Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Liu Shunda

A few days ago, the White House officially announced that President Bayeng invited South Korean President Yin Xiyue and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishita on August 18 to hold a peak talks in David Camp on August 18. In response to suppressing North Korea's expansion of nuclear weapons, the three will further explore and increase Kim Jong -un.Pressiveness.

Earlier on July 27, the 70th anniversary of the 6.25 Korean War was held in both Korea.In the commemorative conference, Yin Xiyue pointed out that South Korea would not forget to send troops to assist the country's benefit. Today, South Korea is standing on military uniforms with bloody comrades.

North Korea calls the "victory day" to celebrate, inviting VIPs in China and Russia to attend, and a military parade in the evening and displaying various weapons.Among them, the new type of intercontinental missiles and drones, Koreans watched quite nervous, especially Kim Jong -un promoted weapons to Russia's Minister of Defense, in an attempt to intervene in the Russian and Ukraine War.

In fact, Yin Xiyue has visited Ukraine before, and has repeatedly promised President Zezelki to continue to provide weapons in South Korea. Therefore, this time Kim Jong -un sold weapons to Russia, which is equivalent to "ritual exchanges".Accident.

Since Yin Xiyue came to power, it has clearly consolidated the military alliance of the US, South Korea and Japan as the goal of governance, and spoke without the "American route".Even on the cross -strait issue, it bluntly stated that it opposed China to adopt force against Taiwan.

In fact, the common denominator for establishing diplomatic relations with China and China is "peaceful and unified."China must be unified, and the two Korea must be unified.Recently, US News reported that the world's top ten powerful countries are the United States, China, Russia, Germany, Britain, South Korea, France, Japan, Arabia, and Israel.South Korea is leading Japan and France, ranking sixth in the world.The report also pointed out that the two Koreas are unified, and the order of South Korea will rise forward.

Yin Xiyue participated in the NATO summit twice, and it was not enough in combination with the United States and Japan. It also had to win the Nordic countries to fight against North Korea. Of course, it also included mainland China.In particular, Yin Xiyue believes that on the issue of the two Koreas, China not only cannot persuade North Korea, but also help North Korea at the United Nations Security Council.

During the period, South Korean Foreign Minister Park Zhen and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had several talks. Xi Jinping and Yin Xiyue's peak talks. So far, they cannot see the sincerity of the two sides who have significantly improved their relationship, because Bayon has arrested Yin Xiyue and Kishida Wenxiong.Tightly.

The question is that Yin Xiyue and Kim Jong -un's personality belong to hard bumps.At present, no one is allowed to let anyone, Yin Xiyue has stepped into the United States, and North Korea is closer to China and Russia, and the two Koreas are getting more and more ways.Kim Jong -un will not bow his head to show weakness, it will only make the United States and South Korea be unable to sleep at night.In the future, North Korea's intercontinental missiles and drones threatened the United States and South Korea at any time.

The changes in South Korean foreign policy not only increase the diplomatic war between the United States and China, but also tore the territory of Northeast Asia.On the one hand, Yin Xiyue must protect national security with nuclear umbrellas on the one hand, and on the other hand, it may be a major challenge in the future.

Yin Xiyue's success or failure will be announced in April next year.

The author is Honorary Professor of Changxin University in South Korea