Source: Surging News

Author: Dragon Zhu

Some citizens have reported that the advanced cabin hospital in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, China should build a square cabin.On August 2nd, the city's Natural Resources and Planning Bureau responded that during the epidemic, the state gave special funds, and now it is actually planned to build cultural tourism, tide play, and hotel projects.Because when applying, the "square cabin hospital" is used, and now the epidemic is over, you must use this name.

Enterprise Checking APP shows that the recruitment unit of the project is the Housing and Construction Bureau of Jiamusi City. The project includes the general contracting of the EPC project of the EPC project in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province,The bidding budget of the two projects exceeds 42 million yuan (RMB, Same, S $ 7.89 million), not a small number.

However, the square cabin hospital is or the isolation point, all of which are related facilities related to the epidemic.In the epidemic situation has long been "category B and B", the square cabin hospital has lost the context of "use of martial arts", and it is still hanging on the brand of the construction of the square cabin hospital and isolation point project., I can't help but make people feel confused sometimes.Even if it is not to build a real square cabin, so unrealistic, can it be regarded as "changing the purpose"?

According to the management measures of special financial funds, special funds must be dedicated to special funds. After the budget of the special fund expenditure is approved by legal procedures, all departments must strictly implement them, and they must not be adjusted at will. It should be approved strictly in accordance with the approval procedure.This means that the use of special funds is not only unified nominally, but also consists of renames. You must not hang the sheep's head to sell dog meat.

Even if the "epidemic retain" problem, it should follow the reality and maximize social benefits.For example, in some places, the square cabin upgrades that have lost the meaning of "duty" have been transformed into sub -level hospitals, and some have become "talent apartments". This is all useful practices.But the premise is that these square cabins already exist. It is a pity that it is a pity that it can only be used for him.And those square cabins that are still planning or starting are really needed to continue to start work?

In the face of a major public safety crisis, special funds can indeed play a significant role, but when the premise of a construction project has disappeared, due to the responsibility of public interests, such projects should not continue to be constructed.The return that should be returned should apply for re -application even if the construction of cultural tourism facilities is really required.Public bidding and publicity projects in the name of "square cabin hospital" and "isolation point" seem to be open and transparent, but if the relevant adjustment procedures are not fulfilled, it is actually suspected of illegal operation.

In addition, the management measures for special financial funds clearly stipulate that there are "unauthorized change of investment plans and basic construction expenditures, changing construction content, and improving construction standards", ordered corrections and suspended funding;, Report to criticize and investigate the administrative responsibilities of the parties and the relevant leaders; if they violate the criminal law, they will be transferred to the judicial organs for handling.Whether the project involved is "changing without authorization" should also be seriously investigated.

At present, this incident has triggered and questioned netizens, which also reminds the relevant parties that "the government wants to live a tight life."flower.The finances of some places are not affluent. Governments at all levels should especially make good use of every penny. Only by spending money and clearly, can we block the mouth of leisurely.