A group of art groups dominated by Chinese students, sprayed a well -known "Cadre Wall" in the East East District of London, sprayed a total of 24 words of "socialist core values" and triggered heated discussions.Some people point out that they are "cultural invasion" in the United Kingdom, and they will only humiliate themselves and increase the negative impression of the West to the Chinese; and some people refer to the spirit of the street graffiti, and the 24 words are common in any country.

The creators who dominate this event insist that they do not have a political position, but just want to "use socialist construction to anti -colonial and false freedom in the West."

The author observes the inside and outside of China's online firewall, and it seems that there is still a lot of controversy.This also made the creators admit that they had beyond their imagination and even threatened by the so -called cyber violence and death.

The direct reason for the controversy is nothing more than using the wrong method. The existing graffiti wall is covered with a large -scale coverage. Among them, it also includes the legacy that other people will bypass them when creating.The impression of respect.Although the spirit of graffiti on the street is freedom, there are also many hidden rules in the middle of the tadpoles.Or think about it, if there is a group of British who come to the famous Renmin University of China, the graffiti walls of Renmin University of China, stamped the students' original graffiti, and put on the British flag or the big charter. What will the Chinese feel?

It is worth mentioning that it seems to be the political perception reflected in the incident.Although the creator has repeatedly emphasized his unpolved position, the "work" itself has a political significance.In the commentary of his works, it is also emphasized that "go to colonial", "cultural output", "false freedom", etc. It is really difficult to recognize that the work itself has no political ingredients.But the author would rather believe in the confession of the creator, or to say that, his political touch is quite blind.Because people who have a little political sensitivity will realize that in the case of deteriorating Sino -British relations and the overall negativeness of the British people's view of Hua, these behaviors will only cause resentment.The 24 large words written in Chinese believe that there will be no publicity effects, nor can it be promoted to the Chinese system or socialist values.

As far as results are concerned, this art work not only does not reflect the original purpose, but has become a high -level black. It is beyond recognition in just less than one day."No" and other words, or add some irony of Chinese politics and leaders on the wall.This so -called wall without a political position has become a painting version of the irony contemporary China.

The sublimation and irony from street art to extensive criticism and irony, more or less low in China's overseas image, the behavior of Chinese people can easily touch the nerves of Western residents.Earlier surveys by the US Think Tank Piey China Research Center showed that young people in Britain, France, and Germany were negatively impressed by China. More than 80 % of the respondents believed that China did not respect personal freedom.The research on the think tank also shows that Britain's positive perception of China has continued to slip to 27%from 65%in 2001 to 2021, and negative impressions rose from 16%to 69%.

It is not difficult to imagine that any creation that can highlight the ideology of China can easily be tied to a negative label.When the creator works with freedom, it is an instant discussion that "China is not free" instantly.

In recent years, Western countries have a heavy pressure on Hua Shi, and Chinese officials have also adopted a strong diplomatic position.If the Chinese people can show their affinity and respect for countries that have not been trapped in diplomatic disputes outside the political level, especially for countries that have not trapped their diplomatic disputes, it is actually conducive to repairing the outside world's sense of view of China.However, when the official diplomacy falls into the trough, while the Chinese people are influenced, negative behaviors are also more likely to be magnified, and then affect the image of China.

Just as Chinese netizens accused the Thai male stars and his girlfriend "insulting China" in 2020, it set off a battle between the China Thailand. In the end, the Thai Tourism Administration and the Chinese ambassador to Thailand settled their disputes.Originally, the official relationship between China and Thailand had a good relationship, but because of the small storm set off by small pink, the people of the two countries lost peace. Thailand's image of China greatly reduced the image of China.

Back to the London Graffiti Wall incident and moved the common slogans on the streets of China to a foreign country, giving people a sense of cultural impact, maybe it is a creative move.If the creator can hold a respectful attitude and create a way, the ending of the incident may be completely different, and "art" will not become high -level black.

The author is a Hong Kong writer

The Global Master of Political Economy of the Chinese University