Source: United News Network

Author: Xin Cuiling

The 15th BRICS BRICS Five Kingdoms Summit will appear in South Africa in late August.The summit was the first physical meeting of the BRICS countries in the past four years after the crown disease epidemic. In addition, the international situation during the epidemic situation has changed drastically. Therefore, the BRICS Summit has attracted much attention and has many noticeable observation points.

One of the key points, Bright is really the spokesperson for the south of the world?

The most different previous summit is that the scale is unprecedented.According to the South African BRICS envoy Anil SOOKLAL, South Africa has issued 70 invitations to leaders of the global southern countries, including all 54 countries including Africa.It is also reported that in order to avoid the arrest warrant of the International Criminal Court, Putin did not attend the scene and changed to the video to attend the meeting, and more southern countries took the initiative to ask South Africa invitation letters.However, regardless of whether it is active or passive, none of the invited countries are non -southern countries such as Europe and the United States; French President Macron, who has been actively expressed by his interest, is not on the invitation list.

From this perspective, the summit has a significant meaning to a mobilization order to southern countries around the world.Brics, which is positioned as a global spokesperson in the world, is undoubtedly a specific test of political strength.Bright can really call on the voices of southern countries and representatives of the south?How many national representatives will be in actual meeting at that time are observed indicators.

Two of the key points, will the BRICO expand again?

The BRICS country has held the first summit since 2009. Except for the following year in South Africa, there are no new member states.In 2017, Xi Jinping put forward the "BRICS +" claim when he served as the landlord in China, intending to expand the BRICS and accept new members.However, countries' views on the expansion of the BRICS are not the same; among them, Brazil and India are the most retained.On the one hand, the joining of new members of the two countries will promote China's influence in Brics and break the situation of the existing five countries.On the other hand, although Brazil and India are dissatisfied with the dominance of the Western monopoly international system, they still maintain close exchanges with Western countries. Once the development of Brics is inclined to China and Russia, it has become an anti -Western base, not the wishes of the two countries.In contrast, after the Russian war, Russia supports new members and expansion Brics. It is more supportive for the balanced position between South Africa between China and Russia and India and Pakistan.

Nevertheless, as of now, 22 countries have officially applied to join Brics, and more than 20 countries have also expressed their interest in applying.The summit has also listed the conditions and procedures of the conference as the main topic; the first batch of discussion lists may include Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt and other countries.

Third of the key point, the possible progress of the BRICS settlement mechanism?

Create a settlement mechanism for sustainable and de -US dollar, which is the common goal of Brics in recent years.Under the influence of external factors such as the Sino -US dispute, the Russian and Ukraine War, and the US interest rate hikes, the BRICS countries are more urgent to this.Although Brics has established a new BRICS Bank and a $ 100 billion emergency reserves to promote the settlement of the local currency in the past ten years, how to further develop a non -US dollar settlement mechanism on the existing basis is still a difficult project.

BRICS has proposed various ideas.Those who advocate the euro route believe that the BRICS single currency can be considered; there are also those who advocate digital routes, they believe that the BRICS Pay, the central bank's digital currency, or decentralized finance and tokens can be used through the BRICS countries.Technology and other technologies have gradually developed common digital currencies.However, whether it is a traditional solid monetary route or a new digital currency solution, the most difficult level is the perspective of monetary sovereignty and regulations.Whether this summit can make breakthroughs is another point of observation.

Although there are many symbolic initiatives and statements, there are still challenges about the accumulation of political strength, the expansion of the organization, and the development of the currency settlement system.In the competition, he really puts aside obligations and deepen each other's cooperation.

The author is a professor at the Department of Political Economics of Sun Yat -sen University