Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Zhou Yuxiang

In the wild, in order to seek out the Democratic Progressive Party, realize the rotation of political parties, and various "alliance theory" emerges.However, is some promoters who calculate the victory of the wild camp, or the personal interests or grudges?Do you really need to talk about the urgency in the field?

The large alliance group currently reported, including Zhu Lilun's governing alliance, Luo Zhiqiang's political party rotation alliance, Guo Taiming's mainstream public opinion alliance, and various combinations of politics.However, if it is so good, there will be no current disturbances. This is very clear that Ke Wenzhe is very clear that there is a problem of "different DNA" in a word of breaking the two parties.

The Kuomintang candidates are currently relatively lacking strong and dominant power, while the people's party has less organization, one headless and body, one with a head and no body.Different, before the objective conditions are not fitted, it is inevitable that it is inevitable to jointly join.

For example, Ke Wenzhe has rushed to this day by phrase "garbage regardless of blue and green". In his eyes, the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party have not been the same.Under the premise of not obtaining mutual understanding, can the Kuomintang look forward to supporting a Ke Wenzhe who may count the Kuomintang at any time?On the other hand, Ke Wenzhe knows that most of his young supporters are hate blue and green. How would he be willing to put in the embrace of the blue camp?

Therefore, many people now advocate that in the wild alliance, many people avoid facing these practical issues; the reason why they still have strong initiatives are nothing more than personal political intent, including the "change of Hou", or work with the Hou office.CEO Jin Xicong used to have a suspicion in the past.However, such an initiative, I am afraid that Lan Camp supporters have believed that it is not a betrayal that Ko and Guo are not a betrayal, so Hou's polls are stuck.

Those who sincerely promote the wild league must think about, is it so urgent to talk now?In fact, the reasonable approach should be that the party's own efforts until the eve of the registration, the official situation is clearer and clear, and then judge that it is necessary to integrate into a group of candidates before registration, or continue to wait until the registration is registered.This is a relatively reasonable integration time point.At this time, the election of all parties was unknown, and Hou was also under pressure from the polls. Ke was trapped by the issue of the enemy girl. Whoever could turn over in these months is not clear.Is it really so anxious to show off with each other in the wild?

Recalling 2022 Jiuhe One, Beishi and Bamboo Elections are regarded as the blue and white model.The Democratic Progressive Party and who are more qualified to replace the DPP; the eyes of voters are clear, and the political party has long been difficult for the operation to dominate the abandoned insurance.What major leagues and large platforms are still in line with the context of the people's hearts.Therefore, those who advocate that they are now promoting the big league are all thinking about other calculations, not really working for political party rotation.