Source: Top News

Author: Zhang Yifei, Su Ziqing

For a few years of working, doctor Zhang Ting can already tell who is a medical representative (hereinafter referred to as "Pharmacok") -WofeSeems to be inconspicuous.

But the eyes betrayed them.Compared with the helplessness of patients seeking medical treatment, the pharmac generation is happy and savvy when seeing the director of the department.Involved, "I haven't seen it for a while (Pharmacok)."

Pharmaceutical collective stealth

The day of the newcomer Jiang Meng is a bit bitter.Last year, she had been in an internship at a pharmaceutical company and knew that the pharmaceutical income was good.At that time, the teacher who took her said, "Do it well and accumulate resources, you can quickly achieve financial freedom."

As soon as she graduated this year, she was successfully applied and became a pharmac generation, but she did not expect to encounter the industry's "cold winter" -the anti -corruption storm in the medical community. She has just passed product knowledge training.Notice: All pharmac generations of the company, suspend contact with hospitals and doctors.

In May this year, the China National Health and Health Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the Audit Office, the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the State Taxation Administration, the State Market Supervision and Administration Administration, National Medical Security Bureau, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the State Disease Control Bureau, the State Drug Administration and other ministries and commissions jointly issued a notice on the primary points of incorrect work in the field of correction and sales and medical services in 2023, focusing on rectificationIndustry bidding, industry society associations, pharmaceutical companies and dealers and pharmaceutical representatives, medical insurance funds, financial credit evaluation, "nine standards" of medical staff, red envelopes and rebates, tax -related violations,Essence

The impact on the pharmac generation of the pharmac generation is the first time. Qin Qin has been separated from the Pharmaceutical Circle for a while. In the past few months, she found that the colleagues in the circle were not active.

Their circle of their friends is no longer full of notifications of various academic conferences, and even some people simply set up "three days visible".Qin Qin heard the wind sound, and asked the original colleague to ask for a meal to listen to the situation.

Academic conferences may have interest transmission

Medical anti -corruption is still expanding, and in terms of action, it is not a little trouble.

On July 28, the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs cooperated to carry out video conferences to mobilize the deployment of corruption issues in the national pharmaceutical field, pointing out that it is necessary to stimulate the endogenous motivation of performing the main responsibility with the external reasoning of the supervision,Chain, full -coverage system governance.The National Health and Health Commission and the Ministry of Education and other nine departments jointly held a meeting to deploy a one -year centralized management of corruption in the national pharmaceutical field.

The "falling horse" of the presidents and secretaries of the hospitals across the country has made the "medicine rivers and lakes" windy.According to incomplete statistics, since this year, about 160 hospital presidents and secretaries across the country have been investigated for investigation, which mostly involves profit and bribery for others through pharmaceutical procurement, medical equipment and consumables procurement.

Doctor Zhang Ting hasn't seen Pharmacok in the hospital for a long time."In recent years, I have already converged. In the past few years, Pharmaceuticals could sit in the doctor's office and so on. Either pick up the night shift time and send a red envelope to the doctor who is familiar."

Before this storm, even if the hospitals were prohibited from entering, Zhang Ting also knew that he could not prevent it.For a few years, she can see who is pharmac generation at a glance, similar to ordinary patients, and she is inconspicuous, carrying a bag, "At first sight, the director of the department, the eyes are shining."

In the past few days, various academic conferences that have repeatedly extended or canceled in various local medical associations have also made the medical anti -corruption storm.

Qin Qin revealed that some academic conferences did have the behavior of the transmission of doctors and pharmaceutical agency interests.

"If the content of the meeting is compact, it is academic exchanges, and the organizer informed in advance that it is generally a normal academic conference." Qin Qin said, "It also requires venue costs to host academic conferences. IfThe organizer lacks funds and may allow manufacturers to place medical equipment or consumables for display in the form of rental advertising space. "

If the academic conference itself is for the purpose of transporting interests, people with eyes can also see at a glance, "This kind of conference exchange is to do it, and the agenda also sets up visiting and even tourism." Qin Qin revealed that there are even there are even there are some.The meeting was held directly abroad. "Pharmaceutical companies will bear all costs."

Hospital status quo: The amount of surgery has a significant decline in the department of the department

For the aggressive pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies, being able to enter the academic conference site is an excellent time to expand resources and contacts.But once you hung up with the interests, the original academic exchanges have changed.

It is reported that some people in the industry broke the news that a pharmaceutical company reported on the meeting place of the Conference on the False Division of the First Hospital of Guangxi and said that the false meeting was "compliant" to customers through the lecture fee and the lecture fee.Also through the conference platform, the "compliance" fees the lectures to the director of the department.

Qin Qin said that the pharmaceutical company's pharmaceutical circle is also very "rolled".P>

The bidding scene of "Choosing him or choosing me" is also full of gunpowder.A staff member of a pharmaceutical company in the industry revealed that as long as he did not get the bid, even if the communication was well communicated before, the situation would be reversed in the last minute before the end of the bidding.People with resources can let the original cooked ducks fly '. "

Anti -corruption storms are still continuing. Due to different degrees, doctors also have their own reactions.Doctors of the top three hospitals in a provincial capital of southern southern southern provincial capital told Top journalists that the number of orthopedics and ophthalmology surgery of the hospital declined significantly.Strict control, often a surgery, doctors have not been fined much. "

"In addition to the large amount of consumables and drugs used in orthopedics and cardiology, it is tightly found. Doctors are afraid of surgery, and they are afraid of mistakes." The doctor revealed that now the investigation teams in various hospitals have entered the survey team to enter, Audit account, inspection in the hospital, "In our hospital, doctors in some departments have recently taken vacations and left work on time. This is very rare before."

(In order to protect the privacy of the respondents, the text is a pseudonym)