Source: Beijing News

Author: Dragon Zhu

On July 31st, the CCTV focus interview column reported that it cost more than 900 million (RMB, the same below, the same, S $ 168.04 million) to build a civic park project in Yuzhong County, Gansu Province, China.On August 1, the Lanzhou Municipal People's Government responded: Lanzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attached great importance to the establishment of the "July 31" citizenship project investigation team of the "July 31".It will be announced to the society in a timely manner.

Retrocating local media reports before, Yuzhong County Citizen Park has always been called "Minsheng Project".Unfortunately, from the information disclosed currently, the name of the "people's livelihood engineering" set up in December 2016 is not realistic, and it is more like a face project for huge overdrafts of fiscal funds.

At that time, Yuzhong County had not been poverty alleviation. The project was able to pass the review smoothly and started construction in the following year.Who should be responsible for this?

Yuzhong County is located in the northwest and borders from zero distance from the main urban area of Lanzhou City.A moderate improvement of the level of urban infrastructure and allowing ordinary people to enjoy better cultural and leisure facilities. There is no problem in this original intention, but two important factors must be considered in any construction. One is whether the people really benefit from it; the other is the local financial resources.Can you support such investment.

The edge of the county seat of the citizen park is too far away. It is difficult to say that the citizens are not easy to enter and exit.It is difficult for citizens to get close.

Besides, Yuzhong County was a national poor county, and the hat was removed in 2019.Public information shows that the general public budget revenue in Yuzhong County in 2023 is expected to be 670 million yuan. It is said that the number is considerable.However, according to the payment plan, after the civic park is put into operation, the government pays more than 50 million yuan each year, and pays for 20 years in a row. In the later period, it will pay 180 million yuan per year and pay a total of 2.1 billion yuan.

This also means that the citizen park is a "bottomless hole" that consumes taxpayers' money.

and compared with the Haokuo of the Malaysian large project, Yuzhong County has left and right on the real people's livelihood expenditure.According to disclosure, the local shantytown renovation project has not been relocated so far, some resettlement housing projects have also been suspended, and the local government has owed the cost of more than 30 million yuan in the two years.

A detailed detail is ridiculous. A luxurious building built in this citizen park is said to be used as a city exhibition hall, but when it involves specific use, the local responsible personnel actually told reporters, "I haven't thought about what to do, so what's right?"Use", you need to "further evaluate".This also exposes the hasty local decision -making.

In fact, the local people are no stranger to "big dry up".As early as 2016, the local area spent 62 million yuan, and two tall Qin and Han ancient cities were built at the city.The project was completed in June 2017 and was criticized by the Ministry of Housing and Construction in 2019 that the county should use limited financial resources in the development of people's livelihood, instead of debt, instead of borrowing at the gate of the city entrance and exit of the city, and engaging in the "face project".

Nowadays, Lanzhou has been involved in the investigation, hoping to come up with a convincing conclusion of investigation and let the relevant personnel bear the due punishment.In addition, this matter must be done well, so that this civic park is truly citizen.