Since relying on the prosperity of the petroleum economy in 1973, Saudi Arabia, known as the oil kingdom and the Islamic League, has always received much attention from the outside world.In recent years, due to the implementation of the new policy of King Salman, women's social life has changed a lot.In the 2022 World Bank women, business and legal reports, Saudi Arabia scored 10 points compared with 2020.On January 5 this year, the FIFA appointed a female international referee, Anoud Al-Asmari.Essence

Saudi Arabia is a country with a unique traditional culture and lifestyle. It modernization follows the tribal society mainly nomadic, and quickly spans the road of oil industrialization and urbanization.In the 1970s, the nationalization of petroleum made the economic structure began to change dramatically, relying on petroleum resources to become one of the countries with high income per capita.

Saudi Arabia in the 1980s was a mysterious and backward oil kingdom in the eyes of Westerners.In 1987, the Saudi published in Boston: In the internal book of the Desert Kingdom, the author Sandra Macdkey said: "Saudi women are the victims of the rigid tradition.Women who are responsible for their mythical honor. "In the 1980s, Saudi Arabia was a world financial country with a developed level of transportation and telecommunications technology, but the employment rate of men is low, women's employment has restrictions, women's beauty and beauty shops and women's television players were quilt.Cancellation, television prohibits playing women's pictures, and women's occupations are limited to education and health care.Women cannot drive a car separately, and they cannot travel without men.

Women's modernization changes requires a process, and development of women's education is a prerequisite for modernization.In 1962, King Fasal and his wife presided over the establishment of the first women's school.In the 1980s, many women's colleges established an independent women's college.As of the mid -1980s, more than 500 girls who graduated from the National Medical University served for women and children, and the occupations that women needed to be engaged in are teachers, doctors and public sectors.Primary school female teachers have the most demand.The administrative staff of the women's departments under the government of government, social services, and the Ministry of Education must be Saudi women, and in the past, it was basically served as Egyptian and Syrian women.

Until the 1990s, there were still systems in the Saudi society that did not encourage women to employment.Valentine Moghadam pointed out in the book of Social Gender and Development (1995) in the Arab world that Saudi women's labor force accounted for 3.3%in 1985, and the Saudi employment rate was 23%.Saudi Modern Economy depends on oil, and the modern human resources development of men and women is not sufficient.In the 1990s, the changes in the Persian Gulf's political and economic situation increased pressure on Saudi social changes. The decline in oil prices prompted the Saudi economy to enter a diverse period.schedule.

Since 2011, under the goals of the Saudi government for more women to work and reduce the development of oil dependence, women's lifestyle has begun to undergo tremendous changes.In 2011, the Ministry of Labor decided to produce cosmetics and women's stores, as well as the women's department of department stores, should hire Saudi women's sales staff and no longer hire foreign women.On December 3, 2012, Brentland, known as the mother of sustainable development, delivered a speech on the sustainable development of women in the Middle East in the American university in Cairo.She said that a large amount of oil and natural gas income in the Middle East cannot guarantee extensive economic development; Norway's oil is also very rich, but still manifested to mobilize and make full use of all human resources.The ratio of Norwegian women's participation in the labor market is the highest in the world. Women's employment has created new employment opportunities and tax revenue. The equality of social gender is also a smart economy.

Retail and hotels are key industries that encourage women to join the labor army.The number of women working in the private sector increased by 130%from 2012 to 2016.Women account for 30%of the total labor force of the Saudi private sector, and only 12%in 2011.Women can not only engage in certain retail and hotel industries, but also enter areas that have never been involved.In 2012, the Sports Bureau established the Women's Department, and women were first allowed to participate in the Olympic Games.In 2013, the Saudi Securities Exchange appointed the first female chairman Sara Suhahimi; at the end of 2013, the first batch of Saudi female lawyers obtained a practice certificate; in 2015, Saudi Women could participate in municipal elections for the first time.

Saudi Arabia's 2030 vision announced in 2016 established Saudi Arabia's three major visions: Arabia and Islamic World Hearts, Global Investment Power and Asia -African Hubs.In 2030, the vision is committed to cultivating women's talents, so that they can play a greater role in the economy. The goal is to increase female labor from 22%to 30%by 2030.

Alvy Lyrity Charity in Saudi Arabia is an organization with a history of more than 40 years and has strong financial resources. Three of the six members of the board of directors.In 2017, Princess Ramia told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, "It's time ... we are more aware of the importance of women's participation in different departments." "Like any other country, we have obstacles, but we are inDo your best to make it better. "The organization has created a website and plans to promote women's continuous progress and play a role in the development of social development under the banner of "Saudi Women Can."

In order to solve the negative impact of supervision policies with men and women's separation policies on women's employment, since 2017, the royal government has announced a number of reform measures.Since July 2018, women will allow driving in Saudi Arabia, allowing women to watch live games at the three major countries of Riyadh, Gada and Daman.2019 is an important turning point for Saudi Women's modernization. On February 23, the Saudi royal family announced that he appointed Princess Lima Bent Bandar as the new ambassador to the United States. In August, the government allowed adult women to obtain passports and travel; December 8On the day, the Saudi government announced that restaurants will no longer require restaurants to set up separate entrances and dining areas for women.

In Saudi Arabia, the family social structure still exists, and the family support is important to women's development.Princess Lima's father served as the Saudi Ambassador to the United States from 1983 to 2005. She divorced and had two children. She has always been a famous entrepreneur and charity.In recent years, under the promotion of the royal reform faction, women have obtained job search opportunities, including sports.In November 2021, Saudi Arabia began to host the Women's Football League, and Ande Ansma was a member of the Saudi Football Federation.

Saudi women must keep up with the development of modernization and need to take action to seize the opportunity to get opportunities.

The author is an associate professor at the International Research Institute of the Institute of International Relations of the Belt and Road Institute of Yunnan University