The election of the Central Public officials of the Republic of China in Taiwan at the beginning of next year, the current election campaign gradually heats up; the representative of the Democratic Progressive Party has a major in Atletico, and is positioned by all parties as the current vice president of Taiwan independent supporter Lai Qingde.Stunning publicly claimed: "When Taiwan can enter the White House, the political goals we are pursuing have been achieved." As soon as this remark was coming out, it immediately caused a strong media effect.

The result is not surprising, and the situation is rotating immediately. Some media pointed out that through the pipeline, US officials hope to clarify the content of Lai Qingde's speech.Regardless of the authenticity of this news content, it will inevitably become an ammunition available to the political offensive and defensive during the Taiwan Dynasty. At the same time, it will also firmly deny that in the process of pursuing the wild party, it will gradually be covered by the follow -up of the election campaign, but Lai QingdeSpeaking shows that he lacks his ability to judge the essence of cross -strait situations and problems, and has no wisdom and courage to deal with controversy.

Over the years, Taiwan's independence has been identified as "leaning on the beauty" by Beijing, and Lai Qingde will enter the White House as a Taiwan as a key indicator of political blessing and obtain the legitimacy of the Taiwan independence regime.The charges of this allegations.However, Lai Qingde did not figure it out. If Washington and Beijing want to continue to maintain the interactive relationship, Washington once wrote white paper and black words. At the same time, the political commitment reiterated when faced with Beijing has clearly expressed that Washington will never endorse Taiwan independence.Lai Qingde was still looking forward to entering the White House by the as president to obtain the endorsement of the United States as Taiwan independence. The political judgment ability is indeed quite inferior.

But if the other way, whether Lai Qingde wants to pass through, if you really want to implement the political goals he pursue, the key is whether Taiwan can enter the Central South China Sea, and it is definitely not the White House.

Entering the White House in Taiwan will intensify the situation on both sides of the strait, and the two parties of the Straits maintain opposition and tension are indeed an important nourishing component of Taiwan independence propositions to continue to master the regime.Lai Qingde advocated that Taiwan entered the White House, the purpose was not to pursue cross -strait reconciliation, but to hopes to provoke the tension between opposition to increase, so as to carry out political mobilization and obtain the election box office to win elections.

Even if Taiwan enters the White House, it is absolutely impossible to obtain the legitimacy of the regime; but if Taiwan has the opportunity to enter Zhongnanhai, the premise is that Taiwan's independent position has obtained Beijing for understanding and acceptance.A armed conflict occurred.The bell must also be tied to the bell. The root cause of the political issues on both sides of the strait lies in the policies held by Zhongnanhai to Taiwan. If you want to pursue Taiwan's independence, you are unwilling to pay the cost of bleeding.Just like the ostrich buried his head in the sand, it was a avoidance problem; Lai Qingde obviously lacked the courage and wisdom that lacked the problem!

There is a precedent for split the head of state to the head of state. Although it can not be fully resolved, it can indeed stabilize the situation to ensure peace.

During the administration of President Kim Yong in 1994 in 1994, it has been agreed that it has been agreed to visit Kim Il Sung from July 25th to 27th of that year.However, after taking office, Jin Dazhong continued to promote the North and South High -level meetings. From June 13th to 15th, 2000, Kim Daizhong visited Pyongyang to meet Kim Jong Il, becoming the first historic summit for the North and South.

Subsequently, north and south continued to hold four peak talks with Panmen and Pyongyang during the two presidents of Roh Moo -hyun and Wen Zaiyin. At the same time, both of the two presidents of Roh Moo -hyun and Wen Zaiyin visited Pyongyang as the President of the Republic of Korea.The various declarations and agreements signed by the peaks of the peaks are currently the most important foundation for maintaining the peninsula and stable stability.

Turn your head to examine the precedent of two Germans.From September 7th to 11th, 1987, East Germany's leader Oneck officially visited West Germany and was welcomed by the official military ceremony. He also had talks with West Germany President von Weitzzer and Prime Minister Cole.At that time, the global political observers and strategic commentators believed that through these visiting processes, I am afraid that the political relations between the two Germans would be confirmed. The permanent division of the two Germans may be difficult to recover the political reality.Although this political judgment was disillusioned with the collapse of the Berlin wall two years, through the political interaction at the time, the situation of the two sides avoided conflict, and its value was indeed worthy of recognition.

On November 7, 2015, leaders on both sides of the strait met in Singapore. In fact, they have opened precedents for subsequent high -level interaction.If Lai Qingde imitates Li Mingbo and Park Geun -hye deliberately interrupted the North -South Summit, and cools down the relationship between the two sides, so that the interaction between the two sides of the strait will continue to deteriorate, and the crisis of the outbreak of conflict will gradually get out of control.Close the door.

If Lai Qingde's head is clear and the ability to see through the problem, with the wisdom and courage to deal with cross -strait relations, you should point the goal to Zhongnanhai, which is the key to solving the problem with the original clear source.Gorbachev once entered the White House. The Soviet Union still couldn't avoid disintegration. The Dalai Lama also entered the White House, but Tibet still could not be independent.Judging from the precedents of the two Germans, even if the President of the Republic of China can visit Beijing to enter the Zhongnanhai, it can only be said that it will help peace and stability on both sides of the strait. How can cross -strait politics change in the future, in fact, it will not make a final decision.

In human history, brothers' flesh and flesh are often disabled, and the differences between the nation between the nation are also the norm of humanity. If you want to solve the contradictions between cross -strait tributary through political consultation, the prerequisite is to obtain a objective environment of peace and stability.If Lai Qingde wants to pursue tension and conflict, finding a way to enter the White House is the right direction; if you want to maintain peace and stability, you should think about how to enter the problem of the Zhongnanhai face, instead of hoping to hide behind the Americans to obtain asylum.

There is no free lunch in the world, no cheap and peaceful, only politicians who lack wisdom and courage!

The author is a senior researcher at the Taiwan Chinese Strategy Society