Source: Ming Pao

Author: Zhang Wang

Prime Minister Kishida's internal affairs crisis is here again!

According to the report from the Daily News on July 23, Kishida's cabinet's support rate plummeted to 28%, close to the political cordon.Just in May, at the end of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit, Kishida had a lot of money in diplomacy and was full of confidence. The cabinet's support rate once climbed to about 50%.However, the scandal of the Kishida family of the Prime Minister's Secretary of the Prime Minister stirred the indignation of the people's abuse of the official residence of the Prime Minister's official residence, which led to the subsequent decline.Can this pigeon Prime Minister survive this round of political crisis?

In early July, Japan ushered in the first anniversary of the assassination of the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.Paradoxically, at the Memorial venue of Nara, a protesters with a murderer pistol model appeared, which caused the venue order to chaos for a while.The assassination of the disputed Prime Minister still aroused debate in Japan.Coincidentally, on April 15 this year, Prime Minister Kishida was also put into explosives by a man at the Wheeshan County Passenger Pass at the Wheeshan County. Fortunately, the special service guard of the Police Department responded quickly, and the Prime Minister was safe.Afterwards, Japanese public opinion couldn't help sighing: What happened to Japanese society today?

dissatisfaction accumulation leads to individuals to social revenge

On the first anniversary of Abe's assassination, Japan NHK TV broadcast a documentary in early July to discuss major events in this Japanese post -war political history.Combined with Kishida's assassination incidents, general interpretations often compare such incidents with political assassinations that have frequently occurred in the early Showa period. The most famous of which was the assassination of Japanese Prime Minister Inura in 1932.However, this may be the world's biggest misunderstanding of the current Japan: the violence against politicians is inspired by the belief in a certain political concept.Relating: Language protests are useless, so desperate people turn to violence to appeal.

The murderer of Abe, Yamashiko, is also a long -term victim of the unified denomination, which caused him to lose his family during the growth process and destroy his family.; Tomoda, a 24 -year -old young Kimura who throwing bombs from Kishida, is said to be dissatisfied with the high threshold for election system. He believes that Japan has been controlled by the descendants of a group of hereditary politicians.This may also explain why the Japanese media hyped the Kishida family's big son to use the Prime Minister's official residence to open a party, which can arouse such a great public indignation in Japanese society.

Japanese politicians let their children enter the political center calendar to practice warm -up, which has always been uncomfortable in Japanese politics.Abe came that that year, and did not stir up the rebound of the people.However, the reason why this problem is now is because the price of Japan is high after the epidemic, and the currency is derogated, and the general public lives hundreds of pounds.However, Kishida still cannot get effective policies to alleviate people's difficulties. Instead, considering the transportation fee of the working layer (unlike Hong Kong, the Japanese company stipulates that employees need to pay the round -trip transportation fee for employees to work) and pension taxes.On the one hand, the prime minister's resource instrumental use of the resource of the prime minister's residence in the resource of the prime minister's residence, and on the other hand, it is necessary to increase taxes to the general public in life.Move, send it when you touch it.

Solving social injustice of the Liberal Democratic Party

The Honorary Professor of the University of Tokyo who has studied Japanese politics for many years described the current situation -finally, the dissatisfied person crossed the red line: that is, protest to society and politicians with violence.If this becomes the normal normal of Japanese society, it will be quite worrying, because you will never know when and where violence appeal will erupt in the corner of society.Some Japanese scholars suggest: The media shouted that "cannot be allowed to use violent means to challenge democratic politics", should you try to understand the reasons behind these dissatisfaction?In the past 30 years, the Liberal Democratic Party has adopted the attitude of opening one eye to the various unfair phenomena of Japanese society, which has accumulated the accumulation of these social problems to the extreme and eventually leads to the total outbreak.In this sense, the Abe's assassination incident in 2022 left a major issue for the Liberal Democratic Party's next -generation politicians.

The author is Professor of International Education Department of Waseda University in Japan