The General Youth League last Thursday (July 13) announced the report of the new generation employee in 2023.Collecting their opinions on career, finance and psychological health, and listed five major measures to assist young people to enter their career from the school more smoothly.The point is to increase vocational mentors, emphasize quality internship opportunities, to short -term trials in the enterprise, etc. By 2025, it will also increase the certification personnel who master the spiritual and psychological emergency skills of the peers to 2,500.It is known that the pilot plan of this business launched was quite active in the company. At present, more than a hundred well -known enterprises have provided more than 900 jobs.This is a large -scale investigation report for young people. It has special significance to understand the ideas of the new generation of people in the field of employment in the field of employment in the field of employment.

Zhu Beiqing, General Secretary -General of Vocational Assistant and Secretary -General and Youth League consultant, pointed out that according to the group contact, local young people in the new generation have a set of ideas and sense of responsibility for their future.It is believed that the younger generations are mostly strawberries, and they can't stand the pressure. This is quite worthy of attention.A reality is that some developed or developing countries including the United States, Japan, and China have a social phenomenon of "lying down", especially when the economy is not downturn, they have the mentality of giving up their struggle for employment and life prospects.Or join the tide of pursuing "quiet resignation", only the workplace does not work, and no longer agree with the value of the pursuit of excellence.On the one hand, this reflects the psychological pursuit of balance of work and life, and it is understandable to some extent, but on the other hand, it reveals that many contemporary young people are in the environment of no worry -free food and clothing, and the development of the Internet and social media.The idea of pursuing career achievements is not interested.

From the investigation, it is found that this phenomenon has not yet appeared.Under the impact of the tide of science and technology, the huge changes that may occur in the future industry make the school's courses likely to occur in the workplace needs.Comparable to middle -aged people who are transformed.Therefore, actively assisting and encouraging young people to enter the workplace to start career and smooth transition, not only helping individuals, but also adapting to the national economic transformation or industrial labor, but also great benefits.

The survey also found that the main concern of the most young people's entry into the workplace is salary and financial expenses after graduation. This can be interpreted as a major characteristic of local youths. It is rational and pragmatic.Young people who have already employed no longer want to reach out to ask their parents for money, and even many people know how to give their parents home, and saving for future families or further studies. These should be a good phenomenon.As one of the Asian cities with the highest salary of young people, the expected psychology of Singapore Youth shows that on the one hand, the government must continue to promote economic growth and do a good job of wealth distribution in order to meet the social period.Good talents; but on the other hand, society should continue to encourage and create cultural and creative spaces other than money. Do not forget human feelings on the way to create a rich.consciousness.The planning of the Vocational Corporation has a significance of promoting social cohesion with youth counseling youth.

Young people in a country have longing for workplace and society, willing to work hard for career, family and life, and restlessness in front of them. It is particularly important in this era of rapid changes and technology changes in technology.As the main cooperation and support platform for Singapore's labor force, if the maintenance and support platform of Singapore can continue and gradually expand to assist young people to stand in the workplace smoothly, they can avoid unnecessary setbacks in the process of economic transformation.But at the same time, it is necessary to grasp the size so that people can know that the general or government is not a nanny and can be escorted all the way.After leaving school, young people should establish awareness of self -efforts and lifelong learning. They understand that in addition to the government and enterprises, the career direction of life must eventually rely on themselves.