Source: Ming Pao

Author: Luo Kun

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao will publish his second policy report on October 25 this year, and has held public consultation.The Chief Executive and Governance Team will enter the community and visit the citizens and representatives from all walks of life.Li Jiachao said that the SAR government will continue to work pragmatic, actively integrate into the overall national development situation, and give full play to the unique advantages of Hong Kong's back to the motherland and the Unicom world.

The third anniversary of the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law earlier, and according to the media, the United States decided not to allow the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting held in San Francisco in November this year, causing many discussion of the people.Some of them believe that the National Security Law is "generalized" and will affect Hong Kong's unique position in Hong Kong in the long run, that is, the unique advantages of the Unicom world will be lost.

In fact, it is very important to involve how Hong Kong positions its own topics.Is Hong Kong just a city in the Greater Bay Area or an international metropolis?Or can they have both?In any case, maintaining the unique advantages of the Hong Kong Unicom world will definitely be the focus of discussion on the policy report this year.

Test whether Hong Kong can do a good job of national tasks

At present, the international situation is turbulent. The world's large pattern has changed. The situation of the western blocking China has become a foregone conclusion. The conflict between China and the United States will only become more and more serious.As a big international city, it is really difficult to be alone.Although China has embarked on the road of modernization and emphasizes self -reliance and values internal cycles, as the world's second largest economy, the reality international situation is that the motherland needs a Hong Kong with unique advantages than at any time.

China is difficult to completely cut with the international community. This is also a test of whether Hong Kong can do a good job of national tasks and roles given by the central government, and whether Hong Kong can obtain central trust.

Looking back on July 1st last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping mentioned many times that Hong Kong should maintain the status of international financial centers, international trade centers, and international shipping centers.This actually reflects the role of Hong Kong as "long -term planning and full use". Hong Kong is under the motherland and is a window representing China for the international community.This has fully proved that Hong Kong's unique advantage of internationalization is the central government's global consideration of Hong Kong's own positioning and prospects and contributing to the country.

The use of the national security law is reasonable question

Therefore, many hot discussions earlier discussions, including pointing out that worrying that the National Security Law will be "generalized" and "overkill", so that politics is all out of everything. This is not conducive to Hong Kong's international image.It is not the social situation that the central government is happy.The author believes that this is a reasonable question, and some people do not have to have an excessive response.

But the question brought out from this is worth reflecting.For example, many patriots' methods of choosing a Hong Kong route can be simply divided into two types: the first is to "embrace the mainland" in politics and economy, and politically extend "national security"District, look at the international connection "as a" pirate medicine "that solves the deep -level contradictions of society; the second is to emphasize the characteristics of the" two systems "that emphasize internationalization and strive to value the" two systems ". There is no" bottom -line thinking "politically.I dare not express their positions, and dare not fight, but they blindly only closely communicate with Western countries, and ignore the integration with the mainland.This is both political and incorrect, but also affects national security, and it is no good for national development.

In the past, Hong Kong people lacked awareness of national security awareness, and some people did not have the first place in all major events; others excessively put the national security on the line, which led to "all soldiers" in the social atmosphere.As a result, Hong Kong's failure to undertake the task given by the central government and play the role of China Unicom.

Therefore, how to play the characteristics of the "two systems" under the framework of the "one country" is to have a great achievement in integrating into the overall national development situation, and to continuously improve Hong Kong's international competitive advantage, it is necessary to make a difference-That is, while integrating the overall development of the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong must also maintain its unique international advantages.This is not contradictory. Instead, it is a test of how patriots have obtained the central trust in the intricate environment and seek the special role and value of the country for contributing the country.In this way, the people's heart can condense, which is also the true intention of the central government's recovery of the optimal development route for Hong Kong.

The author is the Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Youth Times Critics Association