The former Minister of State and Politics and Social Policy, Shang Daman, from July 8, unloaded all government positions and withdrawn from the People's Action Party, marking that this year's presidential election has started.If the presidential election is compared with a horse racing, then the current situation is "the head of the head, who is fighting with the front"?

According to statistics, Singapore meets more than 1,200 qualifications for presidential candidates, and the system outsiders account for the majority.If the province thinks about the deep reasons, Zhang Zhixian, the Minister of State and the Minister of State and the Minister of State Security, recently provided a reference answer from one side on the "difficulties of politics" on the conclusion of the black and white house incident in Congress.

As a senior cabinet member who has been in politics for more than 30 years, 68 -year -old Zhang Zhixian pointed out that politics must face many personal sacrifice, such as personal words and deeds are enlarged and examined under the spotlight.; If necessary, the privacy information of individuals and families must be disclosed. Lack of private space and time, and it is often necessary to abandon the precious growth of accompanying children.

As the top talent or successful person in society, it is boundGo to the road of politics.Therefore, choosing and inviting high -quality talents to join the ruling team has always been a major challenge for the Singapore government.

The noise on the Internet "High -salary", often ignoring the "nude salary system" that Singapore's political system is implemented. Cabinet members have no official residence, no private car allowances, no hidden benefits, and no slightest slightest.Use positions to carry out the space for "renting".The salary and benefits of many "migrant emperors" in the corporate community are far higher than the cabinet minister. For example, the total salary of the President of the Star Show Group Gao Bude reached 15.38 million yuan in 2022, while the annual salary of the Singapore president is currently 1.54 million yuan, which is equivalent to only equivalent to the equivalentone tenth.

One of the protagonists of the black and white houses, the Minister of the Internal Affairs and Minister of Law, Shang Morgan, was much higher than the current minister's salary.Shang Morgan has proven innocence after being investigated by the Corruption Council, but when we are as a bystander, when we watch him accept various questions and inquiries from the back seats and the opposition party, we will use the same principle of tolerance.Thinking about it: If he did not choose to give up the career in lawyers, Singapore would miss a competent outstanding minister, but is it a happier life path for him or family?

We must admit that we are in a secular society, and everyone has the right to pursue happiness. Whether the personal definition of happiness is rich or mental, we should be affirmed.Shangdaman used the "uplink electric escalator" to compare Singapore's vision to create a tolerance society: as a country, it is necessary to maintain a system that can continue to move up to move in the social steps.Encourage those who are capable to cross the steps up, but no one can be based on the price of sacrifice for others.Effectively protecting social liquidity can make more people have a tolerance, and use the same reason to accept others more successful and happier than themselves.

Singapore is about to usher in the 58th birthday, and the government is also steadily transitioning to the fourth -generation leadership.In the chaotic world, we must continue to maintain the long -term stability and stability and prosperity of small countries.Singapore needs a clean and efficient governance team, and also a tolerance and overall society.

The author is the president of the Asia -Pacific Regional Enterprise Group