Source: Ming Pao

Author: Ouyang Wu

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen's visit to China has just returned to China, and the special envoy of the presidential climate, Kerry, visited Beijing.In addition, China and the United States are communicating with the U.S. Minister of Commerce Raymond.Since the recovery of China and the United States in May this year, in order to implement the consensus of the Bali of Bali in Indonesia last year, China and the United States have been in a rhythmic way.

Among the several U.S. officials who visited China, Yellen is a rare politician who has clearly expressed the "decourse".Economist who was born in private said privately that she had calculated the benefits of fully canceling tariffs to the United States, but it was very difficult to promote others.Kerry is a "mild faction" in China in American politics. He actively promotes talking to China in terms of climate change. He believes that if the United States is unwilling to talk to China, it will be "the worst diplomatic and political malfeasance."They all believe that communication channels must be established between China and the United States.Before the hearing, he was scolded "weak position in China."

The rise of the United States to Hua Li Xian School

The author has recently observed that the differentiation of domestic attitudes towards China is becoming increasingly clearer.This differentiation does not take official, folk, eagle, and pigeons as the boundary.Instead, China and the United States have been fighting for many years, and more and more people have seen the current situation. They tend to treat Sino -US relations with rationality, and the power of rational factions has begun to reveal.

Earlier, extreme anti -China forces have almost kidnapped the United States' policy atmosphere to China. It seems that toughness to China is "political correctness", forming a "cold cicada effect" that no one speaks of Sino -US relations.In the past few months, there have been endless streams of people in the American business community, such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and so on.People in politics and academics have also begun to publicly express their words against "decoupling against China."People familiar with the matter revealed that the executives of many American semiconductor companies such as Intel, Qualcomm and Nvidda planned to visit Washington recently to lobby the Bayeng government to prevent Washington from tightening the restrictions on the sales of advanced chips and export semiconductor manufacturing equipment.They are not necessarily "pigeons" and "pro -Chinese factions", but they are indeed "pragmatic" and "sober factions".

The predicament of the US economy is an important reason for the rise of rational factions.At present, domestic inflation is under great pressure, and government debt is facing the risk of "thunder".China is the second largest economy in the world, one of the main credits of U.S. Treasury bonds, and the main external market of the United States.The United States hopes to maintain debt cooperation with China.If the United States and China "cut off chain" will seriously impact a large number of US high -tech companies and normal exchanges between China and China, and a large amount of revenue will be reduced.

The essence of rationality is to seek truth from facts, and more and more people realize that it is impossible for China and the United States to be decoupled.Apple CEO (CEO) Tim Cook described its company and China as a "symbiotic relationship"; Musk believed that "the interests of the United States and China are like a conjoined baby."During the visit to China, Yellen said that if the two largest economies in the world "decoupled", it will bring major instability to the global economy, and it is impossible for China and the United States to "decompose".In addition, many rational people realize that climate change, global poverty reduction, medical care and other fields depend on Sino -US cooperation and leadership.

In October last year, the Bayeng government released the first national security strategy report that locked China as the most likely and most capable of threatening the international status of the United States.At this point, the United States' strategic positioning of China has been determined, and the game between China and the United States has entered a fierce stage and existed for a long time.

The two small steps are highly rational strength

Some comments believe that when the US strategic positioning of China has been determined, the Kerry visit to China has a great chance to be the same as Yellen, and there is no substantial results.The recent article published by "Voice of Germany" believes that the frequent interaction between China and the United States in the near future represents that the two countries are recovering communication with "small step diplomacy".The article states that the list of issues that China and the United States need to communicate are long. "Small step diplomacy" may be the only feasible way to balance the impatience between the two countries.China and the United States choose to start with communication and small steps.

Former US Secretary of State Kissinger evaluated the current Sino -US relations, "the only way to prevent devastating conflicts in the United States and China is a calm diplomacy."The remarks are the appeals to the rational forces between China and the United States, so that rationality has played more role in relations between the two countries.

The author is current affairs commentator