Source: China News Weekly

Author: Cao Ran

A bright light, a roar, a moment of shock ... This is the impression left by the UAV drone attack on the "Moscow" residents on July 30.In addition to the damage to the two skyscrapers, the injury of a security personnel, the temporary closure of the Moscow airport, the attack did not affect the life of the Russian capital. Russian President Putin did not change to participate in the St. Petersburg's naval military parade.Putin spokesman Peskov said that this was the "desperate behavior" of the Ukrainian army after the recent big counterattack failure.

However, from the perspective of the other side, this attack is not meaningless.The official name of "Moscow City" is the Moscow International Business Center. "Moscow-City" is the name given by people in accordance with the name given by The City, representing its special position in Russia.It is only 4 kilometers away from the Red Square here. It is the largest skyscraper group in Europe and a symbol of the Russian economy.

The buildings and floors hit by the drone are the office area rented by the government.Images released by the Russian media show that some government documents are scattered on the surrounding streets.Ukrainian President Zelezki said in a video speech that night that "war is returning to Russia's territory", especially back to its "symbolic central area."He said that this was "inevitable, natural, absolutely fair."

This is the fourth time Moscow has been attacked by drones this year.Since the Kremlin attack on May 3 and the residential area on May 30, the Russian army has repeatedly strengthened the ability of the capital detection, defense, interference, and interception of drones, which once prevented the Ukraine drones from approaching Moscow.However, on July 24, two UAA drones successfully entered the center of Moscow, one of which crashed near the Russian Ministry of Defense Building, only 3 kilometers from the Kremlin.On July 30, "Moscow City" was attacked again, showing that the existing air defense system of the Russian army appeared again.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said on the same day that 55 UAA drones were shot down.However, the military value of the UAV drone in this "comprehensive war" is not due to substantial damage, but to let the central regions of Russia such as Moscow feel "the war is in front of the war."From this perspective, the Russian army cannot allow any drone to "miss the net" into the Moscow airspace.

After the attack of "Moscow City", the Russian army responded with violently shelling combined with missiles and drones.Many cities from Sumei Prefecture to southern Ukraine from Naizhou to southern Ukraine have been attacked, and the air defense alert sounds throughout the territory.According to local officials, the missile attacks suffered by Diebero Peter Rovesk and Hermuson on July 31 caused child casualties, and the total number of casualties between the two places exceeded 100.In addition, the Russian army also announced the destroy of a UAA drone logistics center.Russian Defense Minister Shoyg said that the blow to the Ukraine's "attack center" has "increased several times."

Different from the past, the Ukraine also used artillery and drone to fight back after being hit by the Russian air attack.On July 31, the Ulordo region in Russia was shot by the Ukraine and was damaged by the house; the farm near the city of Tagarig, Rostov was damaged due to the crash of UAVs in the UAV.Earlier, the Ukrainian Army attacked the city on July 28, destroying the art museum and surrounding houses, causing more than a dozen people to be injured.

According to the Russian Ministry of National Defense, in the early morning of August 1, the Ukraine used three drones to attack Moscow. One of them was out of control after being suppressed by electronics.The air defense system is destroyed.

Some analysts believe that the current Russian army still occupies a certain advantage in ground operations, especially in the northern front front of Hongliman to give the Ukraine a lot of pressure, and it may make breakthroughs.However, in the remote confrontation, the Ukrainian army gradually formed a combination of fighting, the "shadow of storm" missiles, the combination of drones, and unmanned boats.The launch of Russia's local attack has changed the rhythm of the previous Urpical occasional remote results and the Russian army's rapidly responding to the suppression of large -scale air strikes.

It is foreseeable that the UAV's drone combat guarantee capabilities will be further strengthened.In addition to the U.S. -system long -range attack drone assistance plan that has been put on the agenda, the Ukraine Ministry of Defense and the main drone manufacturers of Turkey signed a contract on July 31 to start building a new attack drone maintenance center.According to the bilateral cooperation plan, Turkey will also invest in a factory that produces an attack -type drone in Ukraine.Faced with these situations, the Russian army urgently need to find new defense and counterattack methods.

The exacerbation of drones and remote confrontations also worry about the international community that this protracted war will become more cruel and inhumane.The UN Human Rights Specialist spokesman emphasized on July 31 that the conflict between the conflict must always distinguish between military goals and civilian goals, adopt all possible measures to prevent the attack of "no green and red soap", and minimize damage to civilians and civilian objects.