Recently, international and financial community are focusing on the trend of China's economic slowdown.A number of economic related data released by various Chinese departments recently showed that the world's second largest economy is facing the dilemma of weak growth and insufficient kinetic energy. Looking at the views of the economics community and analysts in China and abroad, the situation seems to be quite grim.Relevant departments have issued stimulus measures including the real estate industry, automobile industry, private economy and platform economy, and try to stabilize the situation, but they all happen that "more money is smashed in the American Voice.The negative phenomenon of "sound.

According to the "carriage" referred to as economics: investment, consumption and exports, China's recent data shows the stagnation state of losing power. After the people expect to be unsealed by the epidemic at the end of last year, the economy can revisit the flying flying and flying.The situation is extremely different.The official release of GDP in the second quarter increased by 6.3%, and the growth rate in the first half of the year was 5.5%. The analysts believed that it was actually slowing down, because the second quarter of the previous year was in accordance with the control of Shanghai.In the case of low starting point, the growth rate in the past year cannot reflect the economic vitality expected by China and abroad.

Many analysts attribute the current situation of the downturn to the lack of confidence, including investors and consumers.For domestic investors in China, in the past few years, the officials have made comprehensive targets of major industries and entrepreneurs who have a large and rich industries such as real estate, education and training, and platform economy in the past few years, causing people to be disturbed.As a result, many small and medium -sized enterprises have been severely frustrated.With this superimposed, the Sino -US trade war and scientific and technological wars have entered the deep water area. The two sides are fighting against the stable rhythm of out of control.Three places, and then impacting the Chinese employment market, the extremely high unemployment rate of youth is difficult to solve in a short period of time.

These phenomena have led to pessimistic expectations of Chinese people and enterprises to economic prospects. In order to save money, companies cut their investment plans, and people are in order to save money and reduce costs. In turn, they cause insufficient demand and form a vicious circle.In addition, new national conditions such as demographic dividend and aging have also restricted labor and consumption power, which need to be more innovative policies for the new situation and restart economic engines.

Earlier, such as cracking down on Chinese large private enterprises and new industries, and deep doubts caused by the anti -spy law to foreign capital, not only can not help strengthen the market toughness required for internal circulation;Missing mistakes, because of the lack of legal norms such as the mature antitrust of capitalist countries, rushed strongly, and severely damaged the confidence of capitalists and investors.

In the past few years, the "self -tossing" situation must be determined to reverse strongly in order to re -promote the virtuous circle, restore the confidence of internal and external capital production, stabilize the employment market, increase employee income, and rebuild consumer desire.

The deterioration of the international political and economic environment faced by China is not only the historic changes such as the broken chain between China and the United States and China and the European Europe, but also the multiple factors in frontFaced with inflation and other issues such as inflation and other countries, the difficulty of exacerbating recovery.The continuous diplomacy of China and developed countries has affected the willingness to maintain the enthusiasm of economic and trade in other countries to a certain extent.

The downward economy has prompted China to restrict the outflow of capital, which directly affects investment in Southeast Asia.A report published by the Australian Interest Trek Roy International Policy Research Institute showed that China has significantly reduced economic assistance to Southeast Asian countries in 2021, which was nearly half of the 2015.Southeast Asia is still the largest trading partner in China to this day. The Chinese economy has declined and its huge market momentum has slowed down, which will inevitably lead to impact on export data in Southeast Asian countries. Local economists have pointed out that although Singapore's exports to China have recently risen, if it has risen, but if it has risen, but if it has risen, if it has risen, but if it has risen, if it has risen, if it has risen, but if it has risen, but if it has risen, if it has risen, if it has risen, but if it has risen, if it has risen, if it has risen, but if it has risen, if it has risen, if it has risen, but if it has risen, but if it has risen, if it has risen, if it has risen, but if it has risen, if it has risen, it will still rise.Excluding miscellaneous transactions, non -oil domestic exports decreased by 21.7%year -on -year.

As for the tourism industry, the operators who look forward to the rapid return of Chinese tourists after the epidemic will not help but disappoint. China has recently resumed visa exemption from some countries including Singapore. It may be based on the introduction of abortion and foreign exchange.Significantly increasing flights from China and foreign countries are still confused, because it is a necessary supporting measure to attract tourists.

The international community is paying attention to whether the Central Political Bureau of the Mainland Government Central Politburo earlier than previous years can come up with economic stimulus measures that meet the market expectations, but to effectively reverse the dilemma, we must face the roots of real economic issues and leave asidePolitical interference, respecting the laws of the market, improving the construction of the legal system, restoring domestic and foreign capital confidence as soon as possible, so that the policy and execution surface will maintain long -term stability and peace, make good use of the scale effects of the Chinese market, open the pulse, and gradually get out of the valley.