Source: Wind Media

Author: Xu Mian Sheng

NATO (NATO) held a summit on July 11, which was selected in Lithuania, which borders Russia, to demonstrate to Russia.

At the summit, although the member states did not agree to Ukraine immediately join NATO, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Norway decided to increase military aid Ukraine and promise to strengthen their defense force.The summit bullets also strongly criticized mainland China.It fully showed that the United States did not change its attitude towards the Russian and Ukraine War, and decided to continue the war to stop the war and force Russia to withdraw unconditionally.

NATO is led by the United States.Except for France's occasional objections to specific issues, the NATO allies have always been in the United States.After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the NATO allies continued to help Ukraine, which can be said to follow the will of the United States.Can the United States and Western countries condemn Russia and sacrifice economic sanctions and continuously help Ukraine. Can it really promote Russia and Ukraine?

Western countries led by the United States directly involved in the Russia and Ukraine War, on the surface, it seemed to maintain international justice and assist the invaders to resist the launch of the invaders.This moral high behavior should gain international consistent recognition and support.Everyone has the money to pay for it, and strongly contributes to defeating the invaders in one fell swoop.But do the United States and Western countries do their best?In addition to providing a small number of arms weapons, do you have to do his elite, and even send troops to help the battle?

The Russian President Putin launched the Russian and Ukraine War, which must be recognized by itself.If the sanctions in Western countries and the limited military aid Ukraine have been withdrawn, how will Putin be explained to the Russian military and civilians?How will he face the family members of the casualties?

If the NATO Organization 31 National Alliance, concentrated their strength to defeat the Russian army in one fell swoop, Putin will have to yield under the widow.However, without organizing the coalition forces in NATO, Putin ordered Russia to withdraw troops, and its leadership in Russia must not be guaranteed.Will Putin go in any development?

After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, several European leaders in Europe had medals many parties, hoping to promote the suspension of the Russia and Ukraine, but futile.Therefore, all parties hope that mainland China, which has a close relationship with Russia and has international influence.After Xi Jinping visited Russia, he sent a special envoy Li Hui to visit Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, the European Union headquarters and Russia in May.

Li Hui said after the interview that he felt that all parties supported political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis. Russia said that Russia never opposed peace talks, and Ukraine also expressed treasures and desire peace.The two sides did not close the door to peace talks.China believes that if you really want to stop the war, save your life, and achieve peace, you should stop transporting weapons to the battlefield, otherwise it will continue to increase the tension.

However, Li Huiyan is still in his ears, but the NATO allies continue to transport weapons to Ukraine, which clearly runs counter to peace.Putin did not want to stop the war, but you must find the lower step.The United States led NATO to deal with Putin with tough means, but it was neither willing to defeat the Russian army in one shock, nor did it cooperate with the mediation plan of mainland China.As a result, in addition to the two defeats of Russia and Ukraine, what kind of results can the Ukraine people suffer?