Source: China Youth Daily

Junior high school graduate and 16 -year -old young man Li Yan (pseudonym), the first job found was "game accompanying players".Today, he has been doing it for almost two years and is preparing to retreat. "I don't want to do these on the Internet, even if I earn 3,000 yuan in two days."

The Chinese gaming industry report in 2022 shows that the actual sales revenue of the Chinese game market in 2022 was 265.884 billion yuan, and the number of game users was 664 million.Simultaneous development with the game market is the emerging profession that some young people yearn for- "game accompanied players". This good job of "can play games and earns money" has attracted a lot ofYoung people.

But China Youth Daily · China reporters found that although some media reported that the China Communications Industry Association E -sports Branch had previously promulgated the announcement of the game accompanying team body standard, the mixed industry environment of fish and dragons, it is difficult to retain stable practitionersEssenceAt the same time, some informal, group -style "accompanying groups" are attracting waves of united students to join.

Earn 3,000 yuan in two days, feel the eyes are almost blind

Li Yan is now a professional online "game accompanying player". Every night, it is the best time when Li Yan has the best job and the best time for major networks to accompany the platform.During this period, netizens have the greatest demand for games.

"Run fast!" Li Yan frowned, staring at the game interface, directing the "boss" at the other end of the Internet, and dare not to neglect and relax.After all, the other party paid money.

Freedom, pay for it according to singles, and make money while playing. This is the "ideal work" in the eyes of many young people."I was only 16 years old at that time, and I couldn't find other suitable jobs." In the year of junior high school, Li Yan failed to rise into high school.With the support of his parents, he joined a small game accompanying group through the introduction of the middleman, and became a "game accompanying player" who mainly attacked the "Peace Elite".

Since then, with the expansion of the connections, Li Yan has joined a large -scale accompanying group with a well -known player in the play world.He entered the game as a technical "game accompanying player", and now his playback price every half an hour is 35 yuan.

This "worth" is a high price in the field of vertical door games "Peace Elite".Li Yan received the largest list, allowing him to earn 3,000 yuan in just two days.

"This is a" God of War "(that is, the game accompanied by the game to play the list), very tired, I only slept for five or six hours in two days." This time, I played with Li Yan.The eyes are about to be blind. "

Li Yan told reporters that in the game accompanying the circle, there are almost no "boss" (that is, the customers who play with the game) and will pay attention to whether the "accompanying player" has relevant identification qualifications.

There are rules and thresholds for admission, but some have no age restrictions

China Youth Daily · reporters noticed that the "game accompaniment group" is a key "middleman" in the field of game accompanying play.It is also known as the "accompaniment club". It is a network organization that integrates training management, customer source network, and players. It is usually composed of a group leader and multiple "accompanying players" and sending single members.

Unlike the active "squat bosses" on the major players, "selling" their personal "accompanying players" to the boss, and the "accompanying players" in the player group have relatively stable customers.At the beginning of the game to accompany the game, most people will apply for joining the game to accompany the game.

There are relatively orderly organizational structures and division of labor with the play group.When the "accompanying player" was offended by the words of the "boss", the commissioner in the players would come forward to the "accompanying player".


button (pseudonym) accompanying group is quite large. There are more than 1,000 members in one of the accompaniment groups, and there are 3-4 accompaniment groups of such a scale.The leader of the big team is the administrator of each group, and the team leader has a group leader.

Once the "accompanying player" encounters any disadvantages at work, you can report to the sending order.If the team leader cannot solve the problem, it will be left directly to the leader to help solve it.

The threshold for the entry of "game accompanying players" is mainly "assessment technology".Li Yan told reporters that he was not asked if he was an adult before joining the play group."There will be a series of assessments, mainly depending on technology. There will also be training to teach you how to receive orders, how to chat with customers, how to grab orders, and audition." Li Yan introduced that different sizes of play groups and methods of inspectionAre not the same.

Taking the companion group where the buttons are located as an example, this companion group will also ask the "accompanying player" to complete a online questionnaire."First send a guidance manual to the person who wants to join the group, and then arrange a special" teacher "for lectures." The button introduced, this kind of admission test is the next day, "those who fail to pass can only keep the lessons and take the exam., Until pass. "

On individual platforms, through a group test, it is only one step developed by the "accompanying player". Paying the "entry deposit" is the last step to become a formal "game accompanying player".Before joining the regiment, Li Yan paid a deposit of 1,000 yuan. After the one -month "background investigation" claimed in the group, the accompanying group returned the deposit in full.The small group where the buttons are in the small group will collect 29 yuan for the new membership fee, and will not be refunded in the later period.

But the "background survey" seems to have nothing to do with the real age of "accompanying players"."It requires the applicant to be 18 years old, and you will also ask you to provide your ID card, but as long as you say that you are an adult, it will default to you. When you pay the group fee, it means that you have passed." The button said.

Some accompanying groups also have "internal regulations", which is considered to be the most basic "professional bottom line" of "game accompaniment".These rules are mainly used to handle the relationship between the boss and the "accompanying player".The industry consensus is -prohibited from "accompanying players" to contact the boss privately, let alone bypassing a single member to "receive private work."

The button revealed that compared with the age of age, "opening one eye and closing one eye", the accompanying group's management of the "jump order" in the group's members was much stricter."‘ Grabbing the boss ’is to be punished.” She said that once in private, the “accompaniment” would be “kicked directly”, and even some people would be attached to a certain amount of salary.

Different accompanying groups have different drawings.The club part of the accompanying group is drawn from 0.5 yuan to 1.5 yuan per order.In addition, the game resource presented by the boss in the game to the "accompanying player" was owned by the first gift, and the second gift was distributed for the second gift and the "accompanying player" five or five.The accompanying group where Fengfeng (pseudonym) is located directly to 10%to 20%of the playback fees.

Playing and becoming accompanied, the female "accompany player" picks up the strange order late at night

Although the income is acceptable, Li Yan still decided to "retreat".On the 17th birthday, a boss transferred 1,000 yuan to Li Yan as a birthday gift; many "peace elites" accompanied objects invited Li Yongben to meet.

"Game accompanying players", male college student Fengfeng was also frequently entangled by a 16 -year -old girl in his short -term career. "Even she even received her private application for her privately." Fengfeng finally was in the end.With the help of the administrator of the player group, we screened the boundaries with the girl.

Some women's "accompanying players" encounter is even more wonderful.Late at night, Nan Tao (pseudonym) received a strange point of accompanying.Single people are a male. He hopes that Nan Tao and another female "accompany playist" played a triangle "abuse" drama with himself in the game scene, and proposed to let Nan Tao in the virtual scene during the game process.Make the requirements of erotic meaning.

"Girls with poor psychological affordability are not recommended to be accompanied, aggravating mental internal consumption." Ranran (pseudonym) shared the sharing written on the Douyin platform to receive nearly 500 likes.

It's a middle school student in schoolShe introduced that she can't play the game by herself, and she can't do "technical companionship", so she can only make some pocket money for "entertainment accompaniment".Some of the "Sweet List", "Tree Cave", and "Sleeping for Sleeping" in the game are her key unilateral directions.

It has experienced countless things that are unreasonable to outsiders.She is like a bad emotional trash can. She has to endure words, ask for erotic photos, and entangle herself.

The long -term demand for deformity has derived the gray chain in the game accompaniment industry.Li Yan believes that the existence of this type of Huangyou player has disrupted the overall ecology of the game accompanying industry.

A person familiar with the name of the name says it is difficult to crack down on the suspension of informal accompanying groups in the industry.The bases of this kind of accompaniment group are not on a regular play platform, but are active on some social platforms in the form of the community."Even if the WeChat group is reported to be closed, the new community will be established immediately." This person familiar with the matter introduced that such a player group "immune to reporting", "the industry rules on the bright face are not allowed to allow such accompaniment groups to existBut it is actually difficult to control. "

Li Yan plans to bid farewell to the field of "game accompaniment".The buttons regard the accompanying experience as "a dream". "I have been at home for a while at home, and then I have fun with everyone at the accompanying group." She said that she has gradually recovered now and is ready to be in September this year.Return to campus.

Pu Yanqi, a lawyer of Shanghai Shentong Law Firm, told reporters that in the game accompanied by the game, the organizer if he recruits minors under the age of 16 to engage in the work of "game accompaniment", in fact, it is violated to ban the use of children's workers andThe relevant provisions of the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China have legal risks of being fined and revoking business licenses.

If you do the yellow matter in the name of accompanying, the "accompanying player", customers and middle parties will face the risk of administrative penalties for fines and detention.In addition, some so -called "platforms" are under the name of providing customer orders and training, charging tuition fees, margin and other fees, but they do not provide relevant training or provide customer orders after charging.Responsibility belongs to the behavior of "deceiving money".

Pu Yanqi reminds the intermediary organization of "Game Accompanying Player" to strictly review the age, legally compliant operation of the employees, and "wipe the ball" without pornography;The situation should be identified carefully.