Source: Taiwan United Daily

United Daily Black and White Collection

On the hot summer day, more than 20,000 people attended the July 16th "fairness and righteous march".In the absence of the Wicked Party mobilization, the scale is not small.Hou Youyi, Ke Wenzhe, Guo Taiming, and Shili all arrived in the wild camp, and there was a trend of "unity to resist green".

The strong contrast to this is the All -generation conference of the DPP at the Yuanshan Hotel.The Green Camp Party State members wore a large jacket in the air -conditioned house and shouted the slogan to make momentum.President Tsai didn't know if he turned a blind eye to the parade, or was ridiculous, and said that "air -conditioning is not bad."The arrogance of the person in power is fine at a glance.It is difficult for rational voters to look in the eyes.

However, returning to Kaidao can find that the DPP's arrogance comes.The demands of the parade are "judicial and residential justice", and the protest object is of course the governor.However, looking at the audience, the first, Hou Youyi came to the stage and was booed. The chairman of the time of the time, Wang Wanzhang, "three -pointers green, seven -point blue and white", which caused dissatisfaction among the masses."Anti -green" is incompetent, of course, the DPP is not afraid.

The main axis of the Democratic Progressive Party is "democratic solidarity and standing Taiwan". Lai Qingde settled that the election campaign was "the choice of democracy and autocracy"."" ".The non -green camp also has a plan to cooperate with the DPP after the selection. Is it too naive or too much to think of "don't have to get off the Democratic Progressive Party"?

Japanese scholar Kaga, a Japanese scholar who has long studied Taiwan elections for a long time, said that the presidential election Lan Baihe, "not just 1+1 = 2."Shinji this says!Anti -green is not a blue and white "1+1", but a dispute between ideas, justice and reform.It must be "n+1", standing on the same front to play.