The Burmese National Defense and Security Council announced on July 31 that it was approved to extend the emergency state that was scheduled to expire at the end of July for six months until the first month of next year.This is the fourth extension of the emergency state.

After the military overturned the Wengshan Shuzhi government in February 2021, Myanmar was in an emergency.The military government originally promised to hold a general election in August this year, but in February, the emergency state was extended again, saying that the state "has not returned to normal."Therefore, the election seems to have become a cake.The extension of the "cut sausage" type reflects that the situation in Myanmar is indeed turbulent. The military cannot control the overall situation nor wants to hold a general election, so it takes the tips.

For Myanmar prospects, this is a sign of ominous.Because the longer the current situation is dragging, the opposition of the forces may become increasing; the more target the military, the easier it is to continue to grow in China, the more the people's hearts will be separated, and the reconciliation will be more hopeless.The military government does not seem to be willing to reconcile.The Special Envoy of Burmese issues sent by Asian and the United Nations has returned without success in the past two years. The military government even refused to let them meet with the detained Weng Shan Shuzhi.

The amnesty operation of the National Management Commission established by the military on August 1 can also prove that the military government has no intention of taking the road of reconciliation.Weng Shan Shuzhi, who was sentenced to 33 years, was sentenced to six years of commutation, and the former president Wen Min, who was sentenced to 173 years, was minimized for four years.The two are now 78 and 72, respectively. For them, such a joke is also a ridicule for public opinion and world public opinion.

For Asia's detailed security, this shows that all the previous persuasion and talks have been paid to the East Stream. Military Government leader Min Aanglai did not fulfill the five points of consensus reached by him and other Asian -member member states in 2021, including: All parties should immediately stop violent activities, start constructive dialogue, and provide humanitarian assistance.Not only that, from time to time, the military government has taken a bombing operation on the official rebellion targets, causing many innocent civilians to be injured and displaced.

The Myanmar military government is lonely and abandoned, and only makes the country's turbulent situation gradually deteriorate.At present, the fierce game of major powers such as the United States, China, and Russia may provide some room for recovery to Min Angle to alleviate economic sanctions in the United States and Europe.The noise will lose the world.

Myanmar issue is undoubtedly the negative burden of Ya'an, but Ya'an cannot be dragged.Due to the principle of explicitly stipulated in the Asian Charter, in addition to not inviting the military government leaders to attend the meeting, Axian seems to be difficult to adopt other forms of "sanctions".However, Ya'an could not take a member of a member country as an abandoned child. Regardless of it, he should continue to try to put pressure on the military government to wait for the time.If the military government continues to be evil, Asianan may consider taking further action on it, such as increasing pressure and opening humanitarian rescue channels.

Although the "consensus decision -making" and the constraints of the principles of internal affairs are not intervened, Article 20 of the Asian Charter of Asia also provides a turning mechanism.According to the provisions, the Asian Summit has the right to make a decision to respond to violating and not observing the charter.Do not allow the military government representatives to attend the meeting, it should be based on the special power given by this article.Mintanglai agreed to five points, but did not fulfill the relevant decision, which is equivalent to violating or not observing the regulations.

No one knows how long the regime of the Burmese military government can be maintained. If it is still in power in the next few years, according to the current rotating chairman's arrangement, it is Myanmar in 2026.legality.Therefore, the Asian Summit will definitely make a plan before that, such as the rotation of Myanmar.

In addition, Asianan is also different from other organizations such as the European Union. In some decisions, if some member states cannot reach consensus, most other countries can still decide first, and will not be paralyzed due to a few objections.However, this is also equivalent to the development of Myanmar's development. It is likely to be stagnant, and the domestic situation has deteriorated. The military government may be panting, but it is a great tragedy for the people.