The square of Lithuania's capital Vilnius is crowded, and the Ukrainian President Zelegiski on the blue and yellow background stage is like a rock star. He said: "The future of Ukraine is in NATO."In part of the venue, there are also blue and yellow decorations, but this is a Sweden that welcomes the national flag with blue and yellow as the background. After the consent of Turkey, Sweden will become the 32nd member of NATO.As for Ukraine, which is still fighting with Russia, it will be in NATO in the future, but the time is unsuccessful.

Baltic Sea becomes NATO Inner Sea

Russian President Putin once said that if Finland did not join NATO, he saw it from the border and was a neighbor, but if Finland joined NATO, he saw an enemy.Russia believes that NATO, which continues to expand east after the Cold War ended, endangers its national security. On the eve of invasion of Ukraine, Putin even proposed that the NATO border must return the absurdity of the state of 1997.However, his reckless decision and brutal war have created more enemies to push Finland and Sweden to the embrace of NATO. After the official joining in Sweden, the Baltic Sea is like the Inland Sea in NATO. Russia's military activities are blamed.The 1300 -kilometer border borders has also become the front line of NATO defense.

Ukraine puts joining NATO in the constitution in 2019, while Finland and Sweden have long maintained neutrality, and they have always been silent to join NATO and leave a space for rotation."The core principle of NATO's acceptance of new members is that this new member makes NATO's security more secure," "Alessandro Politi, director of NATO Defense College Foundation, in Rome, told the author that even ifAt the end of the war, Ukraine still needs to transform the Soviet standard's defense system into NATO standards.In contrast, the weapons of Finland and Sweden have been aligned with NATO standards for many years, and participated in NATO mission. Finland has 300,000 retired soldiers and powerful Air Force. The strength of the Swedish navy cannot be underestimated.The two major technology companies, Ericsson, and advanced communication technologies, help NATO gain advantages in the Internet and information warfare.

Although Ukraine has no timetable for joining NATO, the joint statement of the summit promises that member states will continue to firmly support the heroic behavior of Ukraine to defend the country, territory and sharing value.Among the 90 -point statements, the first 22 points are all related to Russia, indicating that the Russian and Ukraine War is the focus of NATO's attention.However, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand were invited to attend the meeting again, and mentioned the challenges brought by China in the statement, which aroused media attention. The gongs and drums said that NATO will expand to Indo -East to India.Scholars criticized: "South Korea is in Japan, Japan is in NATO, and NATO is globalization."

The most noticeable thing is that NATO plans to open a liaison office in Tokyo to deepen defense cooperation such as space, fake information and maritime security.Europe is safe and expanded in India at this time, which may further stimulate Chinese Austrian Aid Russia and make the war in Ukraine more complicated.Pollytan interprets that when the member states have different opinions, this contact office is limited even if it is opened.He said: "Besides, Japan also wants to maintain low -key, the relationship with China is inextricably linked, and excessive sounding does not conform to the interests of Japan."

Europe, Atlantic Ocean Priority

Although the joint statement mentioned China's ambitions and coercion challenges to NATO's interests, security and value, it also said that it will continue to maintain a constructive contact with China, that is, NATO still has no specific consensus in the face of Beijing.Pollytan said, "NATO's probability of expanding to India is very small."The war in Ukraine is still burning, and Georgia and Modova, which are also under the threat of Russia.

Outside the front of the east and northern parts, NATO's eyes turned south, re -paid attention to the Middle East, North Africa and Sahel region (Sahel), and the importance was in front of China and Indo -Pacific."This is a very important new trend. When Russia involved in the Syrian war, NATO did not pay much attention to a mistake. Now the existence of Russia in the Middle East and North Africa is already very specific."Niger, located in the Sahara Desert, spread a coup, causing turbulence in Northwestern Africa. The people who supported the coup shouted "Long live Putin" during the demonstration, proved Russia's influence in Africa.

Among the current 31 member states, I hope that NATO's more betting effort is led by the United States in Indo -Pacific, and Canada, which is also on the verge of the Pacific Ocean.France.Other countries are indeed alert to the rise of China. The warships are sent to the Indo -Pacific region. The cautious Italy has also sent patrol ships and stopped at the Japanese military port. However, if you observe it carefully, you will find that there is no anti -ship missile on the patrol ship.Pollytan analysis: "This is a very important political signal. It means that as an American allies and a member of NATO, we adhere to the freedom of sailing, but unintentionally anger Beijing."

The European member states in NATO are well known, and their own military power has limited capabilities to the Pacific, especially the ability of logistical supplies is far less than the United States.The United States distinguish is too much to reduce the nuclear umbrella in Europe.Pollytan pointed out that it is worth noting that the joint statement mentioned "seeking a world without nuclear weapons."


statement said that nuclear deterrence is still the foundation for NATO to ensure security. As long as nuclear weapons still exist, NATO is the nuclear alliance.NATO includes three main nuclear military countries: the United States, Britain, and France, and they are all members of the United Nations Security Council. When they also stated that although the long roads are unknown, China and Russia are unknown, but they mean at least willing to start imagining a nuclear -free world., A world exempt from destroying the earth, safer and peaceful.

The author is a Taiwanese journalist and a doctor of sociology living in Italy