Source: Wangbao Society Review

Following US Secretary of State Brills and Treasury Minister Yellen visited Beijing, climate special envoy Kerry became the third American senior official to visit China in the near future.He has talked with the Prime Minister of the State Council of the State Council, Wang Yi, director of the Central Foreign Office of the mainland government, Han Zheng, vice chairman of the State, and the special envoy of climate change.Can't get rid of the fact that the two parties have the relationship between the climate.

Cry Visit China Regulating the Climate

Kerry is optimistic about the cooperation between the two countries, and believes that the two parties have "clearly reached an agreement" in many things, but they still need to do "more work", and there are some problems that need more time to solve.The US media also commented that although Kerry has no specific harvest, at least the two high -level interoperability and communication mechanisms of the two countries have gradually recovered.In August last year, Perosi visited Taiwan, and the mainland suspended cooperation with the United States on climate, security and other global governance issues.The high -levels of the two sides are closely exchanged, the restart of Lu and the United States relations, and the cooperation with various issues has indeed created opportunities.It can be said that Cry's trip is working hard to regulate Lu Mei's "big climate".

Since the summer of this year, the world has been attacked by high temperature extremes around the world, and the world's high temperature records have been refreshed continuously.In June, the global average sea surface temperature reached a new high, and the area of Antarctic sea ice hit a record low.Climate crisis has become an imminent challenge for all mankind.Therefore, internationally, he has expectations for the Sino -US dialogue and cooperation.

Facing the climatic crisis, no country or individual can be alone, and the joint cooperation of various countries is a rational choice.In fact, China and the United States have complementary space on the issue of qi change, and have also had a good foundation for cooperation.

The two parties have jointly promoted the effectiveness of the Paris Agreement, established a working group to strengthen climate action, and launch a series of cooperation agenda.When Biden and Xi Jinping met with Xi Jinping last year, the two parties emphasized that the cooperation must be strengthened on the issue of climate change to confirm the importance of Qi Change cooperation with the consensus of the head of state.

However, there are still many differences in cooperation between the two countries.On the eve of Crey's visit to China, there are three important issues in this trip, including China control and reduce the methane emissions plan, how China gradually get rid of coal commitments, and the US -China cooperation plan for forest cutting.These issues are undoubtedly pressured China, asking China to bear more responsibility for emission reduction, which contradicts that China claims that the "common but different responsibility principle" is contradictory.

Can't erase China's efforts and contributions on the problem of qi change. China has not only reached the "carbon peak", "carbon neutral" major strategic decisions.The series of measures have built the world's largest clean -up power generation system. The installed capacity of hydropower, wind power, and solar power generation ranks first in the world.China hopes to withdraw the carbon reduction commitment with its own development rhythm and advocate that Western advanced economies should bear more historical responsibilities.

The challenge of all human beings of climate crisis

In addition, due to the influence of the game of science and technology, economy and trade in the two countries, Qi -changing cooperation is inevitably limited.In 2022, the United States passed the United States Competition Act and strengthened its targeting China in the field of energy and other fields, and included a number of Chinese optoelectronic companies on the ban list.Reuters believes that restricting the import of solar panel products in China, but the insufficient production capacity of the United States has caused the freezing of solar energy construction projects, which has adversely affected the ability of the United States to respond to climate change and the development of clean energy. The United States has to relax and restore imports.

The United States enters the election year, and there are great differences in the issue of qi change issues, which will cause uncertainty of the US policy.On the eve of Crey's visit to China, he was interviewed by Republican MPs in the House of Representatives, and was criticized that it did not put enough pressure on China's carbon reduction.The American party fighting will be hazy for the cooperation between the two countries.

Qi -changing cooperation should not be reduced to the tools of party fighting. The issues of climate cooperation and politics and security issues are not easy to cut. However, in order to promote cooperation, the two sides should still show the sincerity of each other, so as to create opportunities to solve the problems of bilateral relations.In any case, this time the Cileng interview promoted the recurrence of Qi -changing dialogue between China and the United States, and has inject confidence in global changes in the cooperation of global qi.At the end of this year, the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention Conference (COP28) will be held. It is expected that China and the United States will conduct close communication, dialogue and cooperation on COP28 negotiations.It is hoped that the cooperation between qi will become a buffer zone and communication channel between China and the United States, leading the global power to form a cooperation in response to the challenges of qi change.