taiwan should catch up.