Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Lu Yi

Following the export control of rare metal 镓 and 锗, China has sacrificed a heavy export control measure, which is drone.The Ministry of Commerce, the Customs Department, the National Defense Science and Technology Bureau, and the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission jointly issued an announcement on July 31. Since September 1st, export control has been implemented on September 1The permission shall not be exported.After the policy was introduced, many people were speculating who was targeted at the export control of drones in China?

Some people say that it is aimed at Russia, because Ukraine drones have caused great trouble for Russia, and frequently attacked the rear of Russia. They flew to Moscow many times. It may be Putin for help China."Ukraine.There is actually no basis for this statement.The West is the rear of Ukraine's military aid, and Ukraine's drones are mainly from the United States.If China restricts the export of drones to help Russia, this pattern is too narrow.As everyone knows, American companies are the largest importers in Chinese drone parts.

There is no doubt that China is currently one of the largest producers and exporters of drones, especially for civil drones, and China UAV company represented by DJI has occupied a large market share.China ’s restrictions on the export of drones are mainly targeted at civil drones to prevent them from being used for military use. According to official reasons, they are“ safeguarding national security and interests ”. In fact, it is bigger.Contributions are not a single country.

It is worth noting that the four departments that jointly released the temporary control measures of drone exports this time, including the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, the National Defense Science and Industry Bureau, and the Central Military Commission's equipment development department.It has alarm the departments of the Central Military Commission, indicating that the restrictions of drones are affirmed by military attributes.

This can confirm this from the response of a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce: "The Chinese government is always committed to maintaining global security and regional stability, and has always opposed the use of civilian drones for military purposes.The scope of machine control is an important measure to show the responsibility of responsible power, practice global security initiative, and maintain world peace. "

In addition to restricting the civilian drone (high -performance drone that may be used for military purposes), it has also implemented export controls on drone components -respectively, Important loads, radio communication equipment and civil anti -drone systems to implement export control.

Restricting the export of civilian drones to be understood, because some high -performance civil drones can be used for military use.For example, a civilian drone produced by DJI itself does not have military use, but due to stable performance and low prices, as long as it is slightly modified, it can be used for the battlefield.

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the DJI drone purchased by the Russia and Ukraine is at least one million, including the main four rotor, octagonal drone and FPV shuttle.The Russian Ambassador to China praised DJI last year on Weibo, saying that DJI products were very useful. It was scared that DJI hurried out to rumors that DJI was civilian and did not support military use.

and then limit the exit of drone components.In addition to engines, communication systems, and important loads, there are even civilian anti -drone systems, including anti -drone electronic interference equipment with an interference range of more than 5 kilometers, and high -power laser dedicated to anti -drone systems.

According to the announcement, it is like a drone and its items.Those who have a stable work, have a temperature -free, have a degree of stability of 15%, the radio transmission distance is greater than 50 kilometers, the one -stop multi -machine capacity is greater than 10 and other prescribed conditions, and it is included in the scope of the control export.In addition, the interference range is greater than 5 kilometers and the output power of high -power laser is greater than 1.5 kilowatts, which is also listed as a control export range.

To sum up, it is mainly a aviation engine, infrared imaging equipment, synthetic aperture radar, laser for target indications, radio communication equipment, and anti -drone systems with more than 16 kW of power.

This is because many drones around the world are assembled with Chinese components, including American companies, and are the largest importers in Chinese drone parts.The Ministry of Commerce announced the 10 -digit codes of limited products, which can be searched from the customs network.The data shows that last year, the total exports of related products to the United States reached 81.3 billion yuan (S $ 15.2 billion), accounting for 25%of the total export of relevant Chinese products.

In 2022, exported 4.1 billion exports to Canada, 6.5 billion exports to Australia, 12 billion to the UK, and 43 million exports to New Zealand.32%.China's related products exported to Japan 18.4 billion, exporting to South Korea 8.1 billion."Five Eye Alliance"+Japan and South Korea totaling 130.4 billion, accounting for 40%of China's total exports.These countries are all countries in the world's pattern today.That is to say, China ’s export control of its drone and important parts this time is equivalent to limiting the production of global drones from the source.

As the largest producer and exporter of the global drone, China has introduced temporary control measures for drone exports, which is an attitude of responsible great powers.

The restrictions on the use of drones for military purposes can fundamentally shrink the global drone (military) production capacity, and directly hit the pain points of related industries in the United States. After its inventory consumption is almost the sameability.This is a huge contribution to world peace and stability.In China ’s official control measures, it has also continued to emphasize that“ at the same time, other civil drones exports that have not been included in control are prohibited from being used for military purposes. ”In China, drones cannot be used for military purposes for long -term regulations.

If you must say that China's restrictions on the export of drones are targeted, if the export control of rare metals and crickets, all the way to export control measures for drones all the way are actually doing ""Fighting", for anyone, it is self -evident, I believe there will be post -recruitment in the future.